Minmus' Celestia Improvements

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The Minmus Derp
Posts: 64
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Minmus' Celestia Improvements

Post #1by The Minmus Derp » 24.07.2020, 14:05

Hello! This is a little "addon" that vastly improves star textures, and some other minor improvements.
please read the readme for how to properly install it, as it is not simply a "put it in the extras folder". Got that? good.
heeeeere we go!
What it does
Vastly improves textures for all star types (except white dwarfs halp pls, and R & N stars and I doubt those really ever happen in celestia anyways)
makes rings and shadows look a bit better (coming soon)
Download link
@Trolligi112477-ww for the C, S, WC, WN, and WO star textures
@nussun for the main inspiration
@FarGetaNik for O, B, A, F, G, K, M, L, and T star textures
@MrSpace43 for the White Dwarf and Neutronstar textures

All objects in this addon

Screen Shot 2020-07-24 at 10.41.35 AM.png
All objects in this addon

Have fun!
Last edited by The Minmus Derp on 24.07.2020, 19:04, edited 6 times in total.

Trolligi 112477
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Post #2by Trolligi 112477 » 24.07.2020, 14:10

:weirdface: Since you used lots of my CelWP star textures could I pls give u some
no more science papers

Topic author
The Minmus Derp
Posts: 64
Joined: 19.05.2020
With us: 4 years 9 months
Location: On my computer mass-producing CelWP Systems.

Post #3by The Minmus Derp » 24.07.2020, 14:30


Added after 21 minutes 36 seconds:
What's your opinion on it!

Added after 4 hours 17 minutes:
Update 0.3: added pulsar and wd textures.

Celestia Updates.zip
(19.79 MiB) Downloaded 492 times

Posts: 218
Joined: 07.05.2020
Age: 18
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Location: City of Port Phillip, Melbourne, Australia

Post #4by TheLostProbe » 29.07.2020, 00:35

bigly epical
"Carbon stars with ancient satellites colonized by sentient fungi. Gas giants inhabited by vast meteorological intelligences. Worlds stretched thin across the membranes where the dimensions intersect... impossible to describe with our limited vocabulary."
- Dr. Wallace Breen

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