many thanks for Celestia software, and very sorry that war in Ukraine troubles the forum.
I just tried to install Celestia on Ubuntu 22.04. First, tried to compile it, never managed to make it find stars.dat database file (message "Cannot read star database" at startup splash screen).
Thus, properly cleaned everything on HDD, and installed Celestia with apt (after having properly registered the key with gpg). It doesn't launch; if started from a console:
Code: Select all
luc@LGS1:~ $ celestia-qt
celestia-qt: symbol lookup error: celestia-qt: undefined symbol: _ZNK8celestia4util6Logger4vlogENS0_5LevelEN3fmt2v617basic_string_viewIcEENS4_11format_argsE
I couldn't find any reliable answer to this issue, only found quite weird information.
Many thanks if someone can help !