Joey P.'s Celestia

The home for finished/released addons.
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Joey P. M
Posts: 462
Joined: 28.10.2017
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Location: Vladivostok, Russia

Joey P.'s Celestia

Post #1by Joey P. » 28.11.2019, 06:03

These are the data files along with the celestia.cfg file for my usual Celestia as of November 28, 2019. If I find enough time, then I may update this regularly in the future.
(20.21 MiB) Downloaded 343 times

Code: Select all

#                     Celestia Configuration File - edited 3/1/12
# This file contains configuration data read by Celestia each time it
# is run. Many of the items may be changed to suit your specific needs
# or requirements. PLEASE make a backup copy of this file before you
# make any changes to it.
# To learn more about Celestia, visit the Celestia forums at:
# or the Celestia web site at:


# This section contains a list of data files that Celestia uses to load
# information about stars, constellations and locations. DO NOT change
# these file names or the order in which they are listed, unless you
# know exactly what you are doing. Most of these files can be viewed
# with a plain text editor. Discussion about their content and formats
# can be found on the Celestia forums:
# If you want to load all your stars from .stc files, you can now comment
# out the StarDatabase entry.
  StarDatabase                 "data/stars1M.dat"
  StarNameDatabase             "data/starnames-ED.dat"  #replaces starnames.dat
  StarCatalogs               [ "data/"
                               "data/" ]

  HDCrossIndex                 "data/hdxindex.dat"
  SAOCrossIndex                "data/saoxindex.dat"
  GlieseCrossIndex             "data/gliesexindex.dat"

  SolarSystemCatalogs        [ "data/solarsys-educational.ssc"
                               "data/world-capitals.ssc" ]
 DeepSkyCatalogs            [ "data/galaxies2.dsc"
                          "data/globulars.dsc" ] 

AsterismsFile                "data/asterisms.dat"
  BoundariesFile               "data/boundaries.dat"

# Default star textures for each spectral type
# The default textures may be overridden in individual star definitions.
   # This texture will be used for any spectral type not listed
   # in this block.
   Default "gstar.*"

   O "daniel.*"
   B "bstar.*"
   A "astar.*"
   F "gstar.*"
   G "gstar.*"
   K "kstar.*"
   M "mstar.*"
   WD "dstar.*"
   NeutronStar "daniel.*"

   R "mstar.*" 
   N "mstar.*"
   S "mstar.*"  # roughly between M and R/N
   WC "bstar.*"
   WN "bstar.*"

   C "mstar.*"
   # brown dwarfs
   L "browndwarf.*"
   T "browndwarf.*"
   Y "browndwarf.*"

# User Interface files ...
# Despite their ".cel" file extension, these are not CEL scripts, but
# rather data files that populate controls such as menus and dialog
# boxes.
# FavoritesFile
# -------------
# This is where Bookmarks data are stored. The file does not exist until
# you save a Bookmark from within Celestia. You can view this file with
# a plain text editor and if you write CEL scripts, it contains some
# useful information.
# DestinationFile
# ---------------
# This is the list of Destinations used in the Tour Guide dialog box,
# accessed via the Navigation Menu. You can edit this file with a plain
# text editor to add your own destinations to the dialog box. The order
# in which the items are listed in the file is the order in which they
# will be listed in the Tour Guide dialog.
# Cursor
# ------
# This parameter allows you to select from three cursors, but currently
# only in the Windows version of Celestia ...
#  * White crosshair ("crosshair") --> default cursor
#  * Inverting crosshair ("inverting crosshair")
#  * Standard Windows arrow ("arrow")
# The inverting crosshair can be a better choice because it's more
# visible on bright backgrounds. However, should you decide to try this
# cursor, TEST IT CLOSELY. Not all graphics chipsets support an inverting
# cursor, which will cause Windows to fall back to software emulation.
# The emulated cursor interacts with OpenGL applications in unfortunate
# ways, forcing a lot of extra redrawing and cutting by half the frame
# rate on a GeForce2-equipped laptop. So, if you change this, check your
# FPS rates to make sure you haven't kicked Windows into software
# emulation mode.
  FavoritesFile    "favorites.cel"
  DestinationFile  "guide.cel"
  Cursor           "crosshair"

# turns on the LUA educational interface

 LuaHook "luahookinit.lua"

# Included CEL script files.
# The following CEL script files are included in the basic Celestia
# distribution. These script files may be viewed and edited with a
# plain text editor. They may both be modified or replaced to suit your
# specific needs.
# InitScript is the CEL script that is automatically run each time
# Celestia is started. The default script (start.cel) travels to Io, one
# of Jupiter's moons.
# DemoScript is the CEL script that is run when you press the "d" key
# on your keyboard from within Celestia. The default script (demo.cel)
# takes you on a short tour of some interesting places in our solar
# system.
# To learn more about how to use and write CEL scripts and Lua scripts
# in Celestia, please visit the Celestia Scripting forum at:
  InitScript  "SlowerGo-start-ED.celx"
  DemoScript "demo.cel"

# The 'extras' directory is located under the celestia root directory
# and is used for storing third-party add-ons to Celestia. To learn
# more about Add-Ons for Celestia, visit the Celestia Add-Ons forum at:
# You may specify additional add-on directories by adding additional
# entries, such as the following example shows:
# ExtrasDirectories  [ "extras" "myextras1" "myextras2" ]
# To specify absolute paths on windows, you either have to use "/" or
# double backslashes to seperate path components. Example:
#   ExtrasDirectories  [ "D:/celestia-extras" ]
# or
#   ExtrasDirectories  [ "D:\\celestia-extras" ]
  ExtrasDirectories  [ "extras" "educational-extras/general"]

# Font definitions.
# The following entries define the fonts Celestia will use to display
# text on the display screen. To view the list of fonts available with
# your distribution of Celestia, look in the fonts directory located
# under the Celestia root directory. The default fonts are UTF-8
# compatible in order to display non-English characters.
# Font:      Used to display all informational text.
#            Default: "sans12.txf"
# LabelFont: Used to display all label text (objects, locations, etc.).
#            Default "sans12.txf"
# TitleFont: Used to display object names, messages, and script text.
#            Default "sansbold20.txf"
  Font       "sans12.txf"
  LabelFont  "sans12.txf"
  TitleFont  "sansbold20.txf"

# LogoTexture defines the graphic file to be displayed when Celestia is
# started. The default filename is "logo.png"
  LogoTexture  "logo.png"

# FaintestVisibleMagnitude defines the lowest magnitude at which a star
# will be displayed in Celestia. This setting may be adjusted real-time
# via the '[' and ']' keys in Celestia. The default value is 6.0.
  FaintestVisibleMagnitude 9.2

# RotateAcceleration defines the speed at which an object will be
# rotated in Celestia, when using a keypress, such as the left and right
# arrow keys. A higher value will rotate the object quicker, while a
# lower value will cause a slower rotation. The default value is 120.0.
  RotateAcceleration 40.0

# MouseRotationSensitivity defines the speed at which an object will be
# rotated in Celestia, when using the mouse -- press both mouse-buttons
# or Ctrl+LeftMouseButton, and move the mouse left or right. A higher
# value will rotate the object quicker, while a lower value will cause
# a slower rotation. A value of 0.0 (zero) will disable this particluar
# feature. The default value is 1.0.
  MouseRotationSensitivity 1.0

# The following parameter is used in Lua (.celx) scripting.
#   ScriptScreenshotDirectory defines the directory where screenshots
#   are to be stored. The default value is "", i.e. Celestia's
#   installation directory.
  ScriptScreenshotDirectory ""

# CELX-scripts can request permission to perform dangerous operations,
# such as reading, writing and deleting files or executing external
# programs. If granted, a malicious script could use this to destroy
# data or compromise system security.
# The following parameter determines what Celestia does upon such
# requests:
#  "ask": ask the user if he want's to allow access (default)
#  "allow": always allow such requests
#  "deny": always deny such requests
  ScriptSystemAccessPolicy "ask"

# The following lines are render detail settings.  Assigning higher
# values will produce better quality images, but may cause some older
# systems to run slower.
#   OrbitPathSamplePoints defines how many sample points to use when
#   rendering orbit paths. The default value is 100.
#   RingSystemSections defines the number of segments in which ring
#   systems are rendered. The default value is 100.
#   ShadowTextureSize defines the size* of shadow texture to be used.
#   The default value is 256. Maximum useful value is 2048.
#   EclipseTextureSize defines the size* of eclipse texture to be used.
#   The default value is 128. Maximum useful value is 1024.
#   * The ShadowTextureSize and EclipseTextureSize values should both be
#     powers of two (128, 256, 512, etc.). Using larger values will
#     reduce the jagged edges of eclipse shadows and shadows on planet
#     rings, but it will decrease the amount of memory available for
#     planet textures.
  OrbitPathSamplePoints  100
  RingSystemSections     512

  ShadowTextureSize      1024
  EclipseTextureSize     512

# Set the level of multisample antialiasing.  Not all 3D graphics
# hardware supports antialiasing, though most newer graphics chipsets
# do.  Larger values will result in smoother edges with a cost in
# rendering speed.  4 is a sensible setting for recent, higher-end
# graphics hardware; 2 is probably better mid-range graphics.  The
# default value is 1, which disables antialiasing.
AntialiasingSamples        4

# The following line is commented out by default.
# Celestia enables and disables certain rendering features based on
# the set of extensions supported by the installed OpenGL driver and 3D
# graphics hardware.  With IgnoreGLExtensions, you may specify a list of
# extensions that Celestia will treat as unsupported.  This is useful
# primarily for the developers of Celestia.
# IgnoreGLExtensions [ "GL_ARB_vertex_program" ]

# The LabelledStars section defines which stars will have text labels
# assigned to them, which are visible when this option is turned on.
   "\u03b1 Centauri"
   "Proxima Centauri"
   "Timmy Turner"
   "\u03b2 Centauri"
   "\u03b2 Crucis"
   "\u03b3 Crucis"
   "Al Nair"
   "\u03b3 Velorum"
   "\u03b5 Carinae"
   "\u03b2 Aurigae"
   "Tucker Foley"
   "Samantha Sam Manson"
   "Penelope Spectra"
   "Jazz Fenton"
   "Vlad Masters"
   "Mr. Falluca"
   "Vice Principal Lancer"
   "VV Cep"
   "Mrs. Tetslaff"
   "Principal Ishiyama"

* Some of the details are completely fantasy - for example, various stars may be given the names of The Fairly OddParents and Danny Phantom characters, such as the names "Timmy", "Cosmo", "Wanda", "Jazz", "Jack", and "Maddie" for Barnard's Star, Luyten 726-8 B and A, Y Canum Venaticorum, Betelgeuse, and Antares respectively. You may want to edit them out.
* This does NOT include all the addons I have made.
* This is designed especially for use in Celestia 1.6.1.-ED, thus this may conflict with other addons if used with normal Celestia (1.6.1. or 1.7.0.) or Celestia Origin. But of course, edit these files to make them compatible.

Download, and enjoy - but only if you want to!
Last edited by Joey P. on 23.04.2020, 02:16, edited 12 times in total.
Joey P.

Posts: 824
Joined: 08.10.2019
With us: 4 years 11 months

Post #2by SevenSpheres » 28.11.2019, 19:09

Joey P., you could have updated this thread instead of making a new one.
My Addons: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=19978 • Discord server admin
Celestia versions: 1.5.1, 1.6.1, 1.6.2, 1.7.0, and some unofficial versions like Celestia-ED

Topic author
Joey P. M
Posts: 462
Joined: 28.10.2017
Age: 22
With us: 6 years 10 months
Location: Vladivostok, Russia

Post #3by Joey P. » 29.11.2019, 06:57

Oh great, I forgot about that one.

But it turns out I can't delete it, but anyway - I'll just update this one since I've changed my Celestia drastically since then.
Joey P.

Topic author
Joey P. M
Posts: 462
Joined: 28.10.2017
Age: 22
With us: 6 years 10 months
Location: Vladivostok, Russia

Solar System around a neutron star

Post #4by Joey P. » 15.12.2019, 01:33

Added after 4 days 4 hours:
Solar System orbiting a Neutron Star
This self-explanatory addon adds all of the known, fictional, and hypothetical Solar System bodies orbiting a neutron star.
Neutron Star Solar
(3.41 MiB) Downloaded 322 times
Last edited by Joey P. on 23.04.2020, 02:35, edited 2 times in total.
Joey P.

Topic author
Joey P. M
Posts: 462
Joined: 28.10.2017
Age: 22
With us: 6 years 10 months
Location: Vladivostok, Russia

Post #5by Joey P. » 04.02.2020, 03:32

Hypothetical planets:
(1.82 MiB) Downloaded 301 times

Fictional planets around red supergiants:
(5.15 MiB) Downloaded 336 times
Last edited by Joey P. on 23.04.2020, 02:32, edited 4 times in total.
Joey P.

Topic author
Joey P. M
Posts: 462
Joined: 28.10.2017
Age: 22
With us: 6 years 10 months
Location: Vladivostok, Russia

Post #6by Joey P. » 04.02.2020, 03:45

Edit: This should have been merged with the post above, but whatever. Also most of these are just very slightly modified versions of the default Celestia star textures.
Star textures:

O-type, B-type, and neutron stars, corrected to remove sunspots:

A-type stars:

F, G, and K-type stars:

M-type stars:

White dwarfs:

Fictional star systems (attributions are listed within the .ssc files as some textures I did not make); also includes the stars orbiting around RSGs in an addon listed above:
(19.54 MiB) Downloaded 318 times
Last edited by Joey P. on 23.04.2020, 02:17, edited 2 times in total.
Joey P.

Posts: 344
Joined: 24.06.2018
With us: 6 years 3 months
Location: Western E.U.

Post #7by jujuapapa » 08.02.2020, 08:15

Post #6by Joey P. » 04.02.2020, 04:45

Fictional star systems (attributions are listed within the .ssc files as some textures I did not make); also includes the stars orbiting around RSGs in an addon listed above:

(19.54 MiB)
Hi Joey,

Here are my first returns to ameliorate the physical conditions of your fictious addon (by order of star's name) :

1 - Alf Cen A : the inclination of the planet (88°) is too important by report of the axis of the twice stars. :fie:
20200208 ficsys_cen.jpg
2 - Alf Cen B : the inclination is better. :smile:

3 - Antares : OK :clap:

4 - Betelgeuse : your stc file crashes down celestia... :eek:

5 - Eps Eri : Your planet is very too closer of the orbit of the real giant jupiter-like... (0.1 AU) and
it is too far of the star (213° K, Earth = 260°K) => the surface shoud be entirely iced... :eek:
20200208 ficsys_eri.jpg

6 - Prox Cen : The planet is too far of the star and its temperature is too low (152°K), the water should be entirely iced. :eh:
20200208 ficsys_prox.jpg
More, the planet has synchronical rotation and the dark side should be iced.

7 - Sirius : like point 1.

8 - VY CMA : none texture for the planet (even with standard celestia). :biggrin:
20200208 ficsys_VYC.jpg

9 - Wolf359 : like point 6

=> I hope that this is help you.
Soft: Celestia 1.6.2
PC : Intel Core i9-9900K (4 GHz) , Chipset Z390 Exp, RAM 32 Go DDR4 3000 Mhz, SSD M.2 512 Go + HDD 3 To, MSI GeForce RTX 2080 8Go - W10 64b

I lost my old user, so with us: since more 12 years
=> It is by doubting everything that everybody approaches the truth !

Topic author
Joey P. M
Posts: 462
Joined: 28.10.2017
Age: 22
With us: 6 years 10 months
Location: Vladivostok, Russia

Post #8by Joey P. » 13.02.2020, 19:10

1. The planets around Alpha Centauri A, Epsilon Eridani, and Sirius are entirely fictional.
2. I am taking the intense flares of Proxima Centauri into account. Even if Proxima Centauri b is in the habitable zone, it likely wouldn't be habitable and still too hot thanks to the flares.
3. Thanks for reminding me; I haven't sent the texture for Perlman yet.

But thanks for the feedback.

The VY Canis Majoris texture also looks familiar. Could I please have it? Thanks.

Edit: I haven't noticed that Paulsen, for some reason, crashes down Celestia. I'll ask on why later.
Joey P.

Topic author
Joey P. M
Posts: 462
Joined: 28.10.2017
Age: 22
With us: 6 years 10 months
Location: Vladivostok, Russia

Post #9by Joey P. » 19.02.2020, 05:20

Old Solar System and Exoplanet Orbits Comparison:
(3.39 MiB) Downloaded 303 times
Last edited by Joey P. on 23.04.2020, 02:22, edited 7 times in total.
Joey P.

Topic author
Joey P. M
Posts: 462
Joined: 28.10.2017
Age: 22
With us: 6 years 10 months
Location: Vladivostok, Russia

Post #10by Joey P. » 19.02.2020, 22:01

Some more textures (some of these are used for different objects in Celestia Origin):

Low-resolution Pluto:

Low-resolution Charon:

Astra and Perlman:

Added after 5 hours 49 minutes:
I also have FarGetaNik's "Neptune Portrait" and TonnyBGood's "Pluto System 2016" addons installed, so some of my future releases may be edited to be compatible with such addons.

Added after 15 hours 27 minutes:
I've also made a new Mars texture here:

Added after 9 hours 32 minutes:
asteroids.ssc file (lacks 253 Mathilde and 21 Lutetia due to lack of models, including 2020 AV2):

Code: Select all

# A few main belt asteroids . .
"Ceres:1 Ceres" "Sol"
   Class "dwarfplanet"
   Texture "ceres.*"
   Radius 467

   Epoch       2452600.5     # 2002 Nov 22 00:00UT
   Period            4.60014
   SemiMajorAxis     2.7660
   Eccentricity      0.0793
   Inclination      10.584
   AscendingNode    80.483
   ArgOfPericenter  74.043
   MeanAnomaly     232.067

   RotationPeriod         9.075
   RotationEpoch    2449249.91125 # 1993 Sep 19 09:52:12UT
   Obliquity             11
   EquatorAscendingNode  29
   RotationOffset       339.85

   Albedo 0.113

"Pallas:2 Pallas:Pallas Athena:Athena:2 Pallas Athena" "Sol"
   Class "asteroid"
   Texture "th_potato2k.jpg"
   Radius 263

   Epoch       2452600.5     # 2002 Nov 22 00:00UT
   Period            4.61868
   SemiMajorAxis     2.7733
   Eccentricity      0.2300
   Inclination      34.846
   AscendingNode   173.166
   ArgOfPericenter 310.423
   MeanAnomaly     218.057

   RotationPeriod         7.81323264
   Obliquity            102
   EquatorAscendingNode 162
   RotationOffset       352.77

   Albedo 0.159

"Juno:3 Juno" "Sol"
   Class "asteroid"
   Texture "small-moon.jpg"
   Radius 130

   Epoch       2452600.5     # 2002 Nov 22 00:00UT
   Period            4.35540
   SemiMajorAxis     2.6669
   Eccentricity      0.2589
   Inclination      12.972
   AscendingNode   170.133
   ArgOfPericenter 247.948
   MeanAnomaly     119.146

   RotationPeriod         7.811
   Obliquity             56
   EquatorAscendingNode 196

   Albedo 0.238

"Vesta:4 Vesta" "Sol"
   Class "asteroid"
   Mesh   "vesta.cmod"
   Texture "vesta.jpg"
   Radius    279 # maximum semi-axis
   MeshCenter [ 0.77 3.424 -0.554 ]

   InfoURL ""

   Epoch       2452000.5       # 2001 Apr 1 00:00UT
   Period            3.62729
   SemiMajorAxis     2.3670775
   Eccentricity      0.089753
   Inclination       7.1346
   AscendingNode   103.9510
   ArgOfPericenter 149.4585
   MeanAnomaly     104.980

   RotationPeriod         5.342
   RotationEpoch    2450124.90833 # 1996 May 11 09:48UT
   Obliquity             40
   EquatorAscendingNode  91
   RotationOffset       325.77

   Albedo 0.423

"Astraea (asteroid):5 Astraea" "Sol"
   Class "asteroid"
   Texture "asteroid.jpg"
   Radius    59.5

   InfoURL ""

   Epoch       2452000.5       # 2001 Apr 1 00:00UT
   Period            3.62729
   SemiMajorAxis     2.5735
   Eccentricity      0.1914
   Inclination       7.1346
   AscendingNode   103.9510
   ArgOfPericenter 149.4585
   MeanAnomaly     104.980

   RotationPeriod         5.342
   RotationEpoch    2450124.90833 # 1996 May 11 09:48UT
   Obliquity             40
   EquatorAscendingNode  91
   RotationOffset       325.77

   Albedo 0.227

"Hebe:6 Hebe" "Sol"
   Class "asteroid"
   Texture "asteroid.jpg"
   Radius    93

   InfoURL ""

   Epoch       2452000.5       # 2001 Apr 1 00:00UT
   Period            3.62729
   SemiMajorAxis     2.426
   Eccentricity      0.202
   Inclination       7.1346
   AscendingNode   103.9510
   ArgOfPericenter 149.4585
   MeanAnomaly     104.980

   RotationPeriod         5.342
   RotationEpoch    2450124.90833 # 1996 May 11 09:48UT
   Obliquity             40
   EquatorAscendingNode  91
   RotationOffset       325.77

   Albedo 0.268

"Iris:7 Iris" "Sol"
   Class "asteroid"
   Texture "asteroid.jpg"
   Radius    95

   InfoURL ""

   Epoch       2452000.5       # 2001 Apr 1 00:00UT
   Period            3.62729
   SemiMajorAxis     2.385
   Eccentricity      0.2312
   Inclination       7.1346
   AscendingNode   103.9510
   ArgOfPericenter 149.4585
   MeanAnomaly     104.980

   RotationPeriod         5.342
   RotationEpoch    2450124.90833 # 1996 May 11 09:48UT
   Obliquity             40
   EquatorAscendingNode  91
   RotationOffset       325.77

   Albedo 0.277

"Flora:8 Flora" "Sol"
   Class "asteroid"
   Texture "asteroid.jpg"
   Radius    60

   InfoURL ""

   Epoch       2452000.5       # 2001 Apr 1 00:00UT
   Period            3.62729
   SemiMajorAxis     2.202
   Eccentricity      0.1561
   Inclination       7.1346
   AscendingNode   103.9510
   ArgOfPericenter 149.4585
   MeanAnomaly     104.980

   RotationPeriod         5.342
   RotationEpoch    2450124.90833 # 1996 May 11 09:48UT
   Obliquity             40
   EquatorAscendingNode  91
   RotationOffset       325.77

   Albedo 0.243

"Metis:9 Metis" "Sol"
   Class "asteroid"
   Texture "asteroid.jpg"
   Radius    111

   InfoURL ""

   Epoch       2452000.5       # 2001 Apr 1 00:00UT
   Period            3.62729
   SemiMajorAxis     2.387
   Eccentricity      0.122
   Inclination       7.1346
   AscendingNode   103.9510
   ArgOfPericenter 149.4585
   MeanAnomaly     104.980

   RotationPeriod         5.342
   RotationEpoch    2450124.90833 # 1996 May 11 09:48UT
   Obliquity             40
   EquatorAscendingNode  91
   RotationOffset       325.77

   Albedo 0.118

"Hygeia:10 Hygeia" "Sol"
   Texture "Darkcomet.*"
   Radius    225

   InfoURL ""

   Epoch       2452000.5       # 2001 Apr 1 00:00UT
   Period            3.62729
   SemiMajorAxis     3.1415
   Eccentricity      0.1125
   Inclination       7.1346
   AscendingNode   103.9510
   ArgOfPericenter 149.4585
   MeanAnomaly     104.980

   RotationPeriod         5.342
   RotationEpoch    2450124.90833 # 1996 May 11 09:48UT
   Obliquity             40
   EquatorAscendingNode  91
   RotationOffset       325.77

   Albedo 0.0717

"Psyche:16 Psyche" "Sol"
   Texture "janus.*"
   Radius    112.5

   InfoURL ""

   Epoch       2452000.5       # 2001 Apr 1 00:00UT
   Period            3.62729
   SemiMajorAxis     2.921
   Eccentricity      0.140
   Inclination       7.1346
   AscendingNode   103.9510
   ArgOfPericenter 149.4585
   MeanAnomaly     104.980

   RotationPeriod         5.342
   RotationEpoch    2450124.90833 # 1996 May 11 09:48UT
   Obliquity             40
   EquatorAscendingNode  91
   RotationOffset       325.77

   Albedo 0.37

# Some of the asteroids visited by spacecraft
"951 Gaspra" "Sol"
   Class "asteroid"
   Mesh "gaspra.cmod"
   Texture "gaspra.*"
   BumpMap "gaspra-bump.jpg"
   BumpHeight 1   
   Color   [ 0.50 0.47 0.42 ]
   BlendTexture true
   Radius    9.1 # maximum semi-axis
   MeshCenter [ 1.540 -0.064 -0.118 ]

   Epoch     2448559.0        # 1991 Oct 29 12:00UT (Galileo encounter)
   Period          3.2837     # average
   SemiMajorAxis   2.2096348  # at epoch
   Eccentricity    0.1738752  # at epoch
   Inclination     4.0975771  # at epoch
   AscendingNode   253.445592 # at epoch
   ArgOfPericenter 129.045896 # at epoch
   MeanAnomaly     280.769206 # at epoch

   RotationPeriod         7.042073
   Obliquity             69.28
   EquatorAscendingNode 109.59
   RotationOffset        58.865

   Albedo 0.1

"243 Ida" "Sol"
   Class "asteroid"
   Mesh "ida.cmod"
   Texture "ida.jpg"
   Radius    28.9 # maximum semi-axis
   MeshCenter [ -1.424 -0.417 0.115 ]

   Epoch     2449228.0        # 1993 Aug 28 12:00UT (Galileo encounter)
   Period          4.8417     # mean
   SemiMajorAxis   2.863731   # at epoch
   Eccentricity    0.043109   # at epoch
   Inclination     1.137110   # at epoch
   AscendingNode   324.586055 # at epoch
   ArgOfPericenter 113.017101 # at epoch
        MeanAnomaly     131.594945 # at epoch

   RotationPeriod         4.633632
   Obliquity        156.96
   EquatorAscendingNode 352.77
   RotationOffset       359.46

   Albedo 0.24

"Dactyl" "Sol/243 Ida"
   # Data for Dactyl taken from:
   # Petit et al.: The Long-Term Dynamics of Dactyl's Orbit
   # (Icarus 1997: 130; 177-197) - linked in the InfoURL

   InfoURL ""

   Class "asteroid"
   Texture "dactyl.*"
   Radius   0.7

   Epoch        2449228.2028  # 1993 Aug 28 16:52:05UT
   Period             0.96534 # stable 5:1 resonant orbit (Petit et al.)
   SemiMajorAxis     83.5     # stable 5:1 resonant orbit (Petit et al.)
   Eccentricity       0.13    # stable 5:1 resonant orbit (Petit et al.)
   LongOfPericenter 310       # stable pericenter at 90:E Ida longitude (Petit et al.)
   AscendingNode     90       # VERY approximate - chosen to place Dactyl north
                                   # of Ida's equator, as seen at time of Galileo encounter
   Inclination        8       # estimated at 7-9 degrees (Petit et al.)

   RotationOffset   123       # place prime meridian facing Ida

   Albedo 0.2

"433 Eros" "Sol"
   Class "asteroid"
   Mesh "eros-720.cmod"
   #Mesh   "eros.cmod"
   Texture "eros.*"
   #NormalMap "erosnm.png"
   Color   [ 0.76 0.70 0.70 ]
   #BlendTexture true
   Radius 16.3 # maximum semi-axis
   MeshCenter [ -1.262 0.168 -0.164 ]

   Epoch       2451171.0      # 1998 Dec 23 12:00UT (NEAR-Shoemaker encounter)
   Period            1.761    # average
   SemiMajorAxis     1.458261 # at epoch
   Eccentricity      0.222885 # at epoch
   Inclination      10.830143 # at epoch
   AscendingNode   304.430882 # at epoch
   ArgOfPericenter 178.613184 # at epoch
   MeanAnomaly     208.403434 # at epoch

   RotationPeriod         5.270
   Obliquity             78.70
   EquatorAscendingNode 107.23
   RotationOffset       338.165

   Albedo 0.16

# Radar-imaged asteroids
"4179 Toutatis" "Sol"
   Class "asteroid"
   Mesh   "toutatis.cmod"
   Texture "asteroid.jpg"
   # We'll just use the same color as Eros
   Color   [ 0.52 0.47 0.42 ]
   BlendTexture true
   Radius  2.3 # maximum semi-axis
   MeshCenter [ 0.0313 0.2171 0.0064 ]

   InfoURL ""

   Epoch       2452200.5       # 2001 Oct 18 00:00UT
   Period            3.976715
   SemiMajorAxis     2.5100537
   Eccentricity      0.6342274
   Inclination       0.46959
   AscendingNode   128.24788
   ArgOfPericenter 274.78070
        MeanAnomaly      86.28120

   RotationPeriod  129.6         # 5.41 days
   Obliquity       145
   PrecessionRate  -48.98        # 7.35 day period

   Albedo 0.16

"1620 Geographos" "Sol"
   Class "asteroid"
   Mesh   "geographos.cmod"
   Texture "asteroid.jpg"
   # We'll just use the same color as Eros
   Color   [ 0.52 0.47 0.42 ]
   BlendTexture true
   Radius  2.53 # maximum semi-axis
   MeshCenter [ 0.154 -0.002 -0.026 ]

   InfoURL ""

   Epoch       2450800.5    # 1997 Dec 18 00:00UT
   Period            1.39
   SemiMajorAxis     1.2455
   Eccentricity      0.3354
   Inclination      13.34
   AscendingNode   337.352
   ArgOfPericenter 276.756
        MeanAnomaly     180.595

   RotationPeriod         5.223
   Obliquity            136
   EquatorAscendingNode 145

   Albedo 0.326

"216 Kleopatra" "Sol"
   Class "asteroid"
   Mesh   "kleopatra.cmod"
   Texture "asteroid.jpg"
   # We'll just use the same color as Eros
   Color   [ 0.52 0.47 0.42 ]
   BlendTexture true
   Radius  110 # maximum semi-axis
   MeshCenter [ -3.049 2.379 1.429 ]

   InfoURL ""

   Epoch       2450800.5    # 1997 Dec 12 00:00UT
   Period            4.67
   SemiMajorAxis     2.791
   Eccentricity      0.2531
   Inclination      13.138
   AscendingNode   215.699
   ArgOfPericenter 179.350
        MeanAnomaly     225.804

   RotationPeriod         5.385
   Obliquity             63
   EquatorAscendingNode 162   

   Albedo 0.16
   # Class M


"1998 KY26" "Sol"
   Class "asteroid"
   Mesh   "ky26.cmod"
   Texture "th_potato2k.jpg"
   Color   [ 0.42 0.47 0.42 ]
   BlendTexture true
   Radius  0.015 # maximum semi-axis
   MeshCenter [ -0.000718 -0.000099 0.000556 ]

   InfoURL ""

   Epoch       2452000.5        # 2001 Apr 1 00:00UT
   Period            1.3752
   SemiMajorAxis     1.2320798
   Eccentricity      0.20151423
   Inclination       1.48127
   AscendingNode    84.45490
   ArgOfPericenter 209.14766
        MeanAnomaly     356.6879717

   RotationPeriod 0.178

   Albedo 0.15


"2063 Bacchus" "Sol"
   Class "asteroid"
   Mesh   "bacchus.cmod"
   Texture "asteroid.jpg"
   #We'll just use the same color as Eros
   Color   [ 0.52 0.47 0.42 ]
   BlendTexture true
   Radius  0.55 # maximum semi-axis
   MeshCenter [ -0.00936 -0.00610 0.00289 ]

   InfoURL ""

   Epoch       2452000.5        # 2001 Apr 1 00:00UT
   Period            1.1223
   SemiMajorAxis     1.0781035
   Eccentricity      0.34951251
   Inclination       9.43160
   AscendingNode    33.23590
   ArgOfPericenter  55.18040
        MeanAnomaly     229.8627955

   RotationPeriod        14.90
   Obliquity            116
   EquatorAscendingNode 114

   Albedo 0.15

"6489 Golevka" "Sol"
   Class "asteroid"
   Mesh   "golevka.cmod"
   Texture "asteroid.jpg"
   # We'll just use the same color as Eros
   Color   [ 0.52 0.47 0.42 ]
   BlendTexture true
   Radius  0.34 # maximum semi-axis
   MeshCenter [ -0.0289 -0.0111 -0.0331 ]

   InfoURL ""

   Epoch       2452000.5        # 2001 Apr 1 00:00UT
   Period            3.995
   SemiMajorAxis     2.5120500
   Eccentricity      0.60117380
   Inclination       2.28701
   AscendingNode   212.16560
   ArgOfPericenter  65.25133
        MeanAnomaly     159.8983670

   RotationPeriod         6.0289
   Obliquity            135
   EquatorAscendingNode 292
   Albedo 0.15

"4769 Castalia" "Sol"
   Class "asteroid"
   Mesh   "castalia.cmod"
   Texture "asteroid.jpg"
   # We'll just use the same color as Eros
   Color   [ 0.52 0.47 0.42 ]
   BlendTexture true
   Radius  0.81 # maximum semi-axis
   MeshCenter [ -0.0456 -0.0347 -0.0178 ]

   InfoURL ""

   Epoch       2452000.5        # 2001 Apr 1 00:00UT
   Period            1.096
   SemiMajorAxis     1.0632007
   Eccentricity      0.48324394
   Inclination       8.88806
   AscendingNode   325.71246
   ArgOfPericenter 121.26355
        MeanAnomaly     152.5186007

   RotationPeriod         4.095
   Obliquity            146
   EquatorAscendingNode 325

   Albedo 0.15

# Centaurs
"2060 Chiron" "Sol"
   Class "asteroid"
   Texture "Darkcomet.jpg"
   Radius 144

   Epoch        2449608.5      # 1994 Sep 13 00:00UT
   Period            50.90359
   SemiMajorAxis     13.734941
   Eccentricity       0.384424
   Inclination        6.927771
   AscendingNode    209.395188
   ArgOfPericenter  339.432152
   MeanAnomaly      349.983669

   RotationPeriod 5.918

   Albedo 0.048

"944 Hidalgo" "Sol"
   Class "asteroid"
   Mesh   "roughsphere.cms"
   Texture "hyperion.*" # D-type asteroid
   Radius  30.7

   InfoURL ""

   Epoch       2458600.5
   Period            13.76
   SemiMajorAxis     5.741
   Eccentricity      0.6608
   Inclination       42.521
   AscendingNode   21.42
   ArgOfPericenter 56.651
        MeanAnomaly     13.078

   RotationPeriod         10.063
   Albedo 0.042

"1862 Apollo" "Sol"
   Class "asteroid"
   Mesh   "asteroid.cms"
   Texture "asteroid.jpg"
   Radius  0.875

   InfoURL ""

   Epoch       2455194.5        # 2001 Apr 1 00:00UT
   Period            1.78
   SemiMajorAxis     1.4702
   Eccentricity      0.55994
   Inclination       6.3530
   AscendingNode   35.739
   ArgOfPericenter 285.85
        MeanAnomaly     144.22

   RotationPeriod         3.065
   Obliquity            15

   Albedo 0.25

"704 Interamnia" "Sol"
   Class "asteroid"
   Mesh   "roughsphere.cms"
   Texture "asteroid.jpg"
   Radius  166

   InfoURL ""

   Epoch       2457600.5
   Period            5.35
   SemiMajorAxis     3.0575
   Eccentricity      0.15431
   Inclination       17.309
   AscendingNode   280.3
   ArgOfPericenter 95.208
        MeanAnomaly     276.11

   RotationPeriod         8.712336
   Obliquity            7

   Albedo 0.0742

"52 Europa" "Sol"
   Class "asteroid"
   Mesh   "roughsphere.cms"
   Texture "asteroid.jpg"
   Radius  157.5

   InfoURL ""

   Epoch       2453700.5
   Period            5.46
   SemiMajorAxis     3.101
   Eccentricity      0.102
   Inclination       7.466
   AscendingNode   128.992
   ArgOfPericenter 343.553
        MeanAnomaly     70.73

   RotationPeriod         5.6328
   Obliquity            7 

   Albedo 0.058

"511 Davida" "Sol"
   Class "asteroid"
   Mesh   "roughsphere.cms"
   Texture "asteroid.jpg"
   Radius  178.5

   InfoURL ""

   Epoch       2455800.5
   Period            5.63009883
   SemiMajorAxis     3.164743701
   Eccentricity      0.18690453
   Inclination       15.942247
   AscendingNode   107.63617
   ArgOfPericenter 338.178
        MeanAnomaly     202.86548

   RotationPeriod         5.13
   Obliquity            7 

   Albedo 0.054

"24 Themis" "Sol"
   Class "asteroid"
   Mesh   "roughsphere.cms"
   Texture "sedna_dark.jpg"
   Radius  99

   InfoURL ""

   Epoch       2455400.5
   Period            5.54
   SemiMajorAxis     3.129
   Eccentricity      0.131
   Inclination       0.7595
   AscendingNode   35.99
   ArgOfPericenter 107.7
        MeanAnomaly     146.6

   RotationPeriod         8.383333
   Obliquity            2

   Albedo 0.067

"269 Justitia" "Sol"
   Class "asteroid"
   Mesh   "roughsphere.cms"
   Texture "sedna_dark.jpg"
   Radius  26.81

   InfoURL ""

   Epoch       2457600.5
   Period            4.23
   SemiMajorAxis     2.61515
   Eccentricity      0.21399
   Inclination       5.4799
   AscendingNode   156.759
   ArgOfPericenter 119.62
        MeanAnomaly     219.582

   RotationPeriod         33.128
   Obliquity            2

   Albedo 0.0974

"31 Euphrosyne" "Sol"
   Class "asteroid"
   Mesh   "roughsphere.cms"
   Texture "asteroid.jpg"
   Radius  133.54

   InfoURL ""

   Epoch       2458600.5
   Period            5.61
   SemiMajorAxis     3.1554
   Eccentricity      0.2209
   Inclination       26.3033
   AscendingNode   31.1186
   ArgOfPericenter 61.4704
        MeanAnomaly     87.1671

   RotationPeriod         5.531
   Obliquity            7 

   Albedo 0.0543

# source for data:
"38 Leda" "Sol"
   Class "asteroid"
   Mesh   "roughsphere.cms"
   Texture "asteroid.jpg"
   Radius  57.705

   InfoURL ""

   Epoch       2454100.5
   Period            4.54
   SemiMajorAxis     2.743
   Eccentricity      0.152
   Inclination       6.955
   AscendingNode   295.890
   ArgOfPericenter 168.804
        MeanAnomaly     107.567

   RotationPeriod         12.84
   Obliquity            3.885 

   Albedo 0.0618

"45 Eugenia" "Sol"
   Class "asteroid"
   Mesh   "roughsphere.cms"
   Texture "asteroid.jpg"
   Radius  107.3

   InfoURL ""

   Epoch       2453701.5
   Period            4.49
   SemiMajorAxis     4.06897
   Eccentricity      0.082
   Inclination       6.610
   AscendingNode   147.939
   ArgOfPericenter 85.137
        MeanAnomaly     45.254

   RotationPeriod        0.2375 # sidereal
   Albedo 0.04

"Petit-Prince:S/1998 (45) 1" "Sol/45 Eugenia"
   InfoURL ""

   Class "asteroid"
   Texture "asteroid.*"
   Radius   6.5

   Epoch        2449228.2028  # unknown
   Period             4.766 #
   SemiMajorAxis     1184     
   Eccentricity       0.01   
   LongOfPericenter 300     # unknown 
   AscendingNode     90       # unknown
   Inclination        8       #

   RotationOffset   123       # unknown

   Albedo 0.2

"S/2004 (45) 1" "Sol/45 Eugenia"
   InfoURL ""

   Class "asteroid"
   Texture "asteroid.*"
   Radius   6.5

   Epoch        2449228.2028  # unknown
   Period             4.7
   SemiMajorAxis     700     
   Eccentricity       0.01 # unknown   
   LongOfPericenter 300     # unknown 
   AscendingNode     90       # unknown
   Inclination        4       # unknown

   RotationOffset   123       # unknown

   Albedo 0.1

"77 Frigga" "Sol"
   Class "asteroid"
   Mesh   "roughsphere.cms"
   Texture "janus.*" # high albedo
   Radius  1.5

   InfoURL ""

   Epoch       2454100.5
   Period            4.36
   SemiMajorAxis     2.669
   Eccentricity      0.133
   Inclination       2.433
   AscendingNode   1.332
   ArgOfPericenter 61.419
        MeanAnomaly     346.682

   RotationPeriod         9
   Albedo 0.144

"2212 Hephaistos" "Sol"
   Class "asteroid"
   Mesh   "roughsphere.cms"
   Texture "asteroid.jpg"
   Radius  2.85

   InfoURL ""

   Epoch       2457400.5
   Period            3.17
   SemiMajorAxis     2.159046967
   Eccentricity      0.83757618
   Inclination       11.5582329
   AscendingNode   27.569039
   ArgOfPericenter 209.3347492572090
        MeanAnomaly     272.0812839243940

   RotationPeriod         20
   Albedo 0.7 # unknown

"Vulcan:Vulcan (asteroid):2020 AV2" "Sol"
   Class "asteroid"
   Mesh   "roughsphere.cms"
   Texture "vulcan.jpg"
   Radius  1.5

   InfoURL ""

   Epoch       2459000.5
   Period            0.41
   SemiMajorAxis     0.5554
   Eccentricity      0.17708
   Inclination       15.872
   AscendingNode   6.707
   ArgOfPericenter 187.315
        MeanAnomaly     222.490

# unknown
   RotationPeriod         2
   Albedo 0.3

2020 AV2 texture:

Updated Hypothetical Bodies addon to prevent conflicts with 2020 AV2:
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(2.15 MiB) Downloaded 281 times
Last edited by Joey P. on 23.04.2020, 02:27, edited 1 time in total.
Joey P.

Topic author
Joey P. M
Posts: 462
Joined: 28.10.2017
Age: 22
With us: 6 years 10 months
Location: Vladivostok, Russia

Post #11by Joey P. » 23.04.2020, 02:26

Added Femalien (left) and Poindexter (right), two fictional retrograde Triton-like moons of Planet Nine:

Code: Select all

"Femalien" "Sol/Planet Nine"
   Texture   "femalien.*" #
   Radius   1928
   Albedo   0.5

   Epoch 2443020.00038375
   Period         89.154553
   SemiMajorAxis  24329102
   Eccentricity   0.121
   Inclination    163.643
   AscendingNode    149.841
   LongOfPericenter 123.4831
   MeanLongitude    205.206

   Inclination        0.3
   AscendingNode   181.6
   MeridianAngle      262.1


"Poindexter" "Sol/Planet Nine"
   Texture   "planet10.*"
   Radius   1928
   Albedo   0.5

   Epoch 2443020.00038375
   Period         13.154553
   SemiMajorAxis  5432910
   Eccentricity   0.324
   Inclination    154.643
   AscendingNode    209.841
   LongOfPericenter 123.4831
   MeanLongitude    163.206

   Inclination        0.1
   AscendingNode   98.6
   MeridianAngle      142.1


Added after 1 month:
Neutron star near the Sun with surface features:

Anubelea system from Poul Anderson's Fire Time:

Low-quality Alpha Centauri A texture, based on an old, deleted one by Tech Sgt. Chen:

Neutron star texture, based on an old one by FarGetaNik:

White dwarf texture, based on an old one by FarGetaNik:

Added after 4 days:
Hypergiant Stars in the Solar System (updated, no fake names this time):

Code: Select all

"VY Canis Majoris"
   OrbitBarycenter "Solar System Barycenter"
   SpectralType "M2I-a"
        Radius 1467000000
   AbsMag -6.88

   EllipticalOrbit {               
      Period      9E12
      SemiMajorAxis   36      MeanAnomaly   180

   RotationOffset -90

"VV Cephei A"
   OrbitBarycenter "Solar System Barycenter"
   SpectralType "M2"
        Radius 1322400000
   AbsMag 11.01

   EllipticalOrbit {               
      Period      9E12
      SemiMajorAxis   32

   RotationPeriod 0.17777777778  # 10 min

"The Garnet Star 2"
   OrbitBarycenter "Solar System Barycenter"
   SpectralType "M2"
        Radius 1009490000
   AbsMag 11.01

   EllipticalOrbit {               
      Period      9E12
      SemiMajorAxis   29      MeanAnomaly   235

   RotationPeriod 0.17777777778  # 10 min

"LBV 1806-20 2"
   OrbitBarycenter "Solar System Barycenter"
   SpectralType "O"
        Radius 790404920
   AbsMag 11.01

   EllipticalOrbit {               
      Period      9E12
      SemiMajorAxis   25.777      MeanAnomaly   77

   RotationPeriod 0.17777777778  # 10 min

"The Pistol Star"
   OrbitBarycenter "Solar System Barycenter"
   SpectralType "B"
        Radius 905060000
   AbsMag 11.01

   EllipticalOrbit {               
      Period      9E12
      SemiMajorAxis   20.17727      MeanAnomaly   49

   RotationPeriod 0.17777777778  # 10 min

"Deneb 2"
   OrbitBarycenter "Solar System Barycenter"
   SpectralType "A2I-a"
        Radius 141000000
        SemiMajorAxis 348.5
   AbsMag -8.73

   EllipticalOrbit {               
      Period      3E12
      SemiMajorAxis   15

"Eta Carinae"
   OrbitBarycenter "Solar System Barycenter"
   SpectralType "O2I-a"
        Radius 557000000
   AbsMag -8.73

   EllipticalOrbit {               
      Period      3E12
                MeanAnomaly   25
      SemiMajorAxis   10.7

Joey P.

Posts: 5
Joined: 27.04.2020
With us: 4 years 4 months

Idk why im responding

Post #12by Chill » 29.05.2020, 20:15

I dont know why i am responding here but nice

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