Janus wrote:You could have catalogs of asteroids, comets, black holes, rogue objects, whatever you wanted.
All with a singular interface, with things like shorthand expansion as an option.
That's the original idea with the proposed Celestia Catalog as the Universal Identifier Database. The Celestia Catalog as a whole contains ALL objects regardless of type and characteristic, but are subdivided by type. The purpose of the Singular Celestia Catalog would then be both for identification and search purposes
Added after 1 hour 16 minutes:Well, here's an idea that can be done: While the Celestia Catalog would be all-encompassing all objects so that they can be well-identified in search, there must be subdivisions of that catalog by making smaller catalogs that could make the searches more specific without breaking and ruining the overall search capabilities of the entire Celestia Catalog.
The Celestia Catalog would be subdivided into several smaller catalogs for more specific searching and identification. And it is through typing the specific catalogs that we can narrow it down to any specific object that you're searching for.
So for example:
One of the subdivisions of The Celestia Catalog should be the Celestia Catalog: Galaxies. Identification 0 should be none other than the Milky Way Galaxy because it is our home galaxy.
Under that specific subcatalog of The Celestia Catalog are smaller, more specific subdivisions of The Celestia Catalog. Like for example, Celestia Catalog: Identification 0(Milky Way) Stars. In that catalog, Identification 0 would then refer to none other than our own Sun.
Coinciding with The Celestia Catalog: Identification 0 Stars is The Celestia Catalog: Identification 0 SSO, meaning Solar System Objects, covering all non-stellar objects orbiting star systems, from planets to asteroids, to members of debris disks, etc. But each member would have a number based on its parent star and a different prefix based on their characteristics as an SSO.
So, let's search for Earth in that Catalog. Here's how it would appear in the catalog:
CELG 0/CELG 0S 0/CELSSO 0P3CELG refers to "The Celestia Catalog: Galaxies" with the Milky Way as Identification 0, CELG 0S refers to "The Celestia Catalog: Identification 0 Stars", referring to all stars in the Milky Way(Identification 0), and the Sun as that catalog's Identification 0. Then CELG 0SSO 0P3 refers to "The Celestia Catalog: Identification 0 Solar System Objects with "0P3" referring to the third planet of Identification 0(The Sun), which is none other than the Earth itself.
Another example, this time, we search Proxima Centauri b
The result would go like this:
CELG 0/CELG 0S 1/CELSSO 1P1I identified Proxima Centauri b as "1P1", because the catalog should be numbered and identified via distance to the Sun itsef, so the first hundred or thousand stars will be of stars that are around 1-100 LY away from the Sun. Since Proxima Centuari is the closest star to the Sun, then it takes the Identifier 1, with Rigil Kentaurus A and B taking up 2 and 3 respectively. And the P1 is because assuming Proxima Centauri b is the first planet of the Proxima Centauri system, then it is then, the first planet as stated in the catalog.
However, if you devs and programmers have a better idea, let me know. These things are after all, just my 2 cents
Added after 4 minutes 14 seconds:For asteroids, they should be numbered and identified by the distance of their perihelion to the Sun. So, since there exists an asteroid called 1566 Icarus:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1566_Icarus, then Icarus takes up the identity of the first asteroid in the catalog.
As shown here:
CELG 0/CELG 0S 0/CELSSO 0A1Obviously the "A" means asteroid. And they would be cataloged and identified regardless of their class, be it Near-Earth Asteroid, Asteroid Belt Asteroids, Jupiter Trojans, etc.
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