Help! What am I doing wrong with my .ssc file??

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Help! What am I doing wrong with my .ssc file??

Post #1by McFestus » 13.11.2018, 02:35

So I've got this .ssc file to make a test planet in orbit of the sun, but I can't figure out why it won't show up! Would you guys be able to help me with this?

Code: Select all

"b" "Sol" {
        Texture "jupiter.jpg"
        Radius 64000
        {       Period 5.8
                SemiMajorAxis 2.5

gironde M
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Post #2by gironde » 13.11.2018, 09:40

there are missing elements in the ssc:
Class "planet"
Texture "jupiter.jpg"
Radius 64000

period 5.8
SemiMajorAxis 2.5
SemiMajorAxis, ok, but in which direction !
see :{_...parameters..._}

also see :
the texture file must be in the folder textures / medres (or hires or low) in the root of Celestia
or in a textures / medres (or hires or low) folder in the root of the file ssc in extras folder. Otherwise the texture is not found.

/extras/planet b (folder)

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Post #3by toutatis » 13.11.2018, 11:23

period 5.8
SemiMajorAxis 2.5

OMG... this planet will spoil all the orbits in the Solar System.... :biggrin:

Interesting... does gravitation work in Celestia or not?

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Post #4by selden » 13.11.2018, 12:22


There's nothing wrong with your SSC file. It provides the minimum information that Celestia requires. Whatever problem you have is related to something else in the environment. See below for how it looks in Celestia v1.6.1 on my computer. I made a copy of your ssc and put it in my extras folder. If you haven't already, you should look in Celestia's console log to see if there are any error messages. Type a tilde(~) to see it. Use the up and down arrow keys to navigate in it.

Edited to add: do make sure that the last line in the .SSC file is terminated with an end-of-line, which is a Carriage-Return + Line Feed in Windows.


Celestia does not implement gravity at all. All gravitational effects have to be provided in the orbit definitions provided in SSC and STC files.
b in Celestia v1.6.1

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Post #5by toutatis » 13.11.2018, 19:03

I understand it, selden... Thanks

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Post #6by McFestus » 14.11.2018, 04:10

I am running 1.6.1, and yet, it continues not to work. I checked the log, and there didn't seem to be any errors. I made a .stc, which loaded in fine and I saw in the log, but I didn't see anything in relation to this .scc - nothing even indicating it's loading. It's in the same directory as my "custom" .stc - the basic "extras" folder. I don't get why it's working on other people's computers but not mine!

Not sure what you meant by that terminating line stuff - I put an /n at the end of my script, but it didn't seem to do anything. Thanks for you helpfulness so far though.

gironde M
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Post #7by gironde » 14.11.2018, 08:44

I installed your addon "b" "Sol". (without changing anything)

my texture is in Celestia / textures / hires.

I did the research with the keyboard method of Celestia by b
There is a lot of object starting with the letter b, so I did the search by sol / b and your planet appeared in first position and your model appeared on the screen.

To facilitate the search, perhaps you have to change its name, for example bjupiter to start.

Otherwise, do you have another object in the Solar System called b. In which case, the second object takes the place of the first when loading and you do not realize it. With the multitude of addons, any object that would be called b and that would have an "invisible" Class could pose a problem with your addon.

my texture is in Celestia / textures / hires.

I did the research with the keyboard method of Celestia by b
There is a lot of object starting with the letter b, so I did the search by sol / b and your planet appeared in first position and your model appeared on the screen.

To facilitate the search, perhaps you have to change its name, for example bjupiter to start.

Otherwise, do you have another object in the Solar System called b. In which case, the second object takes the place of the first when loading and you do not realize it. With the multitude of addons, any object that would be called b and that would have an "invisible" Class could pose a problem with your addon.


Added after 19 minutes 29 seconds:
After finding what's wrong, you can find texture-map here:


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