The number of planetary types of locations is 58, for more details see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planetary_nomenclature
Number of types of locations (without XX) for Moon - 17
Number of locations on Moon without LF (as of 01.07. 2017) - 9015(downloads -31)
Number of locations on Moon without LF (as of 31.10. 2018) - 8835
1. Delete the old base of Moon locations
2. Copy and unzip the file 03-Moon_31-10-2018.zip
3. Place folder 03-Moon in folder ..\extras\Locs\
4. Restart Celestia
New base of the locations of the Moon in the attachment:
New base of the locations of the Moon
Topic authorCroc
- Forum Admin
- Posts: 437
- Joined: 10.08.2016
- With us: 8 years 5 months
- Location: Udomlya, Tver region, Russia
New base of the locations of the Moon
- Attachments
- 03-Moon_31-10-2018.zip
- (135.54 KiB) Downloaded 303 times
Creator of the GUI "Lua Universal Tools"
25/V/1947 - 30/III/2019
25/V/1947 - 30/III/2019