For some reason, when looking at objects with night textures available, I can see the night lights lit up in broad daylight, when using any render mode other than OpenGL 2.0. Sure, common around binaries, but this is with single stars.
Graphics driver issue, perhaps?
Code: Select all
Star "Anu" {
RA 184.2303202790125
Dec 13.626424638474167
Distance 7619016.7254
SpectralType "M3V"
AbsMag 13.0143
Code: Select all
"Nibiru" "Anu" {
Texture "earth.*"
NightTexture "earthnight.*"
#Texture "nibiru.png"
#NightTexture "nibiru-night.png"
#BumpMap "nibiru-bump.png"
#BumpHeight 1.64
#SpecularTexture "nibiru-spec.png"
SpecularColor [ 0.80 0.80 0.00 ]
SpecularPower 17.37
Color [ 0.25 0.73 0.52 ]
Radius 12951.4941
Mass 9.963787
# Density 1.19
HazeColor [ 0.09 0.78 0.63 ]
HazeDensity 0.51
Atmosphere {
Height 129.51
Lower [ 0.09 0.78 0.63 ]
Upper [ 0.65 0.06 0.69 ]
Sky [ 0.45 0.76 0.36 ]
Sunset [ 0.49 0.73 0.93 ]
CloudHeight 12.95
CloudSpeed 51.62
CloudMap "nibiru-clouds.png"
Mie 0.00059
MieAsymmetry -0.024
Rayleigh [ 0.00447 0.00760 0.00362 ]
Absorption [ 0.00514 0.00269 0.00071 ]
MieScaleHeight 19.4225
EllipticalOrbit {
Period 0.04232585614182507323750855578371
SemiMajorAxis 0.059198986477810585
Eccentricity 0.0485
Inclination 1.0339
AscendingNode 300.7253
ArgOfPericenter 268.2471
MeanAnomaly 9.0244
# RotationPeriod 364.4872
Obliquity 1.0339
EquatorAscendingNode 300.7253
RotationOffset 36.9983
Albedo 0.36
I came to the default Earth in the default Sol system (w/ default Sol STC settings), and saw the same thing, albeit barely perceptible.
HP HDX16-1375DX Notebook PC, Intel Core2 Duo CPU P7550 @ 2.26 / 2.27 GH, 4 gb DDR2 RAM, Windows 7 64 bit, NVIDIA GeForce GT 130M Graphics w/1024 Shared video memory