Oh my. Just check out Snowfalls originals:
https://snowfall-the-cat.deviantart.com/gallery/Concerining color, I do not trust any color images of Uranian moons around the internet, since Voyager didn't image the moons with the necessary color filters. Only Titania was imaged in all wavelenghts from a decent distance:
https://fargetanik.deviantart.com/art/Titania-True-Color-647908888 But unless I see a spectrum of the individual moons translated into a visual impression the colors are up to debate.
As for LunarLambert, I highly recommend using this command, I've put some work into comparing the effect with Voyager images. You clearly see in the comarison images by
CM1215 that the moons fade dark close to the terminator quicker than in reality. I use this command with an appropriate amplitude everywhere in the solar system except for cloudy surfaces (where the default value of 0 is actually appropriate).
And for Miranda, if I am honest the bump map wasn't the best to begin with, but I've put some work into matching the amplitude with reality, and when viewed from the right angle it looks fine to me: