... on_id=1635
It shows three water globes on Earth surface, the large one giving all Earth's water, the median the liquid fresh water, the smaller the water in lakes and rivers, as in image 1.
But I have a strange effect (bug?): whatever setting I'm using, the two larger spheres have their shadow, the snaller doesn't, see image 2.
This is the ssc file, that IMO looks correct:
Code: Select all
Replace "Earth" "Sol"
Texture "GWVEarth.*"
NormalMap "GWVEarthNormal.*"
Radius 6378.140
CustomOrbit "vsop87-earth"
BodyFrame { EclipticJ2000 {} }
CustomRotation "earth-p03lp"
Albedo 0000.300
"All Earth's Water" "Sol/Earth"
Texture "GWVH2O.*"
Radius 0691.870
SpecularColor [ 0.8 0.8 0.85 ]
SpecularPower 0025.000
OrbitFrame { BodyFixed { Center "Sol/Earth" }}
FixedPosition {Planetographic [ 85 143 691.87 ]}
InfoURL ""
"Liquid Fresh Water" "Sol/Earth"
Texture "GWVH2O.*"
Radius 0136.400
SpecularColor [ 0.8 0.8 0.85 ]
SpecularPower 0025.000
OrbitFrame { BodyFixed { Center "Sol/Earth" }}
FixedPosition {Planetographic [ 95 143 136.4 ]}
InfoURL ""
"Water in Lakes and Rivers" "Sol/Earth"
Texture "GWVH2O.png"
Radius 0028.100
SpecularColor [ 0.8 0.8 0.85 ]
SpecularPower 0025.000
OrbitFrame { BodyFixed { Center "Sol/Earth" }}
FixedPosition {Planetographic [ 97 145 28.1 ]}
InfoURL ""
Any help, please?
Thabnk you very much.