Vision's Addons

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SVision M
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Vision's Addons

Post #1by SVision » 30.10.2019, 20:24

Greetings to all members of the project Celestia :smile: !

Once upon a time, when I was still very young, I met Celestia 1.4.1, a very advanced program at that time (it was already distant 2004), which further defined all my interests in my life, sending me completely to the knowledge of a cold, deadly for all living things but a beautiful and perfect cosmos. Celestia opened up gave me the opportunity to participate in a virtual but full-fledged space odyssey

My first full-fledged add-on was assembled by me in 2007. It was extremely simple. It did not have my textures, and yes ... in fact, then I changed only the name and spectrum of the star.

But that was only the beginning

Over time, I grew and gained more and more knowledge of skills.
And already in 2014, as a student, I dreamed of becoming a full member of the Celestia project, alas, not knowing that the project was suspended at that time and the forum then ceased to exist :help: ...

But I met people who, like me, speak and write in my native language (I live in Russia) on a Russian-language site

So began my second part in the development of the Celestia project :smile:
I met Artem (aka Art Blos), alas, the late Gennady (aka Croc) Alexander (aka Alexell) and others.

And having mastered a lot of knowledge and skills, I have reached truly great heights in terms of Celestia’s astronomy

Now I can study without any modesty ANY object of the visible universe
From which asteroid thread (I must admit ... they are of little interest to me) to exoplanetary systems (this is a priority (it was before my depression that started in 2017 and still torments me but I don’t give up) because it’s looking for extraterrestrial life, a place in history, etc.) and, in general, of the deep universe with its countless galaxies.

But all this was done (I’m a perfectionist), essentially for myself. I thought that my creations, if not needed by anyone, were at least not good enough to be shown to others. And I worked and worked for myself ...

And now ... I finally decided to start showing (otherwise, why did I think all this then, right?) My creations

So, this was a little opening speech about my path in Celestia

I will pass to release

Milky Way Center Remove

I present to you an updated version of the center of the Milky Way!

The basis was taken from the addon by Luigi C

This addon adds to Celestia famous black holes and most real stars (catalogs E, N, B, GCIRS and partially S added) of the Milky Way center.
Some stars have real orbits, and some are still stable because their orbital period is unknown.
Some stars have their own characteristics (double star systems or accretion discs in Be stars)
The addon radially modifies black holes (especially Sagittarius A *), transforming them from something outdated and incomprehensible into really dangerous objects.
It is also worth noting that the add-ons as shown by various tests with such aggressive accretion discs work without brakes.


1)Download and unzip to the extras folder
2)Download files, create a file in the extras folder, place the files in your folder

for correct operation of the addon, it is recommended to remove the Galactic Center add-on included in Lua Tools(thank you SevenSpheres)

Addon Author

Code: Select all

Vision - recycling the code of all previously existing objects, extension new deep space objects, processing the code of all previously available objects, adding new objects, code generation

Thanks to the authors of previous works

Code: Select all

Luigi C -Center Milky Way

PlutonianEmpire - sprite models of torus disks

Cham- implementation of sprite rendering

sbowers - "ergosphere" model

Addon Testers

Code: Select all

Members of the CelestiaOrgin Project


Other users of Celestia


Special thanks

Code: Select all








Link to download

Enjoy your virtual space flight :wink: !
Last edited by SVision on 31.10.2019, 14:01, edited 1 time in total.

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Post #2by Lafuente_Astronomy » 30.10.2019, 21:43

That is very nice of you to finally add your addons here, SVision. I'll check them out now. And honestly, they did look promising when you started posting them back in the Discord, and since you're a perfectionist, the actual addons should look even better than the initial images that were shown. But then either way, this is really an immensely great piece of work, since no one else ever made black holes and accretion disks as accurate as you ever did. I recommend that you give and contribute some, if not all of your ideas to the official Celestia development. If I remember, SevenSpheres suggested that there should be warped space effects in Celesta: I think you can be capable of making that into reality, and it's alright if it takes time, just like what you did with your addons, just take your own time.

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Post #3by SevenSpheres » 30.10.2019, 22:05

This looks great! :clap: But why do some object names have line breaks in the middle of them? And where are the models from? This addon?

Also, I recommend that anyone who downloads this remove the Galactic Center addon included with the Lua Tools.
My Addons: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=19978 • Discord server admin
Celestia versions: 1.5.1, 1.6.1, 1.6.2, 1.7.0, and some unofficial versions like Celestia-ED

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Post #4by Lafuente_Astronomy » 30.10.2019, 22:25

Alright I tested it out

The addon does look good, especially since you actually included real stars in the cluster surrounding the Galactic Center. And thankfully, you will consider adding even more of those stars, alongside more of your addons as time passes

However, I think you didn't add yet the Sagittarius A* Black Hole model yet, though there is an item listed in the Search, but somehow, even if I press "Enter", it does not make my Celestia select the object associated with the name, so it may be that the name's there but not the model or object associated with it. To make sure, I searched an HR object, since I added HR identifiers to my starnames.dat file, then I use the tab function to just quickly scan over the results shown. When I clicked enter, Celestia went over to the result that was selected. I did the same thing with Sagittarius A*, use the tab button to make my Celestia select it, and then I pressed enter. But nothing came out, and Celestia didn't even clicked on the Object, whose name and characteristics should be seen in the upper left corner by then. Instead, it was nothing.
(Update: SevenSpheres clarified that it's still there, so nevermind this part of the criticism :wink: )

Either way, there's always room for improvement, and I look forward to you adding even more objects, especially the Boss Black Hole, which was the object that got me hooked to your addons in the first place, in your addons in the future

Added after 2 minutes 18 seconds:
SevenSpheres wrote:But why do some object names have line breaks in the middle of them? And where are the models from? This addon?

Vision actually credits Plutonian Empire for the making of the Torus Disks in his first post, so don't worry
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Post #5by SevenSpheres » 30.10.2019, 22:31

Lafuente_Astronomy wrote:However, I think you didn't add yet the Sagittarius A* Black Hole model yet, though there is an item listed in the Search, but somehow, even if I press "Enter", it does not make my Celestia select the object associated with the name, so it may be that the name's there but not the model or object associated with it.

It looks like there are slashes in the name which make it unselectable: "Sagittarius A*/IR/L'". You should be able to select it by "Sgr A*".

Lafuente_Astronomy wrote:Vision actually credits Plutonian Empire for the making of the Torus Disks in his first post, so don't worry

I'm not worrying, just curious which addon it was.
My Addons: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=19978 • Discord server admin
Celestia versions: 1.5.1, 1.6.1, 1.6.2, 1.7.0, and some unofficial versions like Celestia-ED

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Post #6by Lafuente_Astronomy » 30.10.2019, 22:36

SevenSpheres wrote:I'm not worrying, just curious which addon it was.

Well, aside from Plutonian Empire, Vision also credits Luigi C for the Galactic Center addon, which he improved over, Cham for the implementation of the torus disk sprites into Celestia, and sbowers for the ergosphere model. In short, you have around 4 different but related addons that were used and combined by Vision to make his addon about the Galactic Center and Sagittarius A*

Added after 22 minutes 1 second:
Oh, and also one more thing Vision: What are your computer specs? Does the Torus Disk animation run smoothly on your computer? Because it's somewhat laggy probably due to my computer specs being not advanced enough I guess. And maybe just for proof, if you can, try sending me a video of the Torus Disk animation from your Celestia. It'll be great. And thanks in advance
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SVision M
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Post #7by SVision » 31.10.2019, 16:23

If I remember, SevenSpheres suggested that there should be warped space effects in Celesta:

Lafuente_Astronomy, hmm ...
I agree with your offer
And perhaps I will join you
Somehow Askaniy invited me to the github community of Celestia but I forgot about it. It's time to fix it :smile:

some object names have line breaks in the middle

SevenSpheres see what it is connected with. I will analyze the example of a white dwarf WD 1117 069

All "names" (or rather indicators of objects) are taken from the astronomical base of the University of Strastburg (SIMBAD)


Often in this astronomical base there are a lot of id of this or that object
While in Celestia ... space for names is limited


Id WD 1117+069 under the catalog of the Sloan's Starry Sky Survey (SDSS) are very similar to each other and I just decided to combine them /.

If you meant why, for example, GCIRS 6E has two names..

Well GCIRS 6E official.
Under this indicator, this star is listed in SIMBAD, NED, WISE catalog, etc.

and 6E ... this is purely so that a person could easily remember it.

You understand that remembering [GKM98] S4-197 is very ... difficult.
And enter this into the search ... too :fie:

But S4-197 no problem :wink: !

As SevenSpheres correctly noted, Sagittarius A * itself is
But the problem is that it is recorded as Sagittarius A * / IR

This is the official id in SIMBAD and reads as “Sagittarius A star infrared source” No one actually saw that it was a black hole. Just found several sources of infrared radiation 2e of which (for example Sagittarius B2) are gas and dust clouds, but Sagittarius A * is special. studies have found the mass of this space monster and earthlings realized that this is a supermassive black hole

But ... It’s so inconvenient for me personally to write too. Then I think to refuse such a complex name
But basically ... you can go ahead :spy: .
Just enter sgr a * in the search bar (as SevenSpheres correctly noted) and Celestia will find this object :smile:

About the characteristics of my PC

PC Asus M51AC, Intel Core i7 4 cores, 1600 MHz, RAM 8 GB, NVIDIA GeForce GT 730,
Windows 10 x64.

My computer is not perfect, although it is far from weak and provides me with everything that modern society provides. Any games, video editing (I'll try for YouTube later)
Even ... when there was the Oсulus Rift CV 1 (then which I alas sold, because there was no money to pay off debts for my Internet business) I played VR games and VR applications

About the video
Okay, here it is. :smile:

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Post #8by SevenSpheres » 31.10.2019, 22:45

SVision, by "line breaks" I'm referring to the list of names taking up two lines, like this:

Code: Select all

OpenCluster "Sgr A* Cluster:Nuclear Star Cluster:GCIRS/BHA 16:Sgr A*
(IR) Complex:Galactic Center IRS 16:[BDB2003] G359.94-00.04"

The name "Sgr A*
(IR) Complex" has a line break in it, which looks odd in the search:


As for the names with slashes, you could replace them with spaces, or hyphens "-" like Celestia Origin, or even vertical bars "|".
My Addons: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=19978 • Discord server admin
Celestia versions: 1.5.1, 1.6.1, 1.6.2, 1.7.0, and some unofficial versions like Celestia-ED

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Post #9by Lafuente_Astronomy » 31.10.2019, 22:57

SVision wrote:Lafuente_Astronomy, hmm ...
I agree with your offer
And perhaps I will join you
Somehow Askaniy invited me to the github community of Celestia but I forgot about it. It's time to fix it

That's good to hear from you! I remembered that you made a simulation of Gravitational Waves back then, so I'm very confident that you can at least simulate the appearance of warped space around both compact objects and very massive objects like massive galaxies and the like.

SVision wrote:PC Asus M51AC, Intel Core i7 4 cores, 1600 MHz, RAM 8 GB, NVIDIA GeForce GT 730,
Windows 10 x64.

My computer is not perfect, although it is far from weak and provides me with everything that modern society provides. Any games, video editing (I'll try for YouTube later)
Even ... when there was the Oсulus Rift CV 1 (then which I alas sold, because there was no money to pay off debts for my Internet business) I played VR games and VR applications

Actually, that's a very high-end computer. My laptop is meant for business stuff, as such, its graphics card is only enough to power up to some basic 64-graphic games. I think my laptop's limitations in its graphics handling is what causes the movement of both the torus disk and the relativistic jets to lag, like it moves one frame per 5-10 seconds.

SVision wrote:About the video
Okay, here it is.

That video you sent me is so good! I knew it! The actual speed of Sagittarius A*'s torus disk and relativistic jets is very fast! Now I'm all the more convinced that it's my laptop's limitations that's causing the movements in Sagittarius A* in my Celestia to lag. Thank you very very much for sending me this video! Now I know just how REALLY fast the disks move around the black hole!

Added after 23 minutes 34 seconds:
Alright, as promised, here are my laptop's specs, which I initially typed in the Discord:

Aspire E1-572G
Intel Core i7-4500U 1.8 GHz with Turbo Boost up to 3.0G Hz
AMD Radeon HD 8750M with 2 GB Dedicated VRAM
8 GB DDR3 L Memory
1000 GB HDD
DVD-Super Multi DL Drive
802.11 b/g/n+BT
4-cell Li-ion battery
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Post #10by SevenSpheres » 01.11.2019, 21:59

You can all put your specs in your signatures like I did. :wink:

Simulating gravitational lensing was a suggestion for the future, not something to implement now. It would need, at least, a way to specify the mass of objects in STC (and DSC?) files, which I think is something AstroDB will do.
My Addons: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=19978 • Discord server admin
Celestia versions: 1.5.1, 1.6.1, 1.6.2, 1.7.0, and some unofficial versions like Celestia-ED

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Post #11by Lafuente_Astronomy » 01.11.2019, 22:10

SevenSpheres wrote:Simulating gravitational lensing was a suggestion for the future, not something to implement now. It would need, at least, a way to specify the mass of objects in STC (and DSC?) files, which I think is something AstroDB will do.

Well, either way, SVision appears to be the man for the job, don't you think?
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Post #12by SevenSpheres » 01.11.2019, 23:19

Lafuente_Astronomy wrote:Well, either way, SVision appears to be the man for the job, don't you think?

Yeah, probably.
My Addons: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=19978 • Discord server admin
Celestia versions: 1.5.1, 1.6.1, 1.6.2, 1.7.0, and some unofficial versions like Celestia-ED

Joey P. M
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Post #13by Joey P. » 02.11.2019, 18:15

This looks nice.
Joey P.

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Post #14by Lafuente_Astronomy » 02.11.2019, 22:07

Yep it is nice, provided your computer is strong enough to properly render the entire black hole and the movement of both its relativistic jets and accretion/torus disk. But it's truly nice, I tell you. Vision really worked hard on that one
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Post #15by Lafuente_Astronomy » 09.11.2019, 03:15

SVision, I remembered you posted an addon on Interstellar back in the Discord. Are you gonna upload it here as well? Or will you improve it first?

Added after 7 hours 28 minutes:
Also, if you want, I suggest that you can also make the Black Hole of Messier 87, also known as Virgo A, and Powhei. The Black Hole's Schwarzschild Radius is said to be around 5.9×10−4 parsecs (1.9×10−3 light-years), which is said to be around 120 Astronomical Units. Plus, its relativistic jet (On one side, since the counter-jet has not been seen by Astronomers yet, though it could be assumed to be the same length as the visible jet) extends around 1.5 kpc (5000 LY) from the Black Hole itself.

The Black Hole of Messier 87:

The Relativistic Jet of Messier 87:

Just a suggestion, and I'm not pressuring you. Feel free to make it in your own time :smile:
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SVision M
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Post #16by SVision » 09.11.2019, 23:15

Lafuente_Astronomy it is an interesting proposal and I agree to it :smile: (about the black hole of the Powhei)

I've wanted to take care of this black hole for a long time...
But that's why I put it off all the time...:think:
The thing is, if I start adding objects to the M87 can wait a long time for me to do this addon.
Because I'm gonna start dismantling this galaxy's group, and there's...
very many galaxies out there. I know myself.

I think it's a little early to get involved with Powhei

For a start I think in the near future to place the addon too devoted not weak black hole NGC 1600 X1 (un. name - Behemoth) at which weight in 18.5 billion MSol.
But there is not only this space monster there, but all real galaxies of the NGC 1600 group.There's over 200 galaxies out there
I think a lot of people will be interested in visiting these places :smile: .

About the addon's Interstelar

Yeah, you're right, he's gonna be here
I decided not to clutter my addons forum creating different topics and make a single theme for this

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Post #17by Lafuente_Astronomy » 09.11.2019, 23:24

SVision wrote:I've wanted to take care of this black hole for a long time...
But that's why I put it off all the time...
The thing is, if I start adding objects to the M87 can wait a long time for me to do this addon.
Because I'm gonna start dismantling this galaxy's group, and there's...
very many galaxies out there. I know myself.

Perhaps you just start with M 87 first, then release it, and afterwards, you can have all the time to focus on the other black holes. Just do M 87 first, then do the others later
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Joey P. M
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Post #18by Joey P. » 10.11.2019, 00:26

Oh right! We need an addon for the first imaged black hole! It's been almost eight months...
Joey P.

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SVision M
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Post #19by SVision » 10.11.2019, 09:50

I've been thinking, and maybe both of you. Why make it so difficult if you can just make a black hole.

OK :hi: . Then I'll probably do it soon :smile: .

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Post #20by Lafuente_Astronomy » 10.11.2019, 10:09

SVision wrote:I've been thinking, and maybe both of you. Why make it so difficult if you can just make a black hole.

I'm sorry if I appeared demanding. Honestly, I'm not, and I did say that I just suggested it, and not that I am pressuring you. Well, obviously in the internet, you cannot convey your actual tone of intention and therefore, anyone can assume your current emotions and be wrong most of the time. But hear me out: I'm not forcing you to do this. You can feel free to make it anytime you want.

That being said, I am no good programmer, I barely passed my programming classes, and I instantly forgot them afterwards, and as such, I probably cannot make a Black Hole. However, maybe you can message me or 2 on how to create a black hole for Celestia. If that's what you want that is. Either way, it's entirely up to you.
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