Stefan-Boltzmann constant is faulty for massive stars?

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Kochav Israel
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Stefan-Boltzmann constant is faulty for massive stars?

Post #1by Kochav Israel » 18.07.2019, 14:51

I have a star that symbolizes America in my fictional universe, and it has an absolute magnitude of -17.76, which corresponds to luminosity of around 1 billion x Sun.

When I automatically put it into Celestia, using the temperature of 3500 K and the magnitude, it gives a radius of 220'000 times that of Sun. Don't ask me why I made such massive star.

But if I go through the same formula hand by hand, I get 6.5 billion x Sun.

220'000 * 695'700'000 m = 153'054'000'000'000 m
153'054'000'000'000^2 * 4 * pi = 294 373 853 063 102 262 121 925 836 142.09
294 373 853 063 102 262 121 925 836 142.09 x 350 ^4 = 4.4174476325281783209671495786073e+43
4.4174476325281783209671495786073e+43 * 5.6703e-8 = 2.5048253310724529533380028255577e+36
2.5048253310724529533380028255577e+36 / 3.846e+26 = 6 512 806 373.04329941065523355579

Here is what it looks like in Celestia, for the reference I used 2013 version 1.7.0

Something seems off...

Gurren Lagann
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Post #2by Gurren Lagann » 18.07.2019, 16:18

Congrats, you just broke the world record for largest star (shared publically) in Celestia. The previous record was 86,000 solar radii (by the Sextans A addon).
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Kochav Israel
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Post #3by Kochav Israel » 18.07.2019, 18:02


I did this by total accident. Originally stars were meant to be within Sextans A's addon style, I expected a -17 magnitude to correspond to that star with 86'000 R_sun, but instead Celestia did this.

If the star is caltculated by ratio of T_star/T_sun to the 4, which is about 7, the radius works out to be 244'000.
Using ratios one can find out that a star with -17.76m would be about 32'000 R_sun if it had the same T as the sun, 5778 K. And indeed if I set it to that, it happens to be this way. Then, once the energy factor is 7 times smaller, area must be 7 times larger therefore for the star to produce the same amount of energy. This means a radius of around 89'000, or how star in my fictional world was intended to be.

But if I work it from the raw values, the luminosity is off by a factor of like 8. I used also 244'000 R_sun, more precise one using S-B law from -17.76m, worked backwards, and the ratio there is 8. I am probably missing some factor in this formula or two, but either this is something that Celestia is screwing with or me.

I ran this experiment with T = 57800 K, which is 10 times bigger than sun, and the given-out radius was 10x smaller. But if this is calculated from scratch (3300 x 1391400000)^2*57800^4*pi*5.6708e-8, the resulting factual luminosity is 100x larger. Raising the temperature 10 times leads to power gain of 10000 times, thus radius loss of 10000^(1/2) = 100 times, but here 10. what

The ratio seems to go well preserved only for 5780 K lol.

But I am going to keep the 240'000 radius star for USA. I just want to clear up what its actual luminosity is.

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Kochav Israel
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Post #4by Kochav Israel » 18.07.2019, 18:45

And speaking of the largest star... I got this one.

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Post #5by onetwothree » 18.07.2019, 19:09

A star's radius is calculated in :

Code: Select all

    // Calculate the luminosity of the star from the bolometric, not the
    // visual magnitude of the star.
    float solarBMag = SOLAR_BOLOMETRIC_MAG;
    float bmag = getBolometricMagnitude();
    auto boloLum = (float) exp((solarBMag - bmag) / LN_MAG);

    // Use the Stefan-Boltzmann law to estimate the radius of a
    // star from surface temperature and luminosity
    return SOLAR_RADIUS * (float) sqrt(boloLum) * square(SOLAR_TEMPERATURE / getTemperature());

We have:
#define LN_MAG 1.085736

Star::getBolometricMagnitude() const
return absMag + details->getBolometricCorrection();

StarDetails::getBolometricCorrection() const
return bolometricCorrection;

case StellarClass::Spectral_M:
period = rotperiod_M[lumIndex][subclass];
bmagCorrection = bmag_correctionM[lumIndex][subclass];

static float bmag_correctionM[3][10] =
// Lum class V (main sequence)
-1.38f, -1.62f, -1.89f, -2.15f, -2.38f,
-2.73f, -3.21f, -3.46f, -4.10f, -4.40f,
// Lum class III
-1.25f, -1.44f, -1.62f, -1.87f, -2.22f,
-2.48f, -2.73f, -2.73f, -2.73f, -2.73f,
// Lum class I
-1.29f, -1.38f, -1.62f, -2.13f, -2.75f,
-3.47f, -3.90f, -3.90f, -3.90f, -3.90f,

switch (lumClass)
case StellarClass::Lum_Ia0:
case StellarClass::Lum_Ia:
case StellarClass::Lum_Ib:
case StellarClass::Lum_II:
lumIndex = 2;
case StellarClass::Lum_III:
case StellarClass::Lum_IV:
lumIndex = 1;
case StellarClass::Lum_V:
case StellarClass::Lum_VI:
case StellarClass::Lum_Unknown:
lumIndex = 0;

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Kochav Israel
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Post #6by Kochav Israel » 18.07.2019, 20:20

Thank you.

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Kochav Israel
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Post #7by Kochav Israel » 19.07.2019, 18:46

I checked the luminosity correction, and it gave me a factor of 7.2 times (-2.15f in this case becasue type is just plain M4).

Code: Select all

static float bmag_correctionM[3][10] =
    // Lum class V (main sequence)
        -1.38f, -1.62f, -1.89f, -2.15f, -2.38f,
        -2.73f, -3.21f, -3.46f, -4.10f, -4.40f,


About what it should give in this case.

But on the other hand, what physical process causes luminosity correction in real life?

I mostly write stars using raw Stefan-Boltzmann law, how I wrote Israel and I won't change that, but this is just odd. So really, USA's absolute magnitude is -19.91, then due to this "luminosity correction" it becomes -17.76?

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Post #8by onetwothree » 20.07.2019, 10:03

Kochav Israel wrote:// Lum class V (main sequence)

Your start is a super-giant so you shouldn't use the main sequence corrections.

Kochav Israel wrote:what physical process causes luminosity correction in real life

Absolute magnitude is for visible spectre only. But stars radiate in invisible wave spectre too.

Joey P. M
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Post #9by Joey P. » 25.07.2019, 04:24

Okay, the last image on this thread is going-off topic and is just being silly. But it's still funny :clap:

Here is an STC I made on stars symbolizing Danny Phantom characters. Going back to topic, they do obey the Stefan-Boltzmann constant (one of them is a hypothetical star that does obey constant; two are stellar degenerates).

Code: Select all

"Daniel Danny Fenton:Danny Phantom:Daniel Fenton:Daniel:Danny:Danny Fenton:Danny Pulsar"
   RA 107.7430367
   Dec -77.7775654
   Distance 7.72
   SpectralType "Q"
   AppMag 20
   Radius 12
   Texture "bstar.*"
   InfoURL ""

"Dan Phantom:Dark Danny:3C58:Quark Star"
   RA 360.0
   Dec 62.1
   Distance 10000
   SpectralType "Q"
   AppMag 8.17
   Radius 10
        Texture "Quark-night.png"

"Tucker Foley:V436 Cep"
   RA 327.8769212
   Dec 57.7807745
   Distance 120
   SpectralType "G5III"
   AppMag 2.1
   Radius 14968300

"Samantha Sam Manson:Sam Manson"
   RA 357.77771264
   Dec 63.7894944
   Distance 71.29
   SpectralType "O2V"
   AppMag 1.995   
   Radius 12531600

"Penelope Spectra"
   RA 316.7918875
   Dec 38.88521167
   Distance 1283
   AppMag 5.29
   SpectralType "WNh"
   Radius 31329000

"Vlad Masters:Thorne-Zytkow object:TZO"
   RA 128.7918875
   Dec -21.27388521167
   Distance 12950
   AppMag 6.92
   SpectralType "M1Ia"
   Radius 1336007800

"Vlad Plasmius:Thorne-Zytkow object core:Neutron Star core"
   RA 128.7918875
   Dec -21.27388521167
   Distance 12950
   AppMag 15
   SpectralType "Q"
   Radius 12.5

(Y Canum Venaticorum is Jazz, Antares is Maddie, and Betelgeuse is Jack.)

Added after 4 minutes 29 seconds:
@Kochav Israel can you also send me an STC file for the United States and your mom, including textures? Thanks.
Joey P.

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Kochav Israel
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Post #10by Kochav Israel » 08.08.2019, 19:56

Speaking of "your mom" it was just an internal edit within the Size Comparison addon, it wasn't really an addon of my own.

I never intended it to be publicly shown, but since talks went about the "biggest star" I decided it would make a fun addition.
The Sohra
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