I deleted the following files from their old version:
- TNOBox.lua
- TNO2Box.lua
- TNO3Box.lua
- TNO4Box.lua
- TNO5Box.lua
- DamCentBox.lua
Here is the new version of the Guidebooks. In the red frame guides to "Asteroids and comets":
New group of guidebooks "Trojans". This group includes:
- Jupiter's Trojans - 253 nominal asteroids
- Uranus Trojans - 1 asteroid (transferred from the UranBox.lua file)
- Neptune's Trojans - 22 asteroids (transferred from the NeptuneBox.lua file)
New files:
- Troyan1Box.lua
- Troyan2Box.lua
- Troyan3Box.lua
- Troyan4Box.lua
For Trojans, the color palette has been changed (brown font on a black background background) to white font on a gray background.
To be continued...