Gustav Mie's theory

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Gustav Mie's theory

Post #1by MiR » 02.05.2011, 16:52

Due to frequent questions regarding the "Mie" settings within the .ssc's I list here some thematic websites (as well as some tips and hints).
Please note that I am also just a self-taught learner in these things. But I think I should share my little knowledge with you (while I'm still pixeling and puzzling at the phobos map...).

And everyone who has a more extensive knowledge on this topic is welcome here.

So, at first read this: (particularly look at page 6)

In principle here - and the links within these pages - everything - important for our "Celestia"-work - is explained. (Oh yes, I know, my english is wunderfull, isn't it?)

other Mie - related sites

=> All that was mentioned in these pages already, I will not repeat here.

The biggest obstacle at this work is probably the most common start of the program to check the changed values.

So, let's begin;
I start with these values: Mie and MieScaleHeight. Until the height of the atmosphere is right, transparent enough and makes no display problems.
At this stage, the colour has a minor aspect.

For the colour of the atmosphere give a "#" in front of the "Absorption"-line. Then choose the colours for your atmospheric composition ("Rayleigh").
Note: the higher the values the higer the (colour-)density. (I assume that the chemical composition of the atmosphere is known to you...)

Now, delete "#" and change the "Absorption" values.
("0.0" means there is no absorption.) Then customize the "MieAsymmetry"-value (between 1 and -1).

That's all for now. It's not much, but I hope it helps a bit...
Good luck.


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