scattersim and scattertable tools

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scattersim and scattertable tools

Post #1by onetwothree » 25.05.2019, 15:31

Hi celestians!

Does some of you have scattersim and scattertable tools compiled (for GNU/Linux or Windows)? I'm porting them to a modern libraries used by Celestia and I want to check whether they output correct data. Unfortunately even original Chris' code is not buildable now, so I can't compile it myself (or should spend too much time for that).

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Post #2by john71 » 25.05.2019, 15:49

There is this old thread about something similar:

John Van Vliet
Posts: 2949
Joined: 28.08.2002
With us: 22 years 6 months

Post #3by John Van Vliet » 26.05.2019, 06:10

"scattertable" builds from my fork of celestia using the default "" script

PS. building on OpenSUSE 15.0

my Linux ONLY fork is here

this is MY copy i use it builds using qmake - qt5

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