Semi-realistic ice caps on high obliquity world

Tips for creating and manipulating planet textures for Celestia.
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PlutonianEmpire M
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Re: Semi-realistic ice caps on high obliquity world

Post #21by PlutonianEmpire » 09.09.2012, 02:55

Fenerit wrote:
PlutonianEmpire wrote:"At the autumnal equinox it will be receded of 20°(6.6..°x3)" makes me think it receded by 20° and giving it a 90° (equatorial) extension, although "meanwhile forming 55° ([70°/2]+20°) of ice at pole" gives me the impression of the cap going down to either 35°N at north autumnal equinox.

I'm sorry Plutonian but the word "either" in that phrase is difficult to me to translate without misunderstanding: "either" mean: 1) "both"
2) "one of the two"
3) "or the one or the other"
4) "or the one and the other"
Brain lapse. "either" shouldn't be there, IIRC, so I fixed my post. :oops:
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Re: Semi-realistic ice caps on high obliquity world

Post #22by Fenerit » 09.09.2012, 03:36

Ah, ok. Well, I'm try to mental recapitulate the situation, because my memory is close to that of an amoeba and in the case you will find crazy statements you should say that Fenerit is definitely gone to the asylum.
I think that would be the behaviour, although 55° is the north latitude of the ice from the pole (wrong form of expression by me); that is: the ice spans 55° to 90° degree north. The ice forming is fastest; after the 3 next months, from the autmnal equinox to the winter solstice, the nothern emisphere must be newly covered of ice toward 15° degree north. To achieve the supposed 20° "free" degree, must be calculated: [(12x6.6°...)-70°]/2 = (80° - 70°)/2 = 5° to both (either? :wink: ) emispheres to be subtracted from the final piece. Or, more smooth, to be subdivided amongst pieces, being aware that the ice will pass through the equator in both directions, like you speciments.
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Re: Semi-realistic ice caps on high obliquity world

Post #23by W0RLDBUILDER » 21.09.2012, 13:31

PlutonianEmpire wrote:Ah, ok. As for the 6.666.... provided by the full formula, what does that represent?
6 2/3.

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PlutonianEmpire M
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Re: Semi-realistic ice caps on high obliquity world

Post #24by PlutonianEmpire » 21.09.2012, 23:47

PlutonianEmpire wrote:Ah, ok. As for the 6.666.... provided by the full formula, what does that represent?
6 2/3.
I know that. :roll:

I just wondered what role it played in all of this.
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