Sunlen, a fictional planetary system (IN DEVELOPMENT)

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Post #21by SpaceExplorer » 14.07.2022, 18:36

Yes, this was planned. Familiar names reminiscent of objects in our Solar System. For example, Jupion, sounds like Jupiter.

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Post #22by SpaceExplorer » 18.07.2022, 22:04

Orbits of the first five outer moons of Jupion:

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Post #23by trappistplanets » 19.07.2022, 14:22

EarthMoon wrote:The moons and planets names sounds like names from solar system
i knew it someone would notice and mention it, i noticed it but decided to not pipe up anything about it
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Post #24by SpaceExplorer » 22.07.2022, 01:14

All 20 of Jupion's moons have been added! 2 are internal, 5 spherical and 13 external.
Next week I will start adding Satunion moons, I plan to add 28.

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Post #25by SpaceExplorer » 25.07.2022, 15:06

Updated Terranion atmosphere! It got much better, honestly. The parameters were provided by TheLostProbe.

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Post #26by SpaceExplorer » 28.07.2022, 18:18

Pon, the first moon of Satunion added. It orbits in a gap in the planet's rings.

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Post #27by SpaceExplorer » 28.07.2022, 18:19

In addition, the system now contains a total of 15 asteroids and 10 comets.

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Post #28by SpaceExplorer » 01.08.2022, 21:21

New things added this last week:

- Added super bolide that is on a collision course with Terranion

- Added Apophis-like asteroid

- Added comet that is on a collision course with Jupion.

- Added texture for Amalea (Jupion's moon)

- Added a total of 8 moons of Satunion. Still need to add 20.

I'm also working on something very interesting (but for now it's a secret) :biggrin:
Super bolide minutes before entering Terranion's atmosphere
Apophis-like asteroid passing close to Terranion
A gigantic comet minutes before colliding with Jupion, the largest planet in the Sunlen system
Amalea with a very reddish texture
The 8 innermost moons of Satunion

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Post #29by SpaceExplorer » 10.08.2022, 17:07

Now Satunion already has 14 moons. There are still 14 more to go. Of course I had to add a Titan-like moon, named Titoan. The surface texture of the moon is by John Van Vliet, I just made a few changes to it in terms of color.
Titoan moon (atmosphere and surface)

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Post #30by SpaceExplorer » 23.08.2022, 16:44

Finally concludes the 28 moons of Satunion. After that, I will create 12 moons for Uranion and 10 moons for Neptunion.

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Post #31by SpaceExplorer » 25.08.2022, 18:58

Of course it couldn't be missing, a Pluto-Charon like system, and here it is, Plution and Chyarion

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Post #32by SpaceExplorer » 05.09.2022, 19:42

The 4 inner and irregular moons of Uranion. In the next few days I will add 5 large and spherical moons, and finally 5 outer and also irregular moons. Now the total will be 14 moons, 2 more than planned.

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Post #33by SpaceExplorer » 07.09.2022, 13:14

Uranion now has its 14 moons! There are 4 internal, 5 spherical and 5 external.

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Post #34by SpaceExplorer » 07.09.2022, 13:30

And here is also the first centaur. With the rings, it clearly reminds us of Chariklo or Chiron.

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Post #35by TheLostProbe » 07.09.2022, 22:29

lovely rings! and where did you get that model from?

by the way, next friday is the last day of this term, so i will have more free time to help you with sunlen development :biggrin: :wink:
"Carbon stars with ancient satellites colonized by sentient fungi. Gas giants inhabited by vast meteorological intelligences. Worlds stretched thin across the membranes where the dimensions intersect... impossible to describe with our limited vocabulary."
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Post #36by SpaceExplorer » 07.09.2022, 22:47

Several asteroid models are available for download in this thread: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=20402

They were models created by Astra/Snowfall and converted to cmod by fyr02 and LukeCEL. They are excellent models.

And well, at the moment I would only need a reduced size Terranion night map. Development so far is going very well. :smile: :wink:

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Post #37by SpaceExplorer » 13.09.2022, 17:50

Here's the "secret". When watching some KSP videos, I remembered, why not do something similar on a fictional system in Celestia? And here's a demonstration, a NEAR-like probe that performs a flyby of two NTOs (Near-Terranion Objects). The first asteroid is an Apophis-like one, the same one that brushes past Terranion, and the second is a large asteroid with a moon. All asteroid and probe positions were defined based on the SSC.

It would be fantastic if Celestia simulated gravity, it would be possible to use a gravitational assist from Terranion for this probe to reach the main belt and explore some other asteroid. But unfortunately gravity is not simulated on Celestia. :cry:

3D model of the NEAR probe that was used is by Jack Higgins
Probe flyby of Apophis-like asteroid
A flyby of the probe by the largest of the NTOs, which has a moon.

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Post #38by SevenSpheres » 13.09.2022, 18:01

SpaceExplorer wrote:It would be fantastic if Celestia simulated gravity, it would be possible to use a gravitational assist from Terranion for this probe to reach the main belt and explore some other asteroid. But unfortunately gravity is not simulated on Celestia. :cry:

You just have to simulate it yourself in the trajectory.
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Post #39by SpaceExplorer » 13.09.2022, 18:05

Oh yes. As far as I know, it would be possible to define a new SSC trajectory after the first one. But for now I won't do that, I have to finish other things in terms of development.

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Post #40by TheLostProbe » 14.09.2022, 03:33

you can use xyzv and/or spice files for spacecraft (and non-spacecraft bodies!) instead of ssc trajectories, which allows you to set the course of the spacecraft along a preset course. because the trajectory is preset, it allows you to "simulate" the gravity of objects in space pulling the craft in a different direction
"Carbon stars with ancient satellites colonized by sentient fungi. Gas giants inhabited by vast meteorological intelligences. Worlds stretched thin across the membranes where the dimensions intersect... impossible to describe with our limited vocabulary."
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