As you can see, the southernmost continent extends further beyond the texture. Looping seems to work horizontally, but not vertically. What must I do to allow the other portion of the continent to appear?
Code: Select all
#! /usr/bin/sh -x
# use ImageMagick to convert to a format MMPS understands
convert centered.jpg tmp1.ppm
# use MMPS to reposition "continent"
./project latlong -lat -88 -long 23 \
-w 1024 -h 512 -f tmp1.ppm > tmp2.ppm
# use ImageMagick to convert to a format Celestia understands
convert tmp2.ppm overthetop.jpg
In Photoshop use the "offset" filter, It works both vertically and horizontally, then use the polar distortion filter.ThesaurusRex84 wrote:Hmm. Is there a way to translate that tutorial to Photoshop? Also, why do I need 2 textures?
ThesaurusRex84 wrote:Yeah. Apparently it has this $999 price tag to go with it.
Is there any way to uh...do this by hand, per se? Or is it too precise? I think my only problem is me not able to understand how the Photoshop 'Polar Coordinates' thing is supposed to work, or what I'm supposed to do with it.
ThesaurusRex84 wrote:Hmm, painting on MeshLab seems to only be able to color entire polygons. Weird.