As version 1.1 is close to release, here are the latest translations files.
Currently French, Italian, Dutch, and Russian translations are in-progress, thanks to Jogad, Fenerit, Marco, and and Margarita (and possibly new volunteer Alex)
If you are multilingual with a good grasp of English and would like to use this tool in your native language, as well as make it accessible to others in that language, then please consider providing a translation.
All that's required is substitution of the appropriate words and phrases of your own language in the 2 files below...
Substitute the words and phrases in "quotes" to the right of the "=" sign:
Code: Select all
lp_loc_str = {
["Lagrange Points"] = "Points de Lagrange";
["by"] = "by";
["Selected"] = "S?lectionn?";
["System"] = "Syst?me";
["Sub-Objects"] = "Sous-objets";
["Mode"] = "Mode";
["Labels"] = "?tiquettes";
["Marks"] = "Marqueurs";
["Clear"] = "Effacer";
["Clear All"] = "Effacer tout";
["Reset"] = "R?init.";
["Verbose"] = "Complet";
["Concise"] = "Concis";
["ERROR"] = "Erreur";
["Please select a valid object."] = "s?lectionnez un objet valide svp";
["Selected Object must be a Planet, DwarfPlanet, Moon, or Asteroid."] = "l'objet s?lectionn? doit ?tre une plan?te, une plan?te naine, une lune ou un ast?ro?de";
["Selected Object must be a Planet, DwarfPlanet, or the Sun."] = "l'objet s?lectionn? doit ?tre une plan?te, une plan?te naine ou le Soleil";
["In 'System' mode the selected Object must be a Planet, DwarfPlanet, or the Sun."] = "??????? l'objet s?lectionn? doit ?tre une plan?te, une plan?te naine ou le Soleil"
["meta-stable"] = "m?tastable";
["unstable"] = "instable";
["Orrery"] = "?????";
Replace the English words and phrases between the [[ ]]'s to the right of the "=" sign with their equivalents in your language:
Code: Select all
i_text_show = [[Object]]
i_text_undo = [[Undo]]
i_text_system = [[System]]
i_text_help = [[MINIMAL]]
i_mode_help = [[Exit]]
i_mode_keys = [[Help]]
i_mode_mini = [[Keys]]
i_mode_info = [[begin]]
i_err = [[ERROR]]
i_err_nullselection = [[Please select a valid object.]]
i_err_badselection = [[Selected Object must be a Planet, DwarfPlanet, Moon, or Asteroid.]]
i_err_badparent = [[In 'System' mode the selected Object must be a Planet, DwarfPlanet, or the Sun.]]
i_metastable = [[meta-stable]]
i_unstable = [[unstable]]
i_mode = [[Mode]]
i_mode_labels = [[Label]]
i_mode_marks = [[Marks]]
i_help_title = [[KEYSTROKE HELP]]
i_help_show = [[Changes the display style of the currently selected object's Lagrange Points.]]
i_show_note1 = [[If the selected object is the Moon, this will affect: Moon-L1, Moon-L2, etc.]]
i_show_note2 = [[Each successive press of this key cycles the displayed style in the order:]]
i_show_note3 = [[Verbose -> Concise -> Marks -> None -> Verbose ... etc]]
i_as_for = [[As for]]
i_help_system = [[but affects ALL planets or moons orbiting the selected object.]]
i_system_note1 = [[For the Sun, this affects Planets, and notable Dwarf Planets and Asteroids]]
i_system_note2 = [[For Saturn or Jupiter, this will affect most of it's 60+ moons.]]
i_system_note3 = [[For Earth, this has the same result as selecting the Moon and pressing]]
i_system_note4 = [[NOTE:]]
i_system_note5 = [[When the selected object has a very large number of moons (eg. Saturn, Jupiter),]]
i_system_note6 = [[then this function will result in a small delay as the labels are created.]]
i_help_orrery = [[View the orbit of the selected object in the form of an 'Orrery']]
i_orrery_note1 = [[(Moves to a position and distance directly above the object's parent,]]
i_orrery_note2 = [[where the full orbit of the selected object can be viewed from above.)]]
i_welcome_title = [[L A G R A N G E P O I N T V I E W E R]]
i_version = [[Version]]
i_press = [[Press]]
i_to = [[to]]
i_lp_mode = [[Identifying]]
i_lagrange_points = [[Lagrange Points]]
i_in = [[in]]
i_the = [[the]]
i_system = [[System]]
i_of = [[of]]
i_please_wait = [[Please wait]]
i_welcome_note1 = [[The 'Lagrange Points Tool' is an addon for Celestia 1.6.1 that provides...]]
i_welcome_note2 = [[* Theoretical locations for Lagrange Points in the Solar System]]
i_welcome_note3 = [[- for all the existing Sun-Planet and Planet-Moon systems where masses are well known,]]
i_welcome_note4 = [[- plus a few of the larger or more well known Dwarf Planets and Asteroids.]]
i_welcome_note5 = [[* Interactive tools to identify and display these locations.]]
i_welcome_note6 =
Lagrange points are locations in space where the combined gravitational pull of two large
masses matches the centripetal force required to orbit with them. They were discovered by
French mathematician Louis Lagrange in 1772 in his gravitational studies of the
‘Three body problem’: how a third, small body would orbit around two orbiting large ones.
i_welcome_note7 = [[
There are five Lagrangian points in the Sun-Earth system (and such points also exist in the
Earth-Moon system). Two of these, L4 and L5 (the 'trojan' points) are generally stable,
which means that theoretically, a tiny object such as a spacecraft (or station) can exist in
a quasi-periodic 'Lissajous Orbit' in the region indefinitely, without expenditure of fuel.
i_exiting = [[Exiting]]