Miranda Bump Map

Tips for creating and manipulating planet textures for Celestia.
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FarGetaNik M
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Re: Miranda Bump Map

Post #21by FarGetaNik » 11.09.2012, 13:41

From your description, I infer that you tried to open the tools by just clicking on them. For command-line tools the start is different, however! I thought you know this, after all this is part of of your own OS, i.e. Windows 7.

Oops... forgot about that.

Then type into the opened Run window: cmd <return>

Ok? By running cmd the text "C\Users\Username>" is printed (and windows copyright) If I type cmd and return, the same text is printed, don?t know what this is good for. Anyway, nms causes an error, do I need the directory or special syntax ( you mentioned "> nms" but error) ?

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Re: Miranda Bump Map

Post #22by t00fri » 11.09.2012, 15:17

FarGetaNik wrote:
From your description, I infer that you tried to open the tools by just clicking on them. For command-line tools the start is different, however! I thought you know this, after all this is part of of your own OS, i.e. Windows 7.

Oops... forgot about that.

Then type into the opened Run window: cmd <return>

Ok? By running cmd the text "C\Users\Username>" is printed (and windows copyright) If I type cmd and return, the same text is printed, don?t know what this is good for. Anyway, nms causes an error, do I need the directory or special syntax ( you mentioned "> nms" but error) ?

First it is required that you do a proper installation of the nmtools and|or F-TexTools! For that purpose, unpack the *.zip archive and then click the setup program

NmTools-2.0pre2.exe in case of nmtools.
F-TexTools-2.0pre2.exe in case of F-TexTools

in the subdirectory Win32_PC.bin
After finishing the installation don't forget to REBOOT, since you need the registry entry!

If you did this proceedure precisely as I described and start the 'cmd' shell as previously described, you see a prompt in the opened 'cmd' window where you can enter commands. In your case the prompt looks probably like so


I generically used this simplified version of the prompt ">" and thought you understand. Sorry.

At this prompt you then type "nms <return>". Without quotes, of course.
If you get a help text then you won ;-) .If you get an error, PLEASE let me know precisely what it said! Was there some C++ runtime module missing, for example (ending *.dll)? I can only help if I got sufficient information.


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Re: Miranda Bump Map

Post #23by FarGetaNik » 11.09.2012, 16:48

I installed it exactly how you described. I asume that I don?t have to re-install it... Anyway this could be the 5th or 10th time I rebooted. Don?t mind.

PLEASE let me know precisely what it said!

"Der Befehl "nms" ist entweder falsch geschrieben oder konnte nicht gefunden werden."

No missing dll, no system related stuff, only not found.

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Re: Miranda Bump Map

Post #24by t00fri » 11.09.2012, 18:57

FarGetaNik wrote:I installed it exactly how you described. I asume that I don?t have to re-install it... Anyway this could be the 5th or 10th time I rebooted. Don?t mind.

PLEASE let me know precisely what it said!

"Der Befehl "nms" ist entweder falsch geschrieben oder konnte nicht gefunden werden."

No missing dll, no system related stuff, only not found.

Well...I have repeated exactly the same steps I told you above on my own Windows 7 / 64 bit installation. I started with exactly the same nmtools and F-TexTools archives by downloading them from my CelestialMatters site. Next I installed both archives using the setup executables. Finally I rebooted and started the 'cmd' shell. By typing in 'nms <return>' I got the expected help text. Hence my instructions were correct.

Now here are some suggestions for finding out what went wrong in your case.

The error message "Der Befehl "nms" ist entweder falsch geschrieben oder konnte nicht gefunden werden." first of all means that Windows was unable to find the locations of the tools in the PATH variable which should not have happened.

So with the 'cmd' shell opened, type in at your prompt: "Path <return>"

which produces an output string listing ALL PATHs that are known to the system. Please check whether the installation paths of the tools are listed:

C:\Program Files <x86>\NmTools
C:\Program Files <x86>\F-TexTools

These path entries might be present more than once, coming from your earlier attempts.
If these entries are missing, there is a problem. From your error output above, I noticed that you have a German version of Windows 7. Hence the path C:\Program Files <x86>\ might look somewhat different in the German translation. While I am German, too, I always use English operating systems.

As a cross check you may click Start->Control Panel -> Uninstall or change a program
and check whether the two tools archives are listed as installed.

Unfortunately, at this point it is hard to give much further sensible advice remotely...

Good luck,

John Van Vliet
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Re: Miranda Bump Map

Post #25by John Van Vliet » 11.09.2012, 20:40

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Re: Miranda Bump Map

Post #26by t00fri » 11.09.2012, 20:50


thanks for the references. They could indeed be useful in further similar cases.
After this quick and testless 2.0pre2 update of my tools to enable running on Windows 7, I was less sure than usual that everything worked as it should.


John Van Vliet
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Re: Miranda Bump Map

Post #27by John Van Vliet » 11.09.2012, 21:09

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Re: Miranda Bump Map

Post #28by t00fri » 11.09.2012, 21:27

john Van Vliet wrote:i have a "copy " of win7 so i can test them
( this is the update for the missing/wrong dll right )

Thanks a lot! This would be most appreciated if you or other people with experience could test that update besides myself.

Here is my main worry: Since people like me, Guillermo,... and you (?) are all equipped for compiling under Win 7, there is certainly no problem here with missing C++ runtime modules. But more critical
are installations without previsions for compiling. Here Windows provides the various 'redistributable' kits that contain eventually missing *.dll's. The MS rules about redistributables are rather complex and it is often unclear which *.dll is included and which one is missing.

Empirical tests are much simpler here ;-)


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Re: Miranda Bump Map

Post #29by abramson » 12.09.2012, 02:28

I just made a quick check with one of the tools distributed with the newest version 2.0pre2, and they run OK on Win 7 SP1 x64.

On the contrary, pre1 didn't run because of lack of an MS library, as I reported at CM. Yet, they compiled and run correctly from Fridger's sources with VS2008. Yes, I know not many people do this...

The missing library was MSVCP71.DLL, which is part of MS C++ 2005. So, if you happen to have the C++ 2005 redistributable in your system, Fridger's tool may well run in your system. If you absolutely need the thing, you can download the whole frakking thing from MS.


John Van Vliet
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Re: Miranda Bump Map

Post #30by John Van Vliet » 12.09.2012, 03:29

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John Van Vliet
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Re: Miranda Bump Map

Post #31by John Van Vliet » 12.09.2012, 04:29

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FarGetaNik M
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Re: Miranda Bump Map

Post #32by FarGetaNik » 14.09.2012, 13:52

Here the updated Addon-zip, wich should consider all points of John.

installed the "\Win32_PC.bin\NmTools-2.0pre2.exe"
D:\Multimedia/NmTools ( i have ALWAYS hated with a passion install EVERYTHING to "program Files" )

Right. I hate it too, because for everything you have to confirm it with admin ;) Very unfavorable to install Celestia in this directory if you want to install addons...

The missing library was MSVCP71.DLL, which is part of MS C++ 2005. So, if you happen to have the C++ 2005 redistributable in your system, Fridger's tool may well run in your system. If you absolutely need the thing, you can download the whole frakking thing from MS.

May this help to run the tool? Windows 7 again is not listed.

So with the 'cmd' shell opened, type in at your prompt: "Path <return>"

Only a few paths are listed, the tools not. There are programs listed I didn?t knew I got them :?
The tools are listed in "Uninstall or change a program".

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Re: Miranda Bump Map

Post #33by t00fri » 14.09.2012, 14:39

john Van Vliet wrote:I have no intention of compiling anything on windows
i might if needed in the future , but i am not planning on it
put it this way the LAST time i used windows was a few months ago for about 1 hour

so far the nms tool
from the pre2 zip
installed the "\Win32_PC.bin\NmTools-2.0pre2.exe"
D:\Multimedia/NmTools ( i have ALWAYS hated with a passion install EVERYTHING to "program Files" )

copied a ( now RAW) 8k venus topo "8kVenusDEM.raw" to D:\Multimedia/NmTools
( the venus topo IS A 16 Bit Unsigned image )

<shift> and HOLD while R-click "open cmd here"
ran for testing

Code: Select all

nms 2000 8192 2 0 1 < 8kVenusDEM.raw > test.ppm

and the output

also works from other folders
the install $PATH is in the registry

the texture tools i have not yet checked , but seeing as there was no error with "nms" that should not be an issue
i just need to resize a 8k map to a non power of two size
and save it to a 8bit raw

Many thanks, John for your detailed testing!

I am happy to learn from your test that no problems arose under Win7. Notably that the PATH was correctly passed to the registry, despite your using of a non-standard install dir! That's good news.

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Re: Miranda Bump Map

Post #34by t00fri » 14.09.2012, 14:50

FarGetaNik wrote:
So with the 'cmd' shell opened, type in at your prompt: "Path <return>"

Only a few paths are listed, the tools not. There are programs listed I didn?t knew I got them :?
The tools are listed in "Uninstall or change a program".

In view of John's successful testing under Win7, little remains to be said. Of course, it is easy and standard to add the install path to the windows PATH variable manually. In any case we should understand, why unlike John's and my tests, the install path is not made known to your registry (environment) during the install procedure.

Were there any further deviations from my instructions you took without mention (besides chosing a non-default install dir) ? Once you understand what's going on during the installation you are of course free to do what you want. But if you deviate from the instructions during the "tutorial" phase, it merely costs time and adds to the confusion.

I think I might actually know the reason why there was no proper registry entry in your case: If you had used the DEFAULT install dir, it would have been required that you have Administrator rights. One reason is that the required part of the Win 7 registry can only be written in Administrator mode!!! Hence in case you (tacitly) tried to install as a normal user to that non-priviledged, non-standard install directory, CLEARLY the registry could not be properly written, which explains why the PATH of the tools was missing in the Win 7 Environment after installation...

Apart from this tentative analysis, I can either propose a manual setting of the PATH ( in Systems-> Environment->PATH) or you might try redoing the install procedure using the DEFAULT directory.

Perhaps but not very probably, your registry has been scambled by some previous actions. I can recommend a very safe, useful and freeware registry cleaner for win7: http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner. The other offered tools are also very useful. Note, I don't get any money from them ;-)


John Van Vliet
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Re: Miranda Bump Map

Post #35by John Van Vliet » 14.09.2012, 21:02

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Re: Miranda Bump Map

Post #36by t00fri » 14.09.2012, 23:39

john Van Vliet wrote:As per " Standard Operating Procedure " I install software on windows AS THE ADMIN. ( or in the "Owner" account if it is set - it is above Administrator ) then drop beck down to a normal user .

Which is correct and required for proper installations including registry entries etc.


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FarGetaNik M
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Re: Miranda Bump Map

Post #37by FarGetaNik » 09.10.2012, 09:13

First of all, sorry for not logging in for so long. I wanted to get the Tools run, but failed firstly. Got not much time last month. I wanted to run the tools on different computers, but did not get the permission, so I?m so far as a month ago.
I don?t want to waste more time on that, I?ve got the feeling these tools won?t run on my system. I tried to reinstall them as admin, the paths are still not shown by the "paths" command; so is the installation path influencing the tools or not? I installed them with their default paths before, now in "C/programme2". And the CCleaner, didn?t try it yet, seams strange to me. Only shareware, right?
And still got no response from Dr. Schenk, so no chance to create a map of real height date, but maybe in lower resolution. I?m still hoping of gimp 2.10 to convert this map to 16 bit.

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Re: Miranda Bump Map

Post #38by t00fri » 09.10.2012, 15:55

FarGetaNik wrote:First of all, sorry for not logging in for so long. I wanted to get the Tools run, but failed firstly. Got not much time last month. I wanted to run the tools on different computers, but did not get the permission, so I?m so far as a month ago.
I don?t want to waste more time on that, I?ve got the feeling these tools won?t run on my system. I tried to reinstall them as admin, the paths are still not shown by the "paths" command; so is the installation path influencing the tools or not?

It's really so simple, but you always try to deviate from my precise instructions. Why do you do this? It costs both of us unnecessary extra time and ends in frustration...

Given your poor Win 7 systems knowledge, the proper procedure would have been --as a first try-- to follow my instructions STRICTLY. Once you have seen things working correctly, then you can experiment with modifications that you prefer step by step.

I see that you have never set environment variables by hand in your Windows OS. It's also very easy.
All you got to do is to add rhe actual installation path of my tools, one by one.
Here is what you have to click (sorry I only know the English designations):

Control Panel-> All Control Panel Items->System->Advanced System Settings

In the opened dialog called System Properties you click the last entry, called Environment Variables

There you click on Edit in the top User variables dialog, after first selecting Path.
Next in the opening editable line, type a ';' after the last entry (if there was one), and simply type in the complete installation path for the NmTools and the F-TexTools. Double check for typos!!!

Suppose you had installed the tools in the default path for an English Win 7, you would type:
; C:\Program Files (x86)\NmTools;C:\Program Files (x86)\F-TexTools

Then type OK OK

Then the tools should be known in EVERY directory.


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FarGetaNik M
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Re: Miranda Bump Map

Post #39by FarGetaNik » 27.12.2012, 14:03

It finally worked to install the tools: The problem was following: After rebooting I started my user account (without thinking about it) and only admins can look up if the tools are known, somehow, but this makes sense.
Thanks Fridger :)

Meanwhile, I improved the textures a bit: The NASA maps include an area of Miranda, which the map of Robert Johnston don?t. I also improved some craters and scratches.

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Re: Miranda Bump Map

Post #40by t00fri » 28.12.2012, 21:23

Looking quite good.

Why didn't you blend the new surface texture with the previous one which would provide some structure also in the southern hemisphere? Both textures actually match very well (I checked).

I quickly made a normalmap from your bumpmap with my nms tool after converting your bumpmap to 16bit signed int format (with isis3 tools). For a good normalmap quality the smoothness was definitely unsatisfactory, reflecting the 8bit nature of your input bumpmap. Remember, normalmaps require (numerical) gradients of the elevation map data...These are exceedingly sensitive to imaging "roughness".


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