Looking for VT tile making software

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Looking for VT tile making software

Post #1by Shadow-Dragon-777 » 29.11.2021, 04:12

Hello there,
I am looking for software that subdivides a giant texture (in my case, textures up to 64K) into smaller tiles for each level for a VT.
Does anyone have any idea where I can find such a software?
(EDIT: I have tried Ftex tools and I either cannot figure out how to use it or it does not work on my computer)
Last edited by Shadow-Dragon-777 on 29.11.2021, 14:33, edited 1 time in total.

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Post #2by john71 » 29.11.2021, 11:49

Gimp free software -> Image menu -> Guides -> Slice Using Guides -> export as DDS image.

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Post #3by Shadow-Dragon-777 » 29.11.2021, 14:33

I would but that would take my computer like 2 whole days to do and I plan to do 7 of 64K resolution and several at 32 or 16K resolutions.

John Van Vliet
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Post #4by John Van Vliet » 29.11.2021, 16:57

i have a linux bash script i use to cut images into tiles
it uses the vips image library

other than this there is only frigers texture tools

the tex tools require that the input image be in RAW!!!!! format
the Gmic program is what i use to convert a png or tiff into a raw image

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Post #5by john71 » 29.11.2021, 18:58

Shadow-Dragon-777 wrote:I have tried Ftex tools and I either cannot figure out how to use it or it does not work on my computer

Use 8192x8192 pixels tiles, so there will be only a few of them. Most video cards can handle that much.

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Post #6by trappistplanets » 29.11.2021, 21:08

possible for anyone to show him how to use the Ftex's tools (witch shadow said needs CMD, witch is confusing the living heck out of him)
or help him with troubleshooting the program and see why its not working (if this is the case) and get it fixed
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Post #7by SevenSpheres » 29.11.2021, 21:25

Some members on the Discord server have been helping him with it, but it hasn't been working. According to John Van Vliet's post above, it's because the input images need to be in a raw format, like with NmTools. I've tried converting png images to raw images using both GIMP and (today) G'MIC for use with NmTools, but the results weren't much better.

Just recently on Discord, ajtribick suggested that F-TexTools and NmTools may not work on Windows. If that's the case, then probably the only way to create VTs on Windows is what john71 said.
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Post #8by john71 » 29.11.2021, 21:55

SevenSpheres wrote:probably the only way to create VTs on Windows is what john71 said.

Gimp allocates the tx_ x_y tile designations perfectly, after that you can use a batch renaming utility to change the name of the Gimp exported tiles in one step.

You only have to export manually the tiles, which are 2, 8, 32 etc. manual exports.

I was able to create a 256k Mars VT manually, in a few days.

John Van Vliet
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Post #9by John Van Vliet » 30.11.2021, 03:47

for the getting ancient fxtools libpng 12 MUST be installed

Code: Select all

(isis) john@localhost:/DATA/SUSE/bin> txtiles

Usage: txtiles <channels> <width> <level> [<PNG_compression>]

Version 1.0, August 2007, author: F. Schrempp

The program reads textures in unsigned bpp x 8 bit integer raw format
from STDIN. It outputs VT tiles with many optimizations in PNG format.

Units    : tilesize[pixel] = width/2^(level+1).

Input    : Interleaved RGB(A) storage mode ie. RGB(A)RGB(A)RGB(A)...
           for RGB (+ alpha) textures
           Inputwidth : inputheight = 2 : 1, power-of-two size.
           No header.
Default  : PNG_compression = Z_BEST_SPEED = 1
         : best choice for subsequent DXT compression!

For VT tiles in PNG format, enter PNG_compression = 6..9 (slow!)

For 4 x 8 bit RGB + alpha textures enter channels = 4.
For 3 x 8 bit  colored    textures enter channels = 3.
For 1 x 8 bit grayscale   textures enter channels = 1.

(isis) john@localhost:/DATA/SUSE/bin>

this is the std output of just running "txtiles" without any arguments

the input image MUST!!! be a raw image

use " png2bin" -- part of the texture tools package

Code: Select all

png2bin < InputImage.png > OutPutImage.raw

that gives you a 8 bit raw image

then as per the std output above that tells you how to use it

Code: Select all

 txtiles <channels> <width> <level> [<PNG_compression>]

you run ( for an 8 k image level3 vt with level 3 png compression)

Code: Select all

 txtiles 3 8192 3 3 < InputImage.raw

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Post #10by selden » 01.12.2021, 16:47

FWIW, I use a bash script based on Fridger's original zsh script which uses ImageMagick's convert utility. It isn't particularly fast, but is understandable (to me, anyhow). I use Cygwin under Windows to provide a linux-like environment with bash and ImageMagick, although Miicrosoft's "Windows Subsystem for Linux" (available for free through the Microsoft Store) probably would work, too.

Performance greatly depends on the amount of RAM, too. When using this virtualtex script, if three copies of the original full-resolution surface texture image don't fit into RAM, the computer will "page itself to death" (i.e. run absurdly slowly) because it has to use on-disk virtual memory.
script to split large image into smaller tiles
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Post #11by john71 » 01.12.2021, 17:43

selden wrote:FWIW, I use a bash script based on Fridger's original zsh script which uses ImageMagick's convert utility.

I think this problem should be handled by the developers (?). Or maybe a Gimp plugin would be practical, because Gimp has excellent memory handling capabilities and can slice and convert any image file. Using RAW files is not a great solution in 2021. Using Gimp manual slicing also sucks in my opinion, compared to an automated solution.

Without future VTs Celestia is dead.

John Van Vliet
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Post #12by John Van Vliet » 01.12.2021, 21:47

i use Vips image library and the Nip2 GUI quite a lot

here is my bash script

it takes as input a Vips ( *.v ) image and exports png tiles
a 64 k map takes about 4 min. to run

the script can also be edited to except any supported image format by un commenting out a few lines

Code: Select all

#! /bin/bash
function min () {
         if(( $1 < $2 )); then
                  echo $1
                  echo $2

if [ $# -lt 3 -o "$1" = " --help" ] ; then
 echo ' Usage: vipsvt [--help | <texture name><tile size><tile format>] [e|E|w|W]'

dir=`dirname $1`
file=`basename $1`
 #echo making local copy of image as $copy ...
#vips im_copy $1 $copy

width=`vips im_header_int Xsize $file`
height=`vips im_header_int Ysize $file`


while (( j * block_width + block_width <= height ));do
      ((top = j * block_width ))
  if [ $# -eq 4 ]; then
     if [ "$4" = "e" -o "$4" = "E" ]; then
          ioff=$(( width/block_width ))
     elif ["$4" = "w" -o "$4" = "W" ]; then
       echo "*** Incorrect 4th paramenter! **"

    while (( i * block_width + block_width <= width )); do
          ((left = i * block_width))
          toname=$dir/tx_$((i + ioff))_${j}.$fileformat
          ((right = $width - $left))
          ((bottom = $height - $top))
          tile_width=`min $block_width $right`
          tile_height=`min $block_height $bottom`
     echo extracting tile $left $top as $toname
          vips im_extract_area $file $toname \
              $left $top $tile_width $tile_height

  # rm $$_$file.v
  # rm $copy
   #rm $$_$file.desc

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Post #13by Shadow-Dragon-777 » 23.12.2021, 02:52

Okay so, my best bet is to use Gimp to subdivide it?

Does the grid feature on Gimp act as lines for the guillotine tool or do I have to manually add each of the 126 lines? Also does Gimp allow bulk saving of tiles?

Sorry about the necropost, I was busy last month and this sorta got buried.

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Post #14by john71 » 23.12.2021, 08:39

You should use 8192x8192 pixels tiles, so you have to slice only 2, 8 or 32 parts.

Use Image/Guides/New Guide by percent.

You need 1 vertical line in 16k (50%), 3 vertical and 1 horizontal lines in 32k (25%, 50%, 75% and 50% again).

At 64k you have to add 12,5%, 37,5% and so on.

After adding the guides, you slice in one step, but you have to export each new image manually.

You should also change the names: when there is ......0-0, the name should be tx_0_0.

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Post #15by Shadow-Dragon-777 » 06.01.2022, 00:42

I believe I may have found a shortcut that shortens this process greatly in Gimp. The filter section has a web slice function that I tested on a 16K Charon LOK texture I made and it seems to be able to do the job rather well, mass exporting the sliced images to PNG and adding a prefix to the tiles. though the guides still have to be placed manually before doing this, Gimp still to this day doesn't have a grid to guide transformation function. This tool shortens the process from taking a few days to taking just a couple hours. All I have to do is add the hundred something guides, put "tx" in image name prefix, and put it in the appropriately named level folder. Now to find a day where I have a few hours to do this.

Few questions:
Is 65536 pixel appropriate for level6 textures?
Are 1024 x 512 textures an appropriate size to use for tiles?

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Post #16by john71 » 06.01.2022, 06:53

Shadow-Dragon-777 wrote:Is 65536 pixel appropriate for level6 textures?
Are 1024 x 512 textures an appropriate size to use for tiles?

Levels are like this:

level0 2 tiles
level1 8 tiles
level2 32 tiles
level3 128 tiles
level4 512 tiles.

If you use small tiles (like 512x512 or 1024x1024), it means you need a LOT of levels.

On the other hand if you use 8192x8192 pixels tiles you will reach 64k at level2, 128k at level3 and 256k at level 4.

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Post #17by Shadow-Dragon-777 » 13.01.2022, 17:17

Well, update: I was able to get the images made but... Gimp names the tiles backwards IE the x coordinates are the y coordinates. I had to manually rename each one to its correct coordinate which took a few hours. After this the Titan texture worked perfectly. I plan to eventually release it here once I get a VT closeup of the Huygens landing site.

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