Extrasolar Planets (updated catalogue)

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Post #81by EarthSolar » 12.09.2020, 05:08

I think all IAU-approved proper names should be put in front of the designations so they show up in the name tag. Currently this is true for stars, in line with the default stars, but not the planets.

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Post #82by DrJMOS » 12.09.2020, 05:14

I've seen other problem, lot of gas giants that are class 2 appear as class 1 or 3
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Post #83by Sirius_Alpha » 15.09.2020, 20:24

DrJMOS wrote:I've seen other problem, lot of gas giants that are class 2 appear as class 1 or 3

Planet temperatures are calculated by the following.

Code: Select all

// Get sudarsky class + albedo.
double L_star = CalculateLuminosity();
for (int i = 0; i < PlanetList.Count; i++)
    // Determine planet equilibrium temperature.
    Planet P = PlanetList[i];
    if (!PlanetList[i].Param.Temp.Measured || PlanetList[i].MoonList.Count > 0)
        double numerator = (L_star);
        if (PlanetList[i].Param.BondAlbedo.Measured)
      numerator *= (1 - PlanetList[i].Param.BondAlbedo.value);
        double denominator = 16 * Constants.σ * Math.PI * Math.Pow(PlanetList[i].Param.Orbit.a.ConvertTo(Unit.Meter), 2);
        double Teq = Math.Pow(numerator / denominator, 1.0 / 4.0);
        if (!P.Param.Temp.Measured)
      P.Param.Temp = new Measurement(Teq.ToString(), Unit.Kelvin);

        // Add it for moons now.
        for (int j = 0; j < PlanetList[i].MoonList.Count; j++)
      if (!PlanetList[i].MoonList[j].Param.Temp.Measured)
             PlanetList[i].MoonList[j].Param.Temp = new Measurement(Teq.ToString(), Unit.Kelvin);

Stellar luminosity is calculated by

Code: Select all

        public double CalculateLuminosity()
            double R = Param.Radius.ConvertTo(Unit.Kilometer) * 1000; // meters.
            double T = Param.Temp.value; // K.
            double L = 4 * Math.PI * Math.Pow(R, 2) * Constants.σ * Math.Pow(T, 4);
            return L;

Then, giant planet textures are assigned through the following, respecting the temperature transitions given by Sudarsky, et al (2000).

Code: Select all

if (Param.Mass.Measured && Param.Mass.ConvertTo(Unit.EarthMass) > 3000) // Only if we have measured the mass.
    return SudarskyClass.BrownDwarf;
if (Param.Temp.ConvertTo(Unit.Kelvin) > 1500)
    if (!Param.GeometricAlbedo.Measured)
        Param.GeometricAlbedo = new Measurement("0.5"); // Celestia Default.
    return SudarskyClass.V;     // Metal/silicate clouds.
if (Param.Temp.ConvertTo(Unit.Kelvin) > 900)
    if (!Param.GeometricAlbedo.Measured)
        Param.GeometricAlbedo = new Measurement("0.05"); // Celestia Default.
    return SudarskyClass.IV;    // Alkali clouds.
if (Param.Temp.ConvertTo(Unit.Kelvin) > 350)
    if (!Param.GeometricAlbedo.Measured)
        Param.GeometricAlbedo = new Measurement("0.1"); // Celestia Default.
    return SudarskyClass.III;   // Cloudless.
if (Param.Temp.ConvertTo(Unit.Kelvin) > 250)
    if (!Param.GeometricAlbedo.Measured)
        Param.GeometricAlbedo = new Measurement("0.75"); // Celestia Default.
    return SudarskyClass.II;    // Water clouds.
if (!Param.GeometricAlbedo.Measured)
    Param.GeometricAlbedo = new Measurement("0.5"); // Celestia Default for Class I.
return SudarskyClass.I;         // Ammonia clouds.

If you find an error in my code, or that the orbit parameters I am using for a particular extrasolar planet are incorrect. Definitely let me know. Another potential source of error would be a bad value for the luminosity of the star -- likely due to an incorrect radius or temperature input. The latter would unfortunately not manifest in the .stc file unfortunately.
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Post #84by Sirius_Alpha » 03.10.2020, 04:33

TESS Sector 27 and 28 planets are out, as well as new planet candidates from Sectors 14-26. TESS has now detected over 3,000 planets and planet candidates. Additionally, with the addition of a few remaining systems, the extrasolar planet catalogue addon now contains all known transiting brown dwarfs (at least, I think it does).

WD 1856+534 b: The first known transiting extrasolar planet around a white dwarf

03 October 2020
- 111 TESS candidate planets added (TOI-2184 through TOI-2301).
- 17 TESS Community TOI's added.
- 27 TESS candidate planets have been determined to be false positives since the last update and excluded.
- Added TOI-# ID's for known transiting planets detected by TESS (WASP-7=TOI-2197, WASP-88=TOI-2198, etc).
- Added 7 new TESS candidate planet in known TOI systems (TOI-1440, 1706, 2016, 2086, 2104).
- Added WASP-116 and WASP-149 (link), GJ 414, NGTS-12.
- Updated MOA-2007-BLG-400L, TOI-561, TOI-776, TOI-837, WD 1856+534, HR 8799, Kepler-462, HD 106315, GJ 9827, κ And, TOI-481, TOI-892, MOA-2009-BLG-319L, GJ 3473, HD 217107, WASP-189, TOI-811, TOI-852, WASP-127, XO-6 and TOI-540.
- Updated K2-44b and K2-298b, and added EPIC 201170410 b and EPIC 201757695 b (D. del Ser, et al.).
- Added GJ 458 and updated GJ 251 and Lalande 21185 (S. Stock, et al.).
- Added K2-315 identifier to EPIC 249631677.
- Updated rotation axis inclinations for 59 Vir and κ And.
- Added stellar companions to four extrasolar planet hosts from (Ginski, et al.) and numerous stellar companions to TESS candidate systems (Mugrauer & Michel).
- Added transiting brown dwarfs NGTS-7, 2M0535-05 and GPX-1.
- Planets without Ω constraints in multi-stellar systems will inherit their stars' orbit's Ω if it is known.
- Fixed white dwarf spectral types (DW UMa B, UZ For A & V2051 Oph B) and added consideration of temperature for subclass if known.
- Fixed KOI identifier for Kepler-247 d, and spelling of HD 20868 b "Baiduri" (thanks LukeCEL!).
- Fixed Kepler-738 (thanks Fafers_br!).
- Fixed InfoURL for Armstrong, et al. (2020) planets.
- Fixed separations for HAT-P-14, HAT-P-16, HAT-P-33 and WASP-14 (thanks pedro_jg!).
- Removed several radial-velocity planets whose true masses were determined to be non-planetary by Gaia astrometry (Kiefer, et al.).
- Updated epochs for a number of multi-stellar systems (thanks pedro_jg!).

9617 planets (+1 asteroid)
4459 confirmed.
5158 unconfirmed.
Extrasolar planet catalogue up to date as of 03 October 2020
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Post #85by Duglis » 21.10.2020, 17:18

It seems the Astronomers are referring to WD 1856 and 1586 and they mean the same star and planet system. Very strange.

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Post #86by Duglis » 24.10.2020, 06:51

Is there a way I can change what planet textures are used? It somehow reverts back and gets rid of my changes. :(

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Post #87by DrJMOS » 25.10.2020, 05:07

If you find an error in my code, or that the orbit parameters I am using for a particular extrasolar planet are incorrect. Definitely let me know. Another potential source of error would be a bad value for the luminosity of the star -- likely due to an incorrect radius or temperature input. The latter would unfortunately not manifest in the .stc file unfortunately.

example, I've seen that Kepler 1625-b appear as sudarsky type I texture but is to 1 AU from Kepler 1625 star (G4) , should be appear as type II because have 250 kelvin
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Post #88by Sirius_Alpha » 25.10.2020, 23:03

I've seen that Kepler 1625-b appear as sudarsky type I texture but is to 1 AU from Kepler 1625 star (G4) , should be appear as type II because have 250 kelvin
Kepler-1625b is assigned a Sudarsky II texture in the exoplanet catalogue.

Code: Select all

"Kepler-1625 b:KOI-5084.01:b" "Kepler-1625"
   Class "planet"
   Texture "exo-class2.*"
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Post #89by Sirius_Alpha » 01.11.2020, 21:28

There wasn't a really big batch of TESS TOI's this month. A few TOI's from prior sectors were presented, a few community TOIs, and numerous TESS Community TOIs have received TOI designations, specifically those now designated TOI-2330 through 2375. So many of the "new TOIs" listed here may not be new.

01 November 2020
- 19 TESS candidate planets added (TOI-2302 through TOI-2375).
- 19 TESS candidate planets have been determined to be false positives since the last update and excluded.
- 18 TESS Community TOI's added.
- Added 2 new TESS candidate planet in known TOI systems (TOI-1873, TOI-1897).
- Updated TRAPPIST-1, K2-111, TOI-2179, HD 38529, HD 113337, LHS 1140, TOI-954, WASP-186, GJ 3512.
- Updated ephemeredes for several transiting planets (Maciejewski, et al.) as well as for LTT 9779.
- Added V470 Cam, 2M1510, OGLE-2018-BLG-0799L, EPIC 246193072, KOI-120, HD 38206, BHB1.
- Corrected orbit parameters in K2-138 (thanks, Fafers_br!), and orbit for HAT-P-44c (thanks, TheAstronomer!).
- Incorporated v sin i measurements for numerous extrasolar planet host stars from C. A. Watson, et al. (2010).
- Removed HD 47536 c (Soto, et al. (2015)) (thanks, pedro_jg!).

9654 planets (+1 asteroid)
4462 confirmed.
5192 unconfirmed.
Catalogue of extrasolar planets up to date as of 01 Nov 2020.
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Post #90by Sirius_Alpha » 02.12.2020, 02:11

Some new TESS Sector 29 and 30 planet candidates are out. For some transiting planets, the stated inclination in literature (or in the NASA Exoplanet Archive) can be a tricky thing to use. Converting it directly into sky-plane coordinates for Celestia should produce an orbit geometry that has the desired impact parameter (that is, makes the planet's orbit actually cross in front of the star, to make a genuine transiting planet). But the inclination is a derived parameter. It's calculated from the impact parameter and the radius of the star. Consequently if, say, the radius of the star is updated downward, the star could "shrink" out from under its planet orbit, resulting in a situation where the planet no longer transits in Celestia. Sometimes the inclination values are just bad entirely (NASA Exoplanet Archive has a few inclination outliers for Kepler candidates that are like i = 30 degrees). As a result, there are some transiting planetary systems in the exoplanet catalogue addon that, if you actually look into them, they don't really transit. I have modified the programme I use to generate this catalogue to start ignoring stated inclination values for transiting planets and re-calculate the inclination from the impact parameter if that value is known (and ≤ 1). Consequently, this problem should be fixed.

"Correcting" the inclinations of some transiting planets by calculating it from their stated impact parameter rather than just accepting the stated inclination.

02 December 2020
- 33 TESS candidate planets added (TOI-2376 through TOI-2409).
- 2 TESS candidate planets have been determined to be false positives since the last update and excluded.
- Added TOI-# ID's for known transiting planets detected by TESS (WASP-136=TOI-2380, etc).
- Updated TOI-122, TOI-237, WASP-121, ε Tau, β Pic, Kepler-90, GJ 686, HD 180617, TOI-519, AU Mic, TOI-942, WASP-107, TOI-251.
- Added numerous unconfirmed and confirmed Kepler-K2 planets and removed several determined to be false positives (Adams, et al).
- Added eleven new stellar companions to KOI systems (Colton, et al.).
- Added some orbital parameters for υ And Ab and DENIS-P J082303.1-491201 b (thanks pedro_jg!)
- Added HD 190007, HD 216520, CFHTWIR-Oph 98, HD 206893, HD 25723, χ Sco, 3 Cnc and 44 UMa.

9711 planets (+1 asteroid)
4503 confirmed.
5208 unconfirmed.
Catalogue of extrasolar planets up to date as of 02 Dec 2020.
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Post #91by Sirius_Alpha » 01.01.2021, 08:18

I hope everyone has had a decent holiday season. This update doesn't really have a whole lot -- apparently the last month has been rather boring.

01 January 2021
- 22 TESS candidate planets added (TOI-2415 through TOI-2436).
- 15 TESS candidate planets have been determined to be false positives since the last update and excluded.
- Added TOI-# ID's for known transiting planets detected by TESS (WASP-164=TOI-2414, etc).
- Added HD 60292, HD 112640, OGLE-2017-BLG-1049, HD 23439, 20 LMi, HD 168009, λ Ser, SW Sex, Elias 24,
- Updated WASP-12, WASP-148, Kepler-1514, GJ 143, HD 106906, HAT-P-12, AU Mic, Qatar-1,
- Filled in missing info on SDSS J122859.93+104032.9 b with details from the discovery paper (thanks fyr02 and pedro_jg!).
- Fixed Kepler-444 A-(BC) inclination.
- Fixed issue where orbital parameters given in radians were not correctly converted from sky-plane parameters.
- Removed HD 24496.

9726 planets (+1 asteroid)
4514 confirmed.
5212 unconfirmed.
Extrasolar planet catalogue up to date as of 01 Jan 2021.
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Post #92by Sirius_Alpha » 01.02.2021, 04:31

It was a fairly decent month, with numerous updated systems and new planets. January saw the first planet discovered by CHEOPS - HD 108236 f.

In a two-planet system, if only one planet has a known inclination, then the programme I use to create this addon will assume the other's is coplanar (or set it to the average known inclination in a >2 planet system). However in a few cases, especially where there are transiting and non-transiting planets, this results in a planet that is known not to transit being rendered with a transiting orbit geometry. The newly confirmed planetary systems at HD 110113 and HD 5278 are examples. We know HD 110113 c does not transit the star as we have continuous TESS light curve coverage of its orbit, but if the planet is coplanar with the transiting planet HD 110113 b, then the c planet is put into a transiting geometry. To fix this, after missing inclinations have been assigned, the impact parameter for any planet that is known not to transit is calculated, and set to 1+(Rp/Rstar) if the prior inclination assignment results in a transiting geometry. The inclination is then re-calculated from the new impact parameter. HD 110113 c aside, Kepler-247 e and Kepler-46 c are now properly rendered as non-transiting.

HD 110113 c not transiting as it indeed shouldn't.

01 February 2021
- 12 TESS candidate planets added (TOI-2437 through TOI-2449).
- 154 TESS Community TOI's added.
- 29 TESS candidate planets have been determined to be false positives since the last update and excluded.
- Added TOI-# ID's for known transiting planets detected by TESS (NGTS-11=TOI-1847, etc).
- Added NGTS-14, NGTS-13, OGLE-2019-BLG-0960L, NSVS 7826147, Vega, HD 4760, TYC 434-4538-1, HD 96992, KMT-2019-BLG-0371L.
- Updated HD 108236, Kepler-289, Kepler-324, Kepler-968, KOI-3503, TOI-270, TOI-628, TOI-640, TOI-1333, TOI-1478, TOI-1601, Pollux, TOI-1259, HD 5976, HD 42813, HD 97260, TOI-836, HD 190622, HD 97507, TOI-1230, HD 85426, PDS 70, HD 110113, TOI-178, KIC 8462852, and HD 5278.
- Adding some missing orbit elements for Kepler eclipsing binary planet hosts from Martin & Fabrycky.
- Adding a stellar companion to HD 70826 from SB9.
- Fixed Kepler-46.

9876 planets (+1 asteroid).
4548 confirmed.
5328 unconfirmed.
Catalogue of extrasolar planets up to date as of 01 Feb 2021.
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Post #93by Sirius_Alpha » 01.03.2021, 23:52

Well, we've got a possible planet orbiting α Cen A from direct imaging. That's exciting. We're also over ten thousand total planets, including the unconfirmed planets, though I look forward to celebrating ten thousand confirmed exoplanets with you all in the near-future.

A possible planet orbiting α Cen A detected with direct imaging.

01 March 2021
- 43 TESS candidate planets added (TOI-2450 through TOI-2504).
- 246 TESS Community TOI's added.
- 25 TESS candidate planets have been determined to be false positives since the last update and excluded.
- Added TOI-# ID's for known transiting planets detected by TESS (K2-267=TOI-2461, WASP-160B=TOI-2464, etc).
- Added MACHO 120.22303.5389, α Cen A, OGLE-2018-BLG-0567L, OGLE-2018-BLG-0962L, GJ 740, OGLE-2018-BLG-1428L.
- Updated HD 13808, HATS-34, HATS-46, TOI-451, HD 110082, TOI-216, K2-290, LHS 1478.
- Added new stellar companions to planet host stars (Michel & Mugrauer).
- Added L 98-59 system impact parameters from Kostov (2019).
- Removed TIC 178367145.01 (this CTOI is a blend with WASP-180 Ab).
- Removed 40 Eri Ab (Hirsch (2020)), HD 156846 b (Reffert & Quirrenbach (2011)).
- Fixed numerous InfoURLs, HD 190647b, HD 175607c, Kepler-406d (thanks, pedro_jg!), K2-3, KOI-5236 (thanks SevenSpheres!).

10,136 planets (+1 asteroid).
4,553 confirmed.
5,583 unconfirmed.
Extrasolar planet catalogue up to date as of 01 March 2021.
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Post #94by Sirius_Alpha » 02.04.2021, 02:07

Up to this point, I have been using the formulae in Grant Hutchison's starorbs.xls spreadsheet to convert the orbits of planets as expressed in the literature (that is, with respect to the plane of the sky) to the ecliptic plane which Celestia uses. However, these formulae do not deal well with orbits that are missing orbital elements, such as planets discovered by Doppler spectroscopy which don't have known inclinations or ascending nodes. I have recently come aware that the technique I used to get around this was just not adequate. I have switched to an adaptation of code developed by Andrew Tribick. It seems to correctly overcome this problem.

GJ 486 b - a new excellent target for characterizing terrestrial exoplanet atmospheres.

01 April 2021
- 38 TESS candidate planets added (TOI-2505 through TOI-2578).
- 37 TESS candidate planets have been determined to be false positives since the last update and excluded.
- Added TOI-# ID's for known transiting planets detected by TESS (WASP-65=TOI-2547, WASP-84=TOI-2544, etc).
- Added 1 new TESS candidate planet in known TOI systems (TOI-509).
- Added KMT-2020-BLG-0414L, GJ 720, NGTS-15, -16, -17 and -18, OGLE-2019-BLG-1053L, HD 143006, KMT-2019-BLG-1715L, RY Tau.
- Updated Kepler-107, HD 181433, TOI-1685, HD 39474, GJ 486, TOI-451, GJ 1151, TOI-263, TOI-1634, AB Aur, WD 1856+534 b.
- Removed Kapteyn's Star.
- Updated rotation periods for LP 261-75 b, HN Peg b, and numerous other substellar companions (thanks, pedro_jg!).
- Updated periods and ephemerides for a number of Kepler planets re-observed by TESS (Battley, et al.)
- ROXs 12 (AB)b now orbits the barycentre rather than ROXs 12 A.
- Updated/fixed orbit conversion (see text).
- Fixed KOI-972 (thanks pedro_jg!)

10,143 planets (+1 asteroid).
4563 confirmed.
5580 unconfirmed.
Catalogue of extrasolar planets up to date as of 02 Apr 2021.
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Post #95by Sirius_Alpha » 01.05.2021, 01:10

Not a very busy month in extrasolar planets. Gurren informs me that this is two years now of this project. That's kind of wild, to be honest. :weirdface:

Microlensing planets toward the galactic centre.

01 May 2021
- 46 TESS candidate planets added (TOI-2579 through TOI-2634).
- 18 TESS candidate planets have been determined to be false positives since the last update and excluded.
- Added 3 new TESS candidate planet in known TOI systems (TOI-512, TOI-2494, TOI-2540).
- Added TOI-# ID's for known transiting planets detected by TESS (HATS-64=TOI-2604, etc).
- Added OGLE-2018-BLG-1185L, KMT-2018-BLG-1976L, KMT-2018-BLG-1996L, OGLE-2019-BLG-0954L, KMT-2016-BLG-2605L, YSES 2, HD 29399,
- Updated TOI-1260, YSES 1, BD+20 2457, TOI-1431 (and here).
- Removed α Cen from .stc file (thanks SevenSpheres!).
- Fixed bug that put directly imaged planets in wrong spot (thanks pedro_jg!).
- Fixed major issue where star rotation axis orientations were not being correctly set in RV-planet systems.

10,198 planets (+1 asteroid).
4,572 confirmed.
5,626 unconfirmed.
Catalogue of extrasolar planets up to date as of 01 May 2021
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Post #96by Sirius_Alpha » 01.06.2021, 01:17

TESS has found it's second circumbinary planet system! Also, Adams, et al updated their analysis of numerous Kepler-K2 systems, so the disposition of numerous planets has been changed. While a number of relatively anonymous EPIC ID planets have been relegated to unconfirmed, K2-299 gained a fourth planet candidate.

01 June 2021
- Updated HD 92987, HD 221420, TOI-269, TOI-220, TOI-1062, HD 152843, Kepler-129, WASP-110, Barnard's Star, TOI-1231, TOI-1444, HAT-P-30, HAT-P-54, WASP-43, TrES-3, XO-2, Tau Boo, HD 107148, LAM Ser, 14 Her, HD 156668, GJ 700.2, HD 168009, HD 3765, HD 66428, HD 68988, Lalande 21185, 61 Vir, HD 34445, HR 8799, WASP-33, GJ 393.
- Added GJ 9689, TIC 172900988, NGTS-19, BD+45 0564, BD+55 0362, BD+63 1405, HD 124330, HD 155193, HD 331093, HD 136925, HD 213472, G 264-12.
- Removed OGLE-2013-BLG-0723L.
- Updated dispositions of several Kepler-K2 planets (see text).
- Added missing aliases for 34 microlensing planetary systems.

10216 planets (+1 asteroid)
4586 confirmed.
5630 unconfirmed.
Catalogue of extrasolar planets up to date as of 01 Jun 2021.
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Post #97by Sirius_Alpha » 01.07.2021, 02:11

01 July 2021
- 1422 TESS candidate planets added (TOI-2635 through TOI-4179).
- Added 1 new TESS candidate planet in known TOI systems (TOI-1027).
- 48 TESS candidate planets have been determined to be false positives since the last update and excluded.
- Added TOI-# ID's for known transiting planets detected by TESS (WASP-175=TOI-2642, K2-132=TOI-2643, etc).
- Updated KOI-3503, TOI-674, TOI-1278, HD 63433, q¹ Eri, 55 Cnc, HD 82139, HAT-P-17, KELT-6, WASP-8, WASP-38, WASP-106, WASP-130, K2-287, ν² Lup, WASP-88, TOI-942.
- Added OGLE-2016-BLG-0263L, OGLE-2016-BLG-1266L, OGLE-2012-BLG-0838L, HD 109647, OGLE-2018-BLG-0977L, OGLE-2018-BLG-0506L, OGLE-2018-BLG-0516L, OGLE-2019-BLG-1492L, KMT-2019-BLG-0253L.
- Removed HW Vir.

11,623 planets (+1 asteroid)
4599 confirmed.
7024 unconfirmed.
Catalogue of extrasolar planets up to date as of 01 July 2021.
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Exoplanet nerd. I maintain a monthly-updated exoplanet catalogue here:

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Post #98by trappistplanets » 01.07.2021, 22:54

why is it that now we are always finding 1 exoastoroid per month
There is a limit to how far we can travel into the stars.
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Post #99by SevenSpheres » 01.07.2021, 22:56

trappistplanets wrote:why is it that now we are always finding 1 [exoasteroid] per month

The planet count is the total number of planets in the catalog, not just those added in the latest release.
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Celestia versions: 1.5.1, 1.6.1, 1.6.2, 1.7.0, and some unofficial versions like Celestia-ED

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Post #100by Sirius_Alpha » 01.08.2021, 21:41

Celestia catalogue of exoplanets up to date as of 01 Aug 2021.
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