Painting Fictional Data in Unexplored Regions of Textures

Tips for creating and manipulating planet textures for Celestia.
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CM1215 M
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Painting Fictional Data in Unexplored Regions of Textures

Post #1by CM1215 » 23.10.2017, 00:37


I have a texture that has a large area that is empty due to lack of data. Are there any simple ways of painting fictional data into these blank areas? I did find a tool called "Inpaint" that seems to be what I'm looking for, though when I used it, it didn't keep the sort of "swirl" at the bottom edge that is necessary for a spherical texture. Is there a way to fix this?
CM1215: Celestial master in learning.

John Van Vliet
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Post #2by John Van Vliet » 23.10.2017, 02:35


some will say black only
or fill with an average color of the surrounding pixels

i use a patch based best fit inpainting tool " Resysenthizer " for gimp
gimp 2.8 is the last it will work well on without a code rewrite

linux or build it and gimp in MinGW on windows -- very easy to build using Mingw )

a royal FUBAR of a pain in the rear end in MS visual studio

as for near a pole

reproject the image to "polar stereographic " inpaint it and then remap back to simple cylindrical

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CM1215 M
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Post #3by CM1215 » 23.10.2017, 10:48

Thank you for the help, but I'm afraid I don't understand your GIMP instructions. You told me what do, but not how to do it. Could you restate your instructions, only now telling me what tools to use, how to access those tools, and what settings to use for those tools?
CM1215: Celestial master in learning.

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CM1215 M
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Post #4by CM1215 » 24.10.2017, 09:51

Why is it that when I ask for more detailed instructions, I am simply ignored? This has happened to me before, and I don't like it very much. Please someone help me, for I need these instructions soon. :help:
CM1215: Celestial master in learning.

FarGetaNik M
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Post #5by FarGetaNik » 24.10.2017, 11:40

CM1215 wrote:Why is it that when I ask for more detailed instructions, I am simply ignored?

I know the struggle, it happens to me also. Maybe I can help you. I have resyntesyzer installed on my Gimp, apparently it's this one:
(42.18 KiB) Downloaded 184 times

The readme should be enough to get it installed. I have to note though that only the "heal transparency" tool works at all, and it tends to crash when the texture is 8k or larger, so don't even try it on larger ones unless you want to click through a dozen error messages.

What John wanted to describe also is the reprojection if the missing data is near the poles. I am using the german version of gimp, so I don't know how the options are called in english exactly.
1. Scale the texture up by a factor of 2, it should be enough if say you scale a 4k*2k texture to 4k*4k.
2. Filter/distord(?)/polar coordinates (?); this will remap the texture from cylindrical to polar.
3. Select the areas you want to resyntesize, then right-click in the layers menue and add alpha channel, then cut the ares out
4. Filter/improve(?)/heal transparency; try different settings to improve your results. Only do small areas at a time, or the plugin will crash
5. Filter/distord(?)/polar coordinates; deselect "to polar" to remap the texture back to cylindrical
Now rescale the texture and in case the transformation blurred it too much, fill in the original texture in the areas that are not resytesyzed.

I hope this helps :wink:

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CM1215 M
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Post #6by CM1215 » 24.10.2017, 13:52

Now these are the kind of instructions I was looking for! Thank you very much!

It worked for me, though I had to do a few things differently since the empty area was the south pole.

And also, in your instructions you basically stated that I needed to make the texture a this right?

I didn't make it a square in this screenshot, rather I doubled both of the dimensions.

Here is a screenshot of my texture in GIMP. What do you think?
CM1215: Celestial master in learning.

FarGetaNik M
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Post #7by FarGetaNik » 24.10.2017, 15:16

I'm glad this was helpfull :wink:
CM1215 wrote:in your instructions you basically stated that I needed to make the texture a this right?
Yes basically. When you tranform it into polar projection the resolution gets smaller because of the way gimp projects it. When stecking it into a square, you can compensate for that, blowing up the resolution by a factor of 2 does the trick also of course, but then you have twice the data to process.

It think it worked quite well, just the amount of details is quite poor. That's the problem with this resyntesizer, it works best for smaller areas, not an entire hemisphere :insane:

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CM1215 M
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Post #8by CM1215 » 24.10.2017, 15:44

FarGetaNik wrote:That's the problem with this resyntesizer, it works best for smaller areas, not an entire hemisphere :insane:

Yeah, but I know not of a better way to paint a whole hemisphere. If only I knew exactly what John used when he painted the unseen hemisphere on that Triton map.
CM1215: Celestial master in learning.

John Van Vliet
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Post #9by John Van Vliet » 24.10.2017, 16:09

then use the select tool and select small areas

select an area
copy and paste as a new image
inpaint the area
paste back in

just very basic concept like 2+2=4

in big images work on a smaller part

and by big i mean over 8k
even a older system with only 8 gig ram can handle running resysenthizer on most of the south pole of that above image of pluto

FarGetaNik M
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Post #10by FarGetaNik » 24.10.2017, 16:28

I looked closer into what John linked. Assuming you are using Windows, you can download this: and extract it into your Gimp directory. It appears in FIlters/Map/Resyntesize. It does something, but I can't get it to fill the gaps, maybe you have more success them me :sad:

John Van Vliet wrote:then use the select tool and select small areas
So basically good old copy-paste mosaiking. It's a lot of work though...

John Van Vliet wrote:even a older system with only 8 gig ram can handle running resysenthizer on most of the south pole of that above image of pluto
The resyntesizer I was using used to crash because of an overflow (to many bits to process at once I think), it's not my hardware that failed. The one you linked aready took an awfull long time to resynth a 2k texture, I don''t say it can't handle it, but it will take forever.

Is there a way to get the resyntesizer to heal only a selected area like the one I am using?

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Post #11by selden » 25.10.2017, 12:31

In some cases using command-line software can be more effective in extracting, remapping and then reinserting modified regions of a surface map than a visual tool can be.

FWIW, I like to use MMPS. It's designed for Linux/Unix, but works well under Cygwin on Windows computers.

John Van Vliet
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Post #12by John Van Vliet » 26.10.2017, 21:11

Is there a way to get the resyntesizer to heal only a selected area like the one I am using?
Again ...
Use one of the select tools
there are many

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