Dramatic new video on Solar system - uses Celestia

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Dramatic new video on Solar system - uses Celestia

Post #1by fsgregs » 24.08.2012, 15:16

Hi all:

I have created a new, dramatic HD motivational video "trailer" choreographed to powerful music titled, "The Introduction to Our Solar System". It is intended to be shown by teachers to middle, high school and college students at the beginning of a lesson on the solar system, to inspire students to want to learn about our magnificent system. So many kids today are so apathetic about so many things. In my experience and based on comments from many teachers around the world, a video like this can help teachers to capture student interest quickly. The kids really love these videos trailers, because they are so dramatic.

The video uses many scenes from Celestia. I captured them with FRAPS in high definition, and they worked out great.

I posted the video on YouTube just two weeks ago and it is becoming popular. Comments from teachers are very gratifying. You can see the video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svvwv5oAf4I&list=UUWxJwdNjOFOUvKAhsYo41lg&index=1&feature=plcp

I have also posted the video on another video site called "vimeo.com". Vimeo has a download link to download the video to your computer. You can find it here: http://vimeo.com/46592101. (you have to become a free member of vimeo to download videos, but there is no downside to doing so)



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Re: Dramatic new video on Solar system - uses Celestia

Post #2by Cham » 24.08.2012, 15:45

This is a great video, Frank, very good staging.

The start leading to our "Sol" is awesome.
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Re: Dramatic new video on Solar system - uses Celestia

Post #3by abramson » 24.08.2012, 17:03


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Re: Dramatic new video on Solar system - uses Celestia

Post #4by t00fri » 24.08.2012, 17:09

fsgregs wrote:The video uses many scenes from Celestia. I captured them with FRAPS in high definition, and they worked out great.

Why were there no credits given to Celestia and the other used original video scenes? All credits I noticed referred to "Gregorio Educational Productions"!


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Re: Dramatic new video on Solar system - uses Celestia

Post #5by Fenerit » 24.08.2012, 18:46

Amazing video! 8)
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Re: Dramatic new video on Solar system - uses Celestia

Post #6by fsgregs » 24.08.2012, 20:33

Fridger, I assumed you would have something negative to say.

If you took the time to read them, you would have discovered mention of Celestia and other credits are in the text that describes the video.

John Van Vliet
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Re: Dramatic new video on Solar system - uses Celestia

Post #7by John Van Vliet » 25.08.2012, 04:44

--- edit ---

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