Silly Mars question.

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Silly Mars question.

Post #1by Janus » 10.10.2017, 19:25

I have seen various pictures of "Wet Mars" on the internet.
One that shows the lowlands filled with water.

Does anyone have that as a texture?

I would like to play with it in Celestia just to see what it looks like.

I know the answer is probably no, but I thought it worth checking on.

My other choice is learning how mod depth maps, which is a lot more work than not being afraid to ask a silly question first.
Who knows, I may not be the first to have had the thought.


FarGetaNik M
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Post #2by FarGetaNik » 10.10.2017, 20:54

I'm sure there are terraformed Mars textures out there. Personally I am not very interested in using one for Celestia, so I never have put any research into it.

Janus wrote:My other choice is learning how mod depth maps

What do you mean by that? There is topography data avaliable, for example if that helps you...

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Post #3by Janus » 10.10.2017, 21:04

Okay, way out of my depth.
I have no earthly, or marsly, idea what to do with that.

What I meant was taking a mars texture, detecting the lowlands (how?), and turning them blue.

I was simply hoping the idea had struck someone else's funny bone.


FarGetaNik M
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Post #4by FarGetaNik » 10.10.2017, 21:16

Well this data is quite difficult to hadle I admit :toothless: But a bump map is the way to go then. You could process the bump map in a way that gives you something similar to a specular map we have for earth (boosting up the contrast or cutting out everthing below a certain value/height). Now you have a map than tells you which areas would be flooded with oceans, with the use of transparency you can just overlay it a regular Mars texture.

I wanted to do a high-res bump map for Mars, but it's much easier to skip that step and do a normal map when using the USGS data...

John Van Vliet
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Post #5by John Van Vliet » 10.10.2017, 21:34

Here is a link to 2 8k blue mars maps

The OLD texture was used by The Discovery Chanel in two shows

the old one

not really done

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Post #6by Janus » 12.10.2017, 17:36

Thank you, that is exactly what I was looking for.

I know it is silly, but I like to look at what ifs.

WetMars for laughs.png

Besides, if I can find one for Venus.
Then maybe I can do a three planets tour for 3017.
Showing earth and our two terra formed friends.

Thanks again.


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