Random gas giant

Tips for creating and manipulating planet textures for Celestia.
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John Van Vliet
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Random gas giant

Post #1by John Van Vliet » 05.06.2020, 03:25

as the title states this is a random generated gas giant


and the 4k texture

Joey P. M
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Post #2by Joey P. » 05.06.2020, 04:40

Thanks John; I'll use this for my Planet Nine.
Joey P.

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John Van Vliet
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Post #3by John Van Vliet » 05.06.2020, 23:10

one more

and the 4k texture

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Post #4by TheLostProbe » 06.06.2020, 00:05

Oh cuool :D
"Carbon stars with ancient satellites colonized by sentient fungi. Gas giants inhabited by vast meteorological intelligences. Worlds stretched thin across the membranes where the dimensions intersect... impossible to describe with our limited vocabulary."
- Dr. Wallace Breen

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Post #5by Tegmine » 11.06.2020, 15:03

I started using gaseous-giganticus...I LOVE what came out of it. (Thanks for ruining me again, John!) The only problem I have is converting the cube map to spherical equatorial projection...The sides come out ok, the poles come out ok, but where the poles meet the mid-latitudes? Not so much. Any advice?

Many thanks for introducing me to this tool!


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Post #6by selden » 11.06.2020, 19:57

I've used MMPS to convert between cubemaps and equirectangular ones. It's a command-line program which can convert between several popular map projections. Although initially written for Linux, it works fine under Windows when built under Cygwin. See http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~arcus/mmps/

If desired, I can provide the bash script that I've used.

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Post #7by Tegmine » 11.06.2020, 21:58

My head is quickly becoming command-line soup...


Could I do this in GProjector?

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Post #8by selden » 11.06.2020, 23:52

Maybe. I've never tried to do it using GProjector. I'm used to using scripts and often find that GUI programs make unwarranted assumptions.

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Post #9by Tegmine » 12.06.2020, 12:42

Until I can figure out how to do this successfully, I found this....


One must pay strict attention to the order it's loaded in. In terms of picture sequence, it would be: 2 (back), 5 (down), 0 (front), 3 (left), 1 (right), 4 (up)

Many thanks, John, for letting us know about this! My gas giants will never be the same!


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John Van Vliet
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Post #10by John Van Vliet » 12.06.2020, 15:48

i use a terminal only plugin to "Hugin" called "panotools" to convert the cube maps into a simplecylindrical map


an example

Code: Select all

erect2cubic --erect=6.5.1.png --face=1024 --filespec=PNG_m --ptofile=base.pto

nona -o cube_prefix base.pto

./gaseous-giganticus -V -n -c 350 --velocity-factor 1000 -m 1   --cubemap cube_prefix000  --bands 15

cubic2erect  gasgiant-0.png gasgiant-1.png gasgiant-2.png gasgiant-3.png gasgiant-4.png gasgiant-5.png yellow1

the first two lines converts a base simple cylindrical map into a set of 6 cube maps

then i run gaseous-giganticus

then i run cubic2erect to remap back into a simple cylindrical map

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Post #11by Tegmine » 19.06.2020, 23:53

Looks simple enough, but I've hit a wall...having trouble installing cubic2erect and the panotools script. I wound up here:
http://hg.code.sf.net/p/panotools/Panotools-Script, but I really, really, really do not know what I'm doing, what directory to install it in, etc. I tried following the readme files, but all I did was get confused. I don't know which version I need, and each seems to have slightly different dependencies, install instructions, etc. I am extremely grateful for your patience. Not everyone is a command line wizard, although, I find myself dabbling with it more now that I'm on Linux...a little daunting, but SLOWLY getting used to it.

I thank you for your direction!


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John Van Vliet
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Post #12by John Van Vliet » 21.06.2020, 02:10


i am guessing you are on MS Windows ? most likely Windows 10 ?

here is the wiki page for installing on windows

for linux use the python cpan tool and install from the comandline

Code: Select all

su -
--- type in your root password ----

cpan Panotools::Script

and for linux it is installed

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Post #13by Tegmine » 21.06.2020, 13:19

No...Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 64-bit. (Long story on the conversion to Linux, but now that I have, I wish I had started sooner with it.) Started with Peppermint, (which I still like), and since then I've tried Mint, Zorin, Bodhi and the 32-bit version of Ubuntu 16 which upgraded to v. 18.04 LTS. I tried Deepin, which caught my eye when I first started looking at Linux, but I was having difficulty with the set-up of various programs, namely Thunderbird...my gmail account didn't want to run through it, and I was too lazy to want to check separate locations for my email. I may try it again someday, tho...Deepin is a knockout.

So because I've been using Linux for the past 3 years (hardly expert), I'm no stranger to command line programs, but I still get terribly confused when there is little documentation or when it speaks over my head in "geek speak".

I'm sorry, what was the question?


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