Charon Texture

Tips for creating and manipulating planet textures for Celestia.
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FarGetaNik M
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Charon Texture

Post #1by FarGetaNik » 03.10.2017, 08:46

I am working on a texture for Charon, including some pre New Horizons data from mutual events (Hubble data showed no details on Charon). This is what I found:

charnmap.jpg (11.97 KiB) Viewed 3621 times

I wonder where the point is that faces Pluto. I'm getting very mixed results from research. John van Vliet's texture seems to be misaligned by 180° compared to Celestia'a default texture. The coordinate system of the image above also implies Celestia's default to be misaligned, but I also found maps with a coordinate system shifted by 180°.

John Van Vliet
Posts: 2949
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Post #2by John Van Vliet » 04.10.2017, 03:22

it depends on the image and where it was posted
in the motherload add ons it is -180 to +180 ( all Mark buil at.el. start at 270 to 0 to 90 to 180 to 270 )

but most are using 0 to 360
until New Horizons images and the New prime-meridian

for the old Charon, i used this paper

this is -180 to 0 to +180

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FarGetaNik M
Posts: 484
Joined: 05.06.2012
With us: 12 years 8 months
Location: Germany

Post #3by FarGetaNik » 04.10.2017, 08:49

Now that New Horizons maps are all over the internet, it's hard to find the old telescopic maps at all. Oh so there are 2 definitions on the prime meridian, that explains my confusion. So the center, 0° of your texture is the point facing Pluto, right?

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