SevenSpheres wrote:don't really want to argue all the details of your theory.
Just to be precise: it's
not my theory.
SevenSpheres wrote:If one prediction is that the Solar System is only a few thousand years old, the theory is wrong because this contradicts a great deal of evidence.
It's not a prediction but implicarion of "great deal of evidence". And not solar system as a such, but its current shape.
SevenSpheres wrote:What predictions does the Electric Universe Theory make? What could be done to test it?
I quess you didnt even take a look at any documentaries, linked by me. Well, I should ask the same for standard astrophysics and planetary theories. Please remember, that scientists involved in Electric Universe have much less funds and tools. But whenever they make predictions, they are mostly right, even if other scientists are surprised or shocked.
Idea of EU is mostly this: Universe is constituted mostly by plasma undergoing voltage. So, most events in the Universe will be kind of elwctric discharge ans plasma instability. There is many ways to confirm that, many was already done, but mainstream routinely miss to notice these evidence. It's a matter of looking at every new discovery.
So, here are some prefictions I remember, already confirmed:
1. Solar electric origin of aurora, predicted by Kristian Birkeland in 1900-ties, later dissmissed by "scientific consensus", until confirmed in 1960-ties by sattelites. Please note, that despite it scientists still refuse to call aurora what it truely is: an electric discharge.
2. Double radio sources, predicted by Hannes Alfven, caused by jets of particles from galactic centers. Up to date these activity is pevuliar for standard model and attributed to giant black holes.
3. Highly energetic behaviour of comets, without water involved nor observed. Especially several direct predictions just before culmination of mission Deep Impact, which are up to now unexplicable for NASA: pre-impact very bright flash, huge dusty explosion and tiny impact crater. There was similar, but more spectacular event, when comet hit Jupiter.
4. My own prediction just before landing of Philae of Rosetta mission: lander will hit a rock, not ice and so it probably will ejected by own harpoons back. Well, we all know what happened
5. Alignment between nerby polarized objects, no matter in how large scale: galaxies and quasars.
6. High temperature of Venus.
7. Electric activity on other bodies, for example lightnings on all planets with atmospheres.
There is many aspects I cant judge if they are predictions or just good explanations. But I noted it here, because they hasnt plausible explanation in "consensus" theory:
1. Solar spectrum (continuous spectrum of hot gas is known only in case of electric arc).
2. Existence of solar corona, including temperature maximum over solar surface.
3. Corelation between solar surface activity, neutrino flux and comet activity (the last one confirmed yet by Birkeland).
4. Peculiarity of surface features of all discovered solid bodies in our SS, especially Mars.
5. Spiral shapes of galaxies, including famous flat rotation curves (origin of dark matter hipothesis).
But I dont know what You exactly want to know. This all is top of iceberg and I have to do other things. I linked documentaries. There are original works of Birkeland, Alfveb and others in the Internet. In the first pist I linked some webpages aggregating varuous evidence. Please post, if you want something different or more concret.
Still formally developer, but too tired to develop. I feel sad, but Celestia is going forward despite it.
Btw, the universe is ruled by electricity.