How do I allow for a continent to loop around vertically?

Tips for creating and manipulating planet textures for Celestia.
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How do I allow for a continent to loop around vertically?

Post #1by ThesaurusRex84 » 16.12.2011, 03:18

It's sort of hard to explain in the title, so I'll give you an image.


As you can see, the southernmost continent extends further beyond the texture. Looping seems to work horizontally, but not vertically. What must I do to allow the other portion of the continent to appear?

John Van Vliet
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Re: How do I allow for a continent to loop around vertically

Post #2by John Van Vliet » 16.12.2011, 06:58

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Re: How do I allow for a continent to loop around vertically

Post #3by ThesaurusRex84 » 16.12.2011, 10:28

Hmm. Is there a way to translate that tutorial to Photoshop? Also, why do I need 2 textures?

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Re: How do I allow for a continent to loop around vertically

Post #4by selden » 16.12.2011, 13:28

Here is one way to do it.
I have ImageMagick and Cygwin installed under Windows 7, and used Cygwin to compile MMPS.
I used this bash script

Code: Select all

#! /usr/bin/sh -x
# use ImageMagick to convert to a format MMPS understands
convert centered.jpg tmp1.ppm
# use MMPS to reposition "continent"
./project latlong -lat -88 -long 23 \
 -w 1024 -h 512 -f tmp1.ppm > tmp2.ppm
# use ImageMagick to convert to a format Celestia understands
convert tmp2.ppm overthetop.jpg

to convert this image

into this one

which looks like this in Celestia

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Re: How do I allow for a continent to loop around vertically

Post #5by Reiko » 17.12.2011, 06:44

ThesaurusRex84 wrote:Hmm. Is there a way to translate that tutorial to Photoshop? Also, why do I need 2 textures?
In Photoshop use the "offset" filter, It works both vertically and horizontally, then use the polar distortion filter.

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Re: How do I allow for a continent to loop around vertically

Post #6by ThesaurusRex84 » 17.12.2011, 09:20

I've got it offset and used the polar distortion filter, but what do I do next? It doesn't look like it would work at all. I looked at both the Map Projection Software and what Selden gave me. It would appear that I have absolutely no idea how to work a command prompt (Is that $ part of the command or what?). This all makes me feel pretty dumb. I suppose planet texturing isn't for the average Joe.

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Re: How do I allow for a continent to loop around vertically

Post #7by selden » 17.12.2011, 14:04

According to what I've found on the Web, Photoshop Extended includes 3D painting tools. Apparently you can rotate a 3D object so the region you want to paint is facing forward (toward you). That way what you're painting looks "right" while you're working on it. I don't have that program, so I don't know how or if you could export the results to the proper shape of flat image.

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Re: How do I allow for a continent to loop around vertically

Post #8by ThesaurusRex84 » 18.12.2011, 12:57

Yeah. Apparently it has this $999 price tag to go with it.

Is there any way to this by hand, per se? Or is it too precise? I think my only problem is me not able to understand how the Photoshop 'Polar Coordinates' thing is supposed to work, or what I'm supposed to do with it.

Fenerit M
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Re: How do I allow for a continent to loop around vertically

Post #9by Fenerit » 19.12.2011, 08:47

ThesaurusRex84 wrote:Yeah. Apparently it has this $999 price tag to go with it.

Is there any way to this by hand, per se? Or is it too precise? I think my only problem is me not able to understand how the Photoshop 'Polar Coordinates' thing is supposed to work, or what I'm supposed to do with it.

A freeware program which allows the 3D paint on textures, look at Meshlab
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Re: How do I allow for a continent to loop around vertically

Post #10by ThesaurusRex84 » 19.12.2011, 12:58

Hmm, painting on MeshLab seems to only be able to color entire polygons. Weird.

I think you guys gotta know that I'm just a completely average person who just self-taught himself in a photo editing program. A lot of the stuff you guys post I don't understand, like how to use those ImageMagick scripts for example. I realize that would seem to be the way to go but I just don't know how to use it. No offense to you guys, you seem really smart. And now I feel dumb for not being able to do something apparently simple. All I'd really like to do is figure out a way, any way, to stretch an image around the poles.

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Re: How do I allow for a continent to loop around vertically

Post #11by selden » 19.12.2011, 16:25

Writing scripts is an example of computer programming. It helps to have a background in some procedural computer language, like Basic, or C or Java or JavaScript or [insert favorite programming language here]. It's not a matter of intelligence, but rather having spent the time to learn how to write software. Learning how to use GUIs doesn't provide that experience.

Unfortunately, I don't have the time to write a detailed Cygwin/ImageMagick/MMPS tutorial right now. Maybe this evening.

If you have the time, you might want to consider taking an appropriate Community College computer programming course. Alternatively, there probably are some self-help books available at your favorite library or bookstore or interactive courses on the Web.

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Re: How do I allow for a continent to loop around vertically

Post #12by Fenerit » 20.12.2011, 09:24

ThesaurusRex84 wrote:Hmm, painting on MeshLab seems to only be able to color entire polygons. Weird.

Not exactly. Of course mine are just informations: you are the only one which can find its better solution. Meshlab has a paint toolset with several options and the fill tool is just one. The smooth paint on 3D model/texture needs that 3D model be very smoothed; i.e subdivided to achieve 500/1000 kpolys, it depend on what you want get as texture resolution. Meshlab has subdividing tools (global and local) and the mask tools (a mask is the area you don't want to paint). With high subdivision, the polyhgons are so small that they are in the same order of the pixels (again, they depends upon your textures resolution: 1k, 2k, 4k...) and the paint is smooth. Then you can refines the parts on a 2D program, but the grosse work (texture's assembling, no seams, no polar pinch) is done.
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