Zooming around in Celestia 1.6.2 disabled?

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Zooming around in Celestia 1.6.2 disabled?

Post #1by Duglis » 14.10.2020, 18:41

In the new 1.6.2 when i select go to location, it says travelling (#) in the bottom right but the program doesn't give a sense of moving around and zooming about like the old CELESTIA i had did. Do you know if there is an option to change this and have it seem like you are zooming around the cosmos when you select goto?

old newbie, Doug

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Joined: 08.10.2019
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Post #2by SevenSpheres » 14.10.2020, 18:50

You may be thinking of Celestia-ED, which goes to objects more slowly - this is done using a script. In celestia.cfg, replace InitScript  "start.cel" with InitScript  "slowergo-start-ED.celx".
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Celestia versions: 1.5.1, 1.6.1, 1.6.2, 1.7.0, and some unofficial versions like Celestia-ED

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