Strange clicking crash bug...

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Strange clicking crash bug...

Post #1by john71 » 25.02.2017, 19:30

Did anyone notice this: when clicking on an "empty" space in Celestia, it suddenly and abruptly crashes...

For example if you click on a star, but you miss it, Celestia crashes...

Anyone else experienced this?

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Post #2by selden » 25.02.2017, 20:44

That doesn't happen for me.

Remove all of your Addons and try again.

Maybe you have something "invisible" in the background that's causing the problem.

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Post #3by john71 » 25.02.2017, 21:25

Yes, I think it is a "home made" invisible add-on...:(

John Van Vliet
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Post #4by John Van Vliet » 01.03.2017, 04:06

that's odd

what version are you using and on what version of Microbleep
and the hardware it is on
and what is in the log ?

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Post #5by john71 » 02.03.2017, 20:38

Windows 10 64 bit + Celestia 1.6.1 on a strong hardware.

Added after 17 minutes 23 seconds:
And it may not be an invisible add-on, because it can be recreated in an "empty" part of the Milky Way thousands of light years away...

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Post #6by selden » 03.03.2017, 02:21

Although Celestia shouldn't crash, bugs can do strange things.

If it's too hard to undo all of your changes to find out which one is responsible, you can rename the folder where you have Celestia (e.g. to Celestia_crashes) and then re-install Celestia using the old name. If the crash is due to one of the changes, then that fresh copy should run fine. Then you can start making changes until it fails. You still can use the old version of Celestia with all of its Addons by clicking on /running that old version of Celestia in its new folder.

Cel: URLs and scripts always communicate with the copy of Celestia that's running. While the old copy is running, Cel: URLs will interact with that old version. They won't start the new one.

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Post #7by gironde » 16.03.2017, 12:30


I have the same bug with Celestia 1.6.1
Windows10 64bits
I know that other users also have this bug under Windows XP
Someone told me about Celestia 1.6.1 svn 5159 with a slightly larger executable and that does not produce this bug!

Alexell M
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Post #8by Alexell » 16.03.2017, 15:57

I have celestia.exe from Celestia 1.6.1 SVN 5159 (09/05/2011).
I do not see such an error in it.
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Post #9by gironde » 16.03.2017, 16:51


My celestia.exe file from the Celestia Motherworld package makes 2778ko and produces an error when clicking on an empty place in space. The file is dated 08-05-2011.
Your celestia.exe file from celestia 1.6.1 svn 5159 is 3187ko. I do not know where you found it, but thank you. I'll try it.


Added after 7 minutes 8 seconds:

see screenshot
error Celestia
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Post #10by john71 » 16.03.2017, 17:40

Gironde, I also use a non-English version of Windows 10 64 bit.

But my normal, simple "empty" second installation of Celestia does not produce the same error, when there are no add-ons installed.

I suspect it is the non-English Windows 10 64 bit and some add-ons, which together cause the error.

Added after 1 hour 30 minutes:
Celestia 1.6.1 svn 5159 still produces the same crash...but it has new it is 1.6.2...

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Post #11by gironde » 17.03.2017, 07:37


Yes, John, with this version svn 5159, there is always the same error. On the other hand, LUT4 seems better to load than with 1.6.1 of origin.
I do not think Windows 10 is at issue because someone from the LUT staff had this error on Windows XP Russian.
It will be necessary that I make a new installation clean of 1.6.1 without "addons" to make tests.
For my part, I had thought that instructions controlling the abscence of selection in Celestia had been forgotten in the programming, but not all have the error.
NB: This error, I had it also with Celestia EPV3

Added after 5 hours 46 minutes:

I put celestia.exe in svn 5159.
LUT4 is getting better.
The error persists: celestia always stops with the error.

The Goto function does a bizarre thing:
They take it under the surface (negative distance) and you can not increase or decrease this distance with the mouse.
Something has been changed in the programming of the Celestia function in this version. Perhaps this is a clue to those who have mistakes with LUT.
I just tried in the menu Celestia [Navigation] / [Discovery Guide] / [destination] / Pluto-Charon:
The [Go To] button takes us under the surface.

Maybe Alexell can say more about it?

(Translate from french by 'Google Translate')


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Post #12by Alexell » 17.03.2017, 15:55

gironde, My Celestia 1.6.1 does not have such problems. Goto works fine, clicking in an empty space does not cause problems.
If you are interested in questions on LUT, it is better to ask for Croc.

Added after 56 seconds:
But i use Windows 7 Ultimate x64
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Post #13by FarGetaNik » 17.03.2017, 16:52

gironde wrote:They take it under the surface (negative distance) and you can not increase or decrease this distance with the mouse.

Hm I don't know if this is somehow connected, but I rarely experience that Celestia "breaks": I suddenly get thrown at a distance of several gigparsecs and when trying to go to any object, the distance changes but I'm still stuck gigaparsecs away. Only restart helps... No idea what circumsances produce this bug.

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Post #14by gironde » 17.03.2017, 20:59


This problem of Go To, I only have it on celestia.exe svn 5159, on the basic version (2778ko) I do not have it.

The error that happens when clicking in vacuum, I have it on both versions.

On my second PC, I completely reinstalled celestia-win32-1.6.1.exe, without adding anything or modifying it. There is no mistake.
I'm thinking more and more about a problem on an addon. I try by handing all my addons except realistic milky way since it is a very large object when we are in visual of the Earth. Result: always error.

Croc, I know very well because I work with him on LUT.

Thanks for everything, I will continue to look for the addon responsible.


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Post #15by Fenerit » 18.03.2017, 00:42

gironde wrote:The Goto function does a bizarre thing:
They take it under the surface (negative distance) and you can not increase or decrease this distance with the mouse.
Something has been changed in the programming of the Celestia function in this version. Perhaps this is a clue to those who have mistakes with LUT.
I just tried in the menu Celestia [Navigation] / [Discovery Guide] / [destination] / Pluto-Charon:
The [Go To] button takes us under the surface.

That bug has not been addressed yet. It makes the difference between the official 1.6.1 Celestia version and all the SVN versions since 5063. You can find how to-do by yourself here
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Post #16by gironde » 18.03.2017, 07:18


Thank you for this information.
I can not implement it because I do not have the file celx_observer.cpp. Indeed, I have the official version installed.
I tried to replace the official celestia.exe file with that of the svn 5159 version and it is this one that produces the bug Go To. So if I understand correctly, the .exe file is incompatible with the official version.

This replacement operation, I had done because I have another bug when I click in the space vacuum with the official version (and even with svn). Now I think an addon must be involved. It remains for me to find out which one.


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Post #17by john71 » 18.03.2017, 07:47

It must be an add-on (the "clicking bug") , but it is NOT a planetary or star system add-on, that is for sure in my opinion.

The bug disappears after traveling further than approximately 500 Mpc from the Sun!!!

Why 500Mpc?

It must be a large scale deep space add-on.

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Post #18by gironde » 18.03.2017, 20:54


Myself, I have neutralized the addon Realistic Milky Way, but this is not him.

As big and as far as that, may-be Large_Scale_Universe !

a time !

I just disable the page file .dsc that corresponds to it but still the error.

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Post #19by john71 » 18.03.2017, 21:20

Do you experience the "clicking" error from the distance of 500 mpc?

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Post #20by gironde » 19.03.2017, 18:09

No, I could have gone at least up to 2571000Mpc of Earth

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