The idea is to generate large batches of fully-usable star systems within a defined region of space for the benefit of sci-fi worldbuilders. I have functional single through quaternary star systems, with (reasonably) accurate population distributions. Planets, which will be rather more complicated, are coming soon. I will be making this available when I am done.
I have a 0.9 version of the planet textures (a sample of which may be found here: ) available at this location: The texture pack has about a hundred files and is about 30MB. All textures are 1024x768. There are various layers including maps, bumps, specs, nights, and clouds. When the planet building part of the program is complete, planets will be randomly generated and classified according to the following scheme to choose the textures which might apply to them:
Code: Select all
Type Temperature Range prevalence per system type
metal-poor Si C
Ice Ice Solid Planet 0 K - 75 K 80% 80% 80%
MeC Methane-Cloud Gas Giant 0 K - 75 K 20% 20% 20%
ISi Ice-Silicate Solid Planet 75 K - 150 K 5% 75% 5%
ICa Ice-Carbon Solid Planet 75 K - 150 K 15% 5% 75%
AmC Ammonia-Cloud Gas Giant 75 K - 150 K 80% 20% 20%
Sil Silicate Solid Planet 150 K - 400 K 4% 30% 5%
Car Carbon Solid Planet 150 K - 400 K 1% 5% 30%
WaC Water-Cloud Gas Giant 150 L - 400 K 80% 30% 30%
MSi Metal-Silicate Solid Planet 150 K - 400 K 4% 30% 5%
MCa Metal-Carbon Solid Planet 150 K - 400 K 1% 5% 30%
Met Metal Solid Planet 400 K - 800 K 1% 10% 10%
Cla Clarified Gas Giant 400 K - 800 K 99% 90% 90%
Rem Remnant Solid Planet 800 K - 1200 K 1% 5% 5%
AlC Alkali-Cloud Gas Giant 800 K - 1200 K 99% 95% 95%
SiC Silicate-Cloud Planet 1200 K - 3600 K 100% 100% 100%
Vap Vaporized Planet 3600 K + 100% 100% 100%