Extrasolar Planets (updated catalogue)

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Post #61by Sirius_Alpha » 02.04.2020, 03:39

TESS Sector 21 planet candidates are out! Otherwise not a lot from TESS this time. Perhaps it's related to the current global situation.

A huge thank-you to SevenSpheres, LukeCEL, Fafers_br and pedro_jg for identifying problems that have been fixed and new information that has been implemented.

Two papers for TOI-732 were posted to arXiv, presenting different RV follow-up efforts, different orbit solutions and different names. For the orbit solutions I took that of Nowak, et al., purely because it was based off a higher number of data-points.

A number of single-transit planet candidates from TESS and CoRoT had been assigned "default" orbital periods based on the observation baselines of these missions. 50 days for a single-transit planet candidate detected by TESS for example. Instead, orbital periods are now estimated from the duration of the transit (giving the orbital velocity, under the assumption of a circular orbit).

The true orbit of Proxima Centauri c as constrained by Gaia astrometry.

02 April 2020
- 23 TESS candidate planets added (TOI-1765 through TOI-1793).
- 14 TESS candidate planets have been determined to be false positives since the last update and excluded.
- Added TOI-# ID's for known transiting planets detected by TESS (KELT-3=TOI-1766, WASP-13=TOI-1767, etc)
- 17 TESS Community TOI's added.
- Removed several TESS Community TOI's that have been removed at the ExoFOP for lacking sufficient information to permit follow-up.
- Added KMT-2019-BLG-1339L, OGLE-2018-BLG-0677L, HD 95338, and GJ 338 Bb.
- Updated HD 9446, HD 43691 and HD 179079 (Hill, et al.), TOI-129, TOI-157 and TOI-169 (Nielsen, et al).
- Updated TOI-732, TOI-704, WASP-76 Ab, TOI-1130, TOI-849, TOI-1456 (HD 332231), HD 158259 and Proxima Centauri.
- Added new K2 identifiers to HD 80653, G 9-40 and EPIC 249893012.
- 24 unconfirmed RV planet candidates added from Butler, et al (2017).
- Planets in .ssc files now sorted by distance from star (See this thread).
- Circumbinary planets' orbital planes now defaulted to that of their host stellar system.
- Updated the badly out of date HD 202206 system (Bnedict & Harrison, 2017).
- Updated IAU-given designations for HD 145457 and HAT-P-21.
- Updated stellar orbits for 83 Leo, GJ 86 and 16 Cyg using Sixth Orbits Catalogue, for HD 178911 from Farrington, et al, and for γ Leo from Mason (2006).
- 62 Single-transit planet candidates now have periods estimated from transit duration.
- Re-added Fomalhaut C and Boyajian's Star, which did not survive the transition to the new programme.

8885 planets (+1 asteroid).
4321 confirmed.
4564 unconfirmed.
Catalogue of extrasolar planets up to date as of 02 April 2020.
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Post #62by ajtribick » 02.04.2020, 18:47

Sirius_Alpha wrote:Updated stellar orbits for 83 Leo, GJ 86 and 16 Cyg using Sixth Orbits Catalogue
I remember running into this for the OEC: the implied total mass of 83 Leo AB from the orbit in the Sixth Catalogue is implausibly low, about 0.4 solar masses.

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Post #63by Sirius_Alpha » 03.04.2020, 04:04

Thanks for that! Do you have a better orbit I can use?
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Post #64by ajtribick » 03.04.2020, 16:44

Sirius_Alpha wrote:Thanks for that! Do you have a better orbit I can use?
Unfortunately I'm not aware of any. Given the length of the orbit I'd guess most solutions would be highly approximate anyway.

I see that the paper which provided the orbit is cited here with a rather different (but also implausible!) value of 5176 days for the period.

The paper itself is paywalled so I can't check what the original values were (e.g. if there was a transcription error into the Sixth Catalogue).

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Post #65by Sirius_Alpha » 01.05.2020, 01:36

TESS Sector 22 planet candidates are out! Appreciations again to all the people who pointed out errors!

The PDS 70 system.

01 May 2020
- 27 TESS candidate planets added (TOI-1794 through TOI-1824).
- 21 TESS candidate planets have been determined to be false positives since the last update and excluded.
- Added TOI-# ID's for known transiting planets detected by TESS (GJ 436=TOI-1796, HAT-P-21=TOI-1800, etc).
- 96 TESS Community TOI's added.
- Added 4 new TESS candidate planet in known TOI systems (LTT 1445, TOI-1692, TOI-1136).
- Added WASP-150, WASP-176, Kepler-1649 c, OGLE-2017-BLG-0406L, TW Hya and WASP-148.
- Removed unconfirmed planet at TIC 214299966, which is an eclipsing binary, not a planet. (Triaud, et al. (2017)).
- Updated TOI-1235, WASP-166, TOI-1338, TOI-421, HD 108236, PDS 70, WASP-33b, CoRoT-30, CoRoT-31 and KELT-9.
- Updated the parallax, rotation period and spin axis for VHS J125601.92-125723.9 (AB)b.
- Updated the orbit of GJ 758 b from (Bowler, et al. 2018).
- Fixed spelling of "Flegetonte" (HD 102195), inclination of KOI-2938, period for γ Cep AB, and spectral type for 70 Vir B.
- Mass values for planets calculated from Msini and Inclination if necessary (especially if inclination is an educated guess, such as at Proxima Cen b).
- Mass values for planets reported in .ssc files.

8995 planets (+1 asteroid).
4334 confirmed.
4661 unconfirmed.
Catalogue of extrasolar planets up to date as of 01 May 2020.
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Post #66by Sirius_Alpha » 03.06.2020, 04:51

My apologies for the delay. TESS Sector 23 planets are out!

The NASA Exoplanet Archive's unconfirmed Kepler KOI list is a rather interesting place where, as far as I can tell, model-fitting throws bayesian priors to the wind and χ^2 minimization is the rule. "Does a sixteen solar-radius planet with an impact parameter of b=10 fit the data pretty well? That's what we'll go with, then." There were a number of "weird" systems like this that have been fixed by calculating their radius from their transit depth.

Wittenmyer, et al. followed up on 224 Kepler-K2 planet candidates and determined that 30 of them are almost certainly false positives. Because I felt many of them were clearly false positives based on their prior parameters when I was adding them to this catalogue in the past, very few of them were in this addon anyway, and therefore only six new systems have been removed.

A possible new small rocky planet at Proxima Centauri

03 Jun 2020
- 30 TESS candidate planets added (TOI-1825 through TOI-1936... most TOIs are prior known planets).
- 19 TESS candidate planets have been determined to be false positives since the last update and excluded.
- 6 Kepler-K2 planet candidates have been determined to be false positives since the last update and excluded.
- Added TOI-# ID's for known transiting planets detected by TESS (WASP-54=TOI-1833, WASP-92=TOI-1838, etc).
- Added NGTS-11, HD 120411, GJ 700.2 d, OGLE-2006-BLG-284, Wendelstein-1 and -2, CD Cet.
- Added four supposedly confirmed but unpublished CoRoT planets from Deleui, et al. (2018), which will be left unconfirmed for now.
- Added planets at HD 100939, HD 136295, HD 170707 and HD 219553 (M. I. Jones, et al.)
- Added "planets" at PSR J1807-2459, PSR J2241-5236, PSR J1311-3430, NGC 6440 X-2 (thanks, fyr02!)
- Added unconfirmed planets at DS Tau (Veronesi, et al.) and AB Aur (A. Boccaletti, et al.) from protoplantary disk morphology.
- Added stellar companions to Kepler-14, Kepler-448, Kepler-693 and Kepler-420.
- Updated stellar companions to ψ^1 Dra and HD 4113, and HD 176051 and HD 106515 (Sixth Orbits Catalogue) (thanks pedro_jg and LukeCEL!).
- Updated HD 63433, HD 222076, WASP-76, HD 187123, K2-32 and K2-233.
- Updated CoRoT 104848249 and CoRoT 652345526 from Boufleur, et al. (2017).
- Updated periods and ephemerides for HD 97658b, CoRoT-6b, K2-237b, KELT-15 Ab, KPS-1b, WASP-45 Ab, WASP-83b, WASP-119b, WASP-122b (Edwards, et al. (2020)), and for WASP-127b, WASP-79b and WASP-62b (Skaf, et al.).
- Updated oblateness and rotation axis for Kepler-462 (Ahlers (2015)).
- Updated KOI-1783 (identifier Kepler-1662 assigned), moved KIC identifier off the Kepler-1319 barycenter and onto the primary star.
- Updated Proxima Centauri b, and added unconfirmed third planet from new ESPRESSO results (Mascareño, et al.).
- Removed 2MASS J07464256+2000321 b (mass is clearly non-planetary) and CVSO 30 b.
- Added missing prefix identifiers for 80 stars (thanks, LukeCEL!).
- Replaced photometric distances with Gaia DR2 parallaxes for all Kepler-# systems where possible.
- Fixed issue where orbit ephemerides expressed in T_conj would not place the planet on the correct point in its orbit.
- Fixed issue where mass values that were just guesses for determining oblateness were reported in the .ssc file.
- Fixed disintegrating rocky planets' radii with plausible guesses: K2-22b, KOI-2700b and Kepler-1520b.
- Fixed InfoURL's for HATS-4b, HD 114386, HD 142415 b, HD 147513 b, HD 196050 Ab, HD 216770 b, ρ Ind b (thanks, pedro_jg!)
- Fixed weird issue where if planet orbital inclinations were known only as upper limits, they wouldn't set to be co-planar with the system.
- Fixed stellar orbits at HD 4113, HD 40979 and HD 65216.
- Fixed bad radii for a number of unconfirmed Kepler KOI's.
- Star rotation periods rounded to more reasonable number of digits past the decimal (so, slightly smaller file size).

9026 planets (+1 asteroid).
4349 confirmed.
4677 unconfirmed.
Catalogue of extrasolar planets up to date as of 03 Jun 2020
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Post #67by trappistplanets » 15.06.2020, 11:37

how do you install?
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Post #68by SevenSpheres » 15.06.2020, 15:34

trappistplanets wrote:how do you install?

First remove the old exoplanet catalog by editing celestia.cfg to remove the lines "data/extrasolar.stc" and "data/extrasolar.ssc". Then extract the updated catalog to extras.
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Post #69by Sirius_Alpha » 02.07.2020, 01:15

TESS Sector 24 planets are out! Additionally, new TESS Sector 10 and 11 planet candidates have also been released "after a recent review of the initial vetting for those sectors." Among the more interesting results is that at least two of the super-earths orbiting the nearby, bright star Nu2 Lupi are found to be transiting.

In June, a paper presenting six exomoon candidates was posted to arXiv. It is my opinion that the authors of the paper did not sufficiently make the case for the existence of these moons, having failed to consider the priors associated with the likelihood of additional planets causing the observed TTVs. See comments made after the paper was posted by David Kipping and Alex Teachey, who are leading pioneers in the exomoon field. Due to the problems associated with this research, I have chosen not to add these exomoons to the catalogue.

02 July 2020
- 123 TESS candidate planets added (TOI-1937 through TOI-2064).
- 12 TESS candidate planets have been determined to be false positives since the last update and excluded.
- Added TOI-# ID's for known transiting planets detected by TESS (Nu2 Lup=TOI-2011, HAT-P-4=TOI-2012, etc).
- Added missing InfoURL's for numerous planets.
- Added EPIC 249631677 and OGLE-2018-BLG-1269L.
- Added unconfirmed RV trend at CoRoT-24 (Alonso, et al. (2014)).
- Updated Kepler-160, 54 Psc, Proxima Centauri c, AU Mic, TOI-1266, KELT-1, WASP-117, GJ 887, BD-11 4672, TOI-1728, TRAPPIST-1 and λ2 For.
- Fixed white dwarf spectral types, HD 132563 A/B position angle and missing aliases for three systems (thanks, LukeCEL!).
- Fixed GJ 86 coordinates, GJ 338 distance and HD 59686 B eccentricity (thanks, pedro_jg!).
- Fixed masses for K2-38c, TOI-1235b and Kepler-414b (thanks, Askaniy!).
- Demoted OGLE-2013-BLG-0723L to unconfirmed.
- Removed disproven candidate planets at HD 17156 (Short, et al. (2008) - see 2017 comment)) and HD 38529 (Henry, et al. (2013)) and Kepler-469 (Spada & Demarque (2012)).
- All pulsar rotation periods updated with data from the ATNF Pulsar Catalogue (thanks, LukeCEL).
- Corrected an issue where some stars between declinations of -01 and 00 hours were not being recognized as negative (thanks, LukeCEL).
- Corrected several RA/Dec coordinates (thanks LukeCEL!).

AU Microscopii and its planetary system

Update: An error was found with the name of a couple planets, and this was fixed and re-uploaded (Thanks, SevenSpheres!)

9133 planets (+1 asteroid).
4355 confirmed.
4778 unconfirmed.
Extrasolar planet catalogue up to date as of 02 July 2020.
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Exoplanet nerd. I maintain a monthly-updated exoplanet catalogue here:

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Post #70by TheLostProbe » 20.07.2020, 10:21

Sirius_Alpha wrote:9133 planets (+1 asteroid).
no way an exoasteroid! :eek:
"Carbon stars with ancient satellites colonized by sentient fungi. Gas giants inhabited by vast meteorological intelligences. Worlds stretched thin across the membranes where the dimensions intersect... impossible to describe with our limited vocabulary."
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Post #71by trappistplanets » 20.07.2020, 17:09

yup TheLostProbe

i think extrasolar asteroids should be called exoroids
There is a limit to how far we can travel into the stars.
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Post #72by gironde » 29.07.2020, 17:17

Warning ! I noticed that there were duplicates in the name of the stars in the .cel files
I specify on occasion that I used your addon in Vidiba de Lut5.

Excellent work :clap:

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Post #73by TheLostProbe » 30.07.2020, 06:17

TheLostProbe wrote:no way an exoasteroid!
by the way what is it called? I need to see this
"Carbon stars with ancient satellites colonized by sentient fungi. Gas giants inhabited by vast meteorological intelligences. Worlds stretched thin across the membranes where the dimensions intersect... impossible to describe with our limited vocabulary."
- Dr. Wallace Breen

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Post #74by SevenSpheres » 30.07.2020, 15:43

TheLostProbe wrote:by the way what is it called? I need to see this

SDSS J122859.93+104032.9 b
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Post #75by TheLostProbe » 30.07.2020, 22:44

Thanks Seven
"Carbon stars with ancient satellites colonized by sentient fungi. Gas giants inhabited by vast meteorological intelligences. Worlds stretched thin across the membranes where the dimensions intersect... impossible to describe with our limited vocabulary."
- Dr. Wallace Breen

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Post #76by Sirius_Alpha » 02.08.2020, 21:39

TESS Sector 25 planets are out!

Many planetary systems discovered by radial velocity feature giant planets in eccentric orbits. With the HST astrometric results for Ups And showing a significantly misaligned system, I have suspected that many of these eccentric multi-planet systems from RV would end up misaligned -- the remnants of a chaotic history of planet-planet scattering. Now we have some results from Gaia astrometry for π Men and HAT-P-11, both of which have an inner transiting planet and an outer eccentric giant planet. Gaia astrometry has detected the 3D orbits of the outer planet in these two systems, and while the 3D orbit of the inner planet is not known, the fact that it transits demonstrates the system is misaligned. π Men and HAT-P-11 are new additions to the (tiny) list of multi-planet systems with constrained mutual inclinations.

A sub-stellar companion was directly imaged around the sub-stellar object DH Tau b. So far, this has been listed as a planet in the exoplanet catalogue, and at eleven Jupiter-masses it has been considered a "planet" so far. Certainly it is less massive than other "planets." Lazzoni, et al. discovered a possible Jupiter-mass companion to DH Tau b. Nature often does not give us neat ways to categorize objects, and it's not clear if DH Tau Bb is a moon around a planet, or a planet around a "star." Their paper does not seem to deal with the issue, but it presents DH Tau Bb in terms of "the first case of a planetary-mass companion around a brown dwarf bound to a star." I have no real interest in arbitrating the nature of DH Tau Bb, so I will simply use the language of the paper and set DH Tau Bb as a planet around a star. Worsening the situation, the authors of the paper state that the DH Tau Bb is unconfirmed because there's a possibility that "DH Tau Bb" may be a PSF subtraction artifact. So, I'm settling on what is probably the least satisfying way to incorporate this paper: Changing DH Tau B to a star and adding DH Tau Bb as an unconfirmed planet. So we stay with one unconfirmed moon and lose a confirmed planet.

A Jupiter-mass companion to a sub-stellar mass companion to DH Tau.

Directly imaged planets. Young star associations are visible, where giant planets are hot enough for easier direct imaging in the infrared.

02 August 2020
- 72 TESS candidate planets added (TOI-2065 through TOI-2129).
- 19 TESS candidate planets have been determined to be false positives since the last update and excluded.
- Added TOI-# ID's for known transiting planets detected by TESS (HAT-P-55=TOI-2122, TrES-4=TOI-2124, WASP-86=TOI-2125, etc).
- Added 6 new TESS candidate planet in known TOI systems (TOI-1347, 1445, 1670, 1782, 1798, 1812).
- Updated K2-114, K2-167, K2-237 and K2-261 (Ukwa, et al.), K2-38, WASP-52, π Men b and HAT-P-11 c, TOI-1338, TOI-1899, K2-280, ν2 Lup, π Men c, WASP-74, HD 86226, HL Tau, K2-25.
- Added KMT-2018-BLG-0748L, HAT-P-58 through HAT-P-64, HATS-37 and HATS-38.
- Added several Kepler-K2 candidate and statistically validated planets from Campaigns 12-15 (González, et al).
- Added a planet around DH Tau B (Lazzoni, et al.), see explanation above.
- Added stellar companion to GJ 237.
- Improved moon naming.
- Changed unconfirmed exoplanet naming, setting "(unconfirmed)" as a separate name to aid 3rd party modding addons.
- Implemented photometric distance estimates from Gaia G, BP and RP bands, increasing the number of available CoRoT candidate planetary systems.
- Added scripts to mark planets discovered by direct imaging and by the Gaia spacecraft.
- Unknown radii are now calculated using the mass-radius relation used by the NASA Exoplanet Archive.
- Corrected name and position for SWIFT J1756.9-2508 (thanks Luke_CEL!), distance for η Cet, and V Mag for KOI-268 (thanks, pedro_jg!).
- Fixed 51 Eri B position angle, and improved 51 Eri Ba/Bb orbits.
- Fixed oblateness... again.

9224 planets (+1 asteroid)
4379 confirmed.
4845 unconfirmed.
Catalogue of extrasolar planets up to date as of 02 August 2020.
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Last edited by Sirius_Alpha on 21.08.2020, 23:48, edited 1 time in total.
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Post #77by DrJMOS » 08.08.2020, 05:32

Great addon, thanks!!! :clap: :clap:

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Post #78by Sirius_Alpha » 02.09.2020, 00:53

TESS Sector 26 planets are out!

I've improved the programme I use for this to be able to calculate Mean Anomaly for celestial bodies that have a 3D orbit but whose position on it is given as a position-angle at a certain epoch. This is sometimes done in literature for systems that have very loose orbital constraints. This improvement has allowed me to create more accurate orbits for some stars, as well as finally placing HR 8799's planets in their correct positions, as well as for a number of other directly imaged planets. Huge thanks to ajtribick for helping me with the math for this one.

The southern TESS Continuous Viewing Zone, where the density of TESS-detected planet candidates is higher due to a longer observing baseline.

02 September 2020
- 44 TESS candidate planets added (TOI-2130 through TOI-2183).
- 11 TESS candidate planets have been determined to be false positives since the last update and excluded.
- Added TOI-# ID's for known transiting planets detected by TESS (HAT-P-31=TOI-2130, WASP-3=TOI-2131, etc).
- 231 TESS Community TOI's added from TESS Full Frame Images (Montalto, et al.).
- Added TVLM 513–46546.
- Added four microlensing planets from Cheongho Han, et al, and 19 candidate planets from Kepler-K2 Campaign 5.
- Added several missing identifiers (thanks, pedro_jg!).
- Added and updated several nearby M dwarf planets from Feng, et al.
- Set rotation periods for several planet-hosting stars from Mayor, et al. (2003).
- Updated GJ 758 b and GJ 86 (Bandt, et al. (2018)), TOI-763, TOI-824.
- Updated numerous Kepler KOI's as per Armstrong, et al. Consequently, identifiers Kepler-1663 through Kepler-1702 were added.
- Removed unconfirmed planets at HD 114174 (Crepp, et al. (2013)), HD 68017 (Brandt, et al. (2018)), and HD 217850 b (Kiefer, et al. (2019)) due to follow-up work clarifying their nature (thanks Luke_CEL, pedro_jg!).
- Removed V830 Tau b (See M. Damasso, et al.).
- Improved numerous multi-stellar systems (thanks LukeCEL and pedro_jg)!

9513 planets (+1 asteroid)
4440 confirmed.
5073 unconfirmed.
The Twentieth Exoplanet Catalogue Release.
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Last edited by Sirius_Alpha on 15.09.2020, 20:00, edited 1 time in total.
Exoplanet nerd. I maintain a monthly-updated exoplanet catalogue here:

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Post #79by TERRIER » 05.09.2020, 14:01

Nice work! :clap:
1.6.0:AMDAth1.2GHz 1GbDDR266:Ge6200 256mbDDR250:WinXP-SP3:1280x1024x32FS:v196.21@AA4x:AF16x:IS=HQ:T.Buff=ON Earth16Kdds@15KkmArctic2000AD:FOV1:SPEC L5dds:NORM L5dxt5:CLOUD L5dds:

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Post #80by DrJMOS » 10.09.2020, 05:44

Need to separate all stars with tag "replace" to avoid conflicts in extras or data, example:

1. When all content of CelestiaExoplanets folder is inside extras folder conflicts with any kind of new "modify" extrasolar ssc file inside extras folder
2. When rename explanets_stars.stc to extrasolar.stc and exoplanets.ssc to extrasolar.ssc to translate and replace in data folder conflicts with stars.dat of AjTribick

Suggestion is to separate addon in the next way:

data/extrasolar.ssc (before called here exoplanets.ssc but in data replace old extrasolar)
data/extrasolar.stc (before called here exoplanets_stars.stc) but without stars with tag "replace"
extras/exoplanet_stars_replace.stc (translate here all stars with tag "replace")

Here an easy way without to separate "replace" stars but i dont know if can generate other kind of conflicts is

data/extrasolar.ssc (before called here exoplanets.ssc but in data replace old extrasolar)
extras/exoplanets_stars.stc (original)
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