I have reconfigured the equation to calculate orbital periods (which are provided below in case someone else needs them too) and thought about a collection of formulas and equations about astronomy by providing common text representations (or Python assuming a user did
from math import *, so instead of writing
math.sqrt(x) write
sqrt(x)) of the formulas/equations and (optionally) normal renderings (like below). It would also be good to provide reconfigured formulas for all variables.
An example (which directly counts to the collection):
Calculate the orbital period (in years), mass of central object (suns) or semi-major axis (AU) from the other two values:
Code: Select all
p = sqrt(a**3 / m)
a = cbrt(sqrt(p) * m)
m = a**3 / p**2
p is the orbital period in (Earth) years
a is the semi-major axis in AU
m is the central body's mass in sun masses
How the formulas look like in normal notation:
- form_orbit.png (8.92 KiB) Viewed 8969 times