Planets in ALF Cen officially real

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Re: Planets in ALF Cen officially real

Post #21by Chuft-Captain » 13.11.2012, 06:14

Hi Buggs,

Welcome back. It's been a long time! I'm sure I'm not the only one here who's missed your beautiful addons.

Have a look at my Castor addon:
or HERE:
for an example.
I can't guarantee I'm done everything correctly (Grant's prob the best judge of that) but it might be useful as an example.
Doesn't include any planets (if that's where your confusion is).
I have placed some planets in this system in the past, but they are not included in the download... (and I suspect that this is not what you're trying to achieve anyway,as you've already said that you successfully placed a planet around a barycenter.)

Here's an example of Earth placed in orbit around the "Castor A" barycenter:

Code: Select all

"Earth@Castor A" "Castor A" 

and in orbit around the "Castor B" barycenter:

Code: Select all

"Earth@Castor B" "Castor B" 

which looks like this in Celestia (CLICK for fullsize):
Earth@Castor A and B (labels).jpg

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Re: Planets in ALF Cen officially real

Post #22by Chuft-Captain » 13.11.2012, 09:21


I just replicated Earth @ 40 Eri A using the same method as for Castor, so it looks like you don't need to worry about HD or HIP numbers at all.

Looks like this, with Eri B + C in the background:
Earth@40 Eri A.jpg

Here's the SSC:
cc_40 Eri A

URL for the viewpoint above...
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Re: Planets in ALF Cen officially real

Post #23by buggs_moran » 13.11.2012, 13:48

I did end up getting it to work. I must have had a syntax error in my ssc. I has been a LONG time.
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Re: Planets in ALF Cen officially real

Post #24by Reiko » 13.11.2012, 22:01

It's a shame that we do not yet have the technology to send a probe to aCen. with a trip time of 20 years or less.

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Re: Planets in ALF Cen officially real

Post #25by chornedsnorkack » 11.04.2013, 16:23

How would you estimate the maximum elongation and visual magnitude of Bb from a planet, say Bc, in habitable zone of B?

Maximum elongation is the easier part. Do I get the Bb semimajor axis right at 0,042 AU?

Then, the habitable zone is 0,7 AU... maximum elongation would be around 3 and a half degrees.

But what could the visual magnitude of Bb be at maximum elongation (half phase)?

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Re: Planets in ALF Cen officially real

Post #26by t00fri » 11.04.2013, 18:00

chornedsnorkack wrote:How would you estimate the maximum elongation and visual magnitude of Bb from a planet, say Bc, in habitable zone of B?

Maximum elongation is the easier part. Do I get the Bb semimajor axis right at 0,042 AU?

Then, the habitable zone is 0,7 AU... maximum elongation would be around 3 and a half degrees.

But what could the visual magnitude of Bb be at maximum elongation (half phase)?

How about calculating it yourself? You obviously know how to do the estimate.
This is not a school class...
Moreover, the known Bb orbit parameters (semi-major axis,...) are already included in Celestia's latest extrasolar.ssc data file. Data from here
You can simply simulate the orbit in Celestia and measure out the results that interest you or vary unknown parameters and study their effects...


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Re: Planets in ALF Cen officially real

Post #27by chornedsnorkack » 11.04.2013, 20:19

It is quite irritating how and many other sources give the period with 4 significant figures - but then semimajor axis with 1.
Given that the mass of B has 3 significant figures but the last is uncertain, I got 2 figures for the axis and it was 0,042 AU.

The distance between Bb and Bc at maximum elongation turns out to be very close to the distance between Earth and Venus.

Now, the illumination of Bb should be about 135 times the illumination of Venus.

The uncertain parts are the actual diametre and albedo of Bb.

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Post #28by CharlottAwong » 29.10.2016, 13:21

Indeed, this was a great news.

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