jim wrote:Hi all,
A 4k moon map is now available at Celestial Visions. Thanks Ras.
Why not 8k ?
- This file would have a size of 12Mb and i have only a modem connection. A higher compressed file suffer a significant quality loss.
- The visible improvment is small. Beliefe me! All my shots made with 4k maps. Together with a 4k normal map you will not see a significant improvement.
If there is an interest i will ulpoad my 4k normal map (not small in size).
Fridger, my old moon map looks similar and i was not happy with this.
I think that the most realistic Clementine map is the albedo map; the ones with shadows from surface features don't make nearly as good textures. Unfortunately, even the albedo maps have shadows in the polar regions, since the sunlight there is always oblique.
I'd like very much to have the normal map that you used. Please do make it available.