This version has the normal map fixes, new atmosphere code, light time tweaks, and Christophe's recently added object name completion.
Here's a more complete list of changes:
Code: Select all
* Improved inclusion of light travel delay, also in KDE time setting dialog
* Fixed lookback command for subsequent changes of target speed
* Allow wildcard character * inplace of extension for texture filenames
* Fix bump mapping (again)
* Use standard normal maps instead of x-reversed ones
* Compute the radii of stars more accurately by using bolometric magnitudes
* Permit star names to be defined within .stc files
* Fixed near clipping of small deep sky objects
* Windows: added auto magnitude toggle to render menu
* KDE: added popup error notifications
* Allow oblate planets to have atmospheres
* Corrected specular highlights; abrupt cutoff near terminator eliminated
* Fixed 'hole in the sky' bug
* Allow sunset color to be specified in .ssc files
* Bound Ctrl+P to mark/unmark selection
* Implemented tab completion of star, planet, and deep sky object names
(I may have missed a couple . . .)
As usual, Linux users should rely on compiling from the CVS tree to get the latest Celestia changes.