I don't know how to use the edit mode.

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I don't know how to use the edit mode.

Post #1by CelestiaFansInChina » 20.03.2013, 11:59

Such as the title,and My English is too poor,so I have to input the Chinese.
??@ ???Celestia??????????????????????????????????????????????Thanks.

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Re: I don't know how to use the edit mode.

Post #2by W0RLDBUILDER » 20.04.2013, 20:04

I've only used Edit Mode once, and that was years ago. I know there are some keys you have to hold down (Shift+Ctrl+something, I think) and then use the right (?) mouse button to rotate stuff. To make your changes permanent, start Celestia from a command line and there should be a way to generate an align.log. It will contain some XYZ values that you can use in an Orientation statement.

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Re: I don't know how to use the edit mode.

Post #3by abramson » 23.04.2013, 20:04

Hi, CelestialFansInChina!

You enter edit mode with @. You probably want to do something more:

Start Celestia in verbose mode (from command line): celestia --verbose > align.log
Go to object as usual
Enter edit mode: @
Rotate around X and Y with ctrl+shift+left button+drag
Rotate around Z with ctrl+shift+right button+drag
Save with !
Exit Celestia
Read orientation and rotation in align.log


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