It's about Venus

Tips for creating and manipulating planet textures for Celestia.
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It's about Venus

Post #1by MiR » 03.10.2010, 03:54

While i was searching for more informations about Venus i was wondering about the different - so called - "true color" images of the planet Venus.
What are the real color(s) of the Venus-atmosphere? I've found these entries by "4th rock from the sun" at unmannedspaceflight:
What are the real colors of the Venusclouds (in visible light)? Mostly Venus is showing with a white-yellowish cloudcolor with a blueish haze.
But in Celestia Venus has much more darker clouds. Maybe anyone could give me an answer...?

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Re: It's about Venus

Post #2by MiR » 07.10.2010, 01:19

Oops - I've just read some earlier topics of Venus... and i wasn't amused... but, now i understand.

Because there are so much Venus related sites here (541 entries "googling" with "shattersnet") i was hoping someone could tell me where i could get (thread) the informations i'm searchin' for.

Well, while i was rummaging through the jungle of venus related topics here at shatters...(it's really very, very much stuff to read...) I slowly began to understand... In this forum e v e r y t h i n g about Venus is anything else but funny...

But I didn't want to annoy anybody. That was definetely not what i intended. I do not like vulgary manners; neither verbal nor didactically. I'm just trying to make a good job...


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Re: It's about Venus

Post #3by MiR » 07.10.2010, 21:26

My Celestia-Venus is wearing a brighter dress; based on the fictitious NASA/JPL Venus Cloud map texture.
Isn't she looking like a wonderful pearl now...?

I know, she isn't scientific but lovely :wink:

Yes, yes, yes; to all those who'll tell me now "Celestia have to be scientific" I'm answering: You're absolutely right; above all Celestia must be scientific!
Therefore I'm using this Venus Cloud map only as an "AltSurface" option :D


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Re: It's about Venus

Post #4by loki » 07.10.2010, 21:34

The fun about Celestia (for me anyway ) is the fact that you can "pimp" your universe anyway you like after all your the one that has to look at it :wink:

John Van Vliet
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Re: It's about Venus

Post #5by John Van Vliet » 08.10.2010, 07:42

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Re: It's about Venus

Post #6by t00fri » 08.10.2010, 11:54

now there was a post ( umsf) about a conference about a month ago that the ground coloring was discussed
-- the only info is that it was discussed -- no other information .
This forum also has accumulated lots of relevant information about this matter. Hence it's well worth to search it for subjects that have been covered quite a number of times already. I have addressed the issue about surface colors of Venus several times here during the last 8.5 years. Here is a reminder from my last respective post almost 4 years ago. I think it still uses the best available imaging so far:

---------- viewtopic.php?f=10&t=10611&p=83143&hilit=venus#p83143 ----------
This official image from the Venus surface after the Russian Venera 13 landing originates from: USSR Academy of Sciences/Brown University, cf.


This image shows the combined effect of diffuse sky color AND surface color. However, since the sky color was measured independently, it could be subtracted leading to this rocky-gray surface (basalt) with atmosphere effects subtracted


Note: the color-gauging bar and the very natural colors associated
with visible parts of the spacecraft and the color bar!!


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Re: It's about Venus

Post #7by MiR » 09.10.2010, 10:03

loki wrote:The fun about Celestia (for me anyway ) is the fact that you can "pimp" your universe anyway you like after all your the one that has to look at it
in principle: yes. But I need "some ground" under my feet; a green space, dotted with orange flowers and filled with octahedron-like planets... indeed, I would be a bit confused :lol:
But I just might imagine the particular fascination to "adorn" space with your favourite SF-fleet, planets, stars or something...
and: you are mentally active and - gradually - you'll learn something about cosmic relations (and more...) :wink:

john Van Vliet wrote:my thoughts on this do differ from others but as long as a map is consistent with what we know and is not way to farfetched then use it
I also think so. It's like a "lok" texture map; or better: a "best-possible-knowledge" texture map :)

t00fri wrote: This forum also has accumulated lots of relevant information about this matter. Hence it's well worth to search it for subjects that have been covered quite a number of times already. I have addressed the issue about surface colors of Venus several times here during the last 8.5 years. Here is a reminder from my last respective post almost 4 years ago. I think it still uses the best available imaging so far:
re-answering always the same ol' questions is boring you..., that's understandable.These images (Venera) are well-known, of course. (but at first I had to learn that there are no - or scarcely - other pictures exists :? ) Therefore I think John's VT of the planet Venus ist currently the best solution...

I'm sorry... I was - naivly - thinking there are newer informations, or better certain insights available...


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Re: It's about Venus

Post #8by John Van Vliet » 09.10.2010, 20:55

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Re: It's about Venus

Post #9by MiR » 09.10.2010, 23:22

Thanks John,

john Van Vliet wrote: but there is some work being done on the old data . Just look at the "new" processing of the Voyager Jupiter data
Bjorn Jonsson's post ... =0&start=0
the same is being looked at for Venus
just look at Phil Stooke's post - remapped venera ... t&p=165043
it seems to me more and more that the pages of "unmannedspaceflight" are a good source (and discussion board) for the newest informations related to our solar system... :-)

Venus cloud map is a work still in progress. I'm also planning to change the atmospheric parameters (a bit).

Therefore I have to take a deeper look at the Mie scattering values. (Will try it out on a smaller addon; probably Mars... because the atmosphere of mars is much better known than venus'...)

The best site I've found (and for a layperson comprehensibly) is a discussion thread at CelestialMatters:

And here I discovered a site where the Mie parameters can be calculate... But... I should say; I understand not much more than a stranger in bohemian villages (a german proverb = understand absolutely nothing)... (english version)

there are many other sites... But notably I do not know how the values can be translate into .lua or rather .ssc parameters...?

Anyway; I will try it out...

But of course I'll give the user an option to choose between my and the Celestia-Venus atmosphere.


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Re: It's about Venus

Post #10by MiR » 27.10.2010, 20:34

once again: The Celestia user will have the choice to choose between two .ssc files;

One file will only change the cloud map of Venus.

The other one makes these changes:
-> atmospheric colors (including a blue haze around the planet)
-> transparency layer (only necessary if you are using a grey scaled map, e.g. John Van Vliet's Venus VT)
-> Venus cloud map

Example images;
both with John Van Vliet's Venus texture (Thanks a lot John, very good work :) )




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Re: It's about Venus

Post #11by John Van Vliet » 27.10.2010, 21:13

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Re: It's about Venus

Post #12by MiR » 27.10.2010, 21:46

john Van Vliet wrote:mine is not "gray scale" it has a slight sepia tone
Yes, of course... it's the right tint for basalt and lava.

With the transparency layer I try to simulate the atmospheric shine on the pseudo-gray (sepia) Venus ground.

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Re: It's about Venus

Post #13by MiR » 04.11.2010, 18:32

For a better comprehension...


More informations here:

(Thanks ANDREA for your helpful cooperation! :D )

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Re: It's about Venus

Post #14by MiR » 24.11.2010, 06:43

I'm still laboring at the Mie parameters. The map - mainly based on Bj?rn J?nsson's Venus renderings ( - should be ready...


Criticism and suggestions are always welcome.


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Re: It's about Venus

Post #15by MiR » 26.11.2010, 12:52

for completeness... here is the brighter version from the Nasa Venus cloud map.


Both variants are also fictitious like the original renderings.


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Re: It's about Venus

Post #16by Fenerit » 26.11.2010, 14:33

Where is the fictitiousness? :roll:
Never at rest.

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Re: It's about Venus

Post #17by MiR » 07.12.2010, 18:04

Venus with a blue haze in Open GL 2.


Looks good, maybe - but - is this real and authentic...?


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Re: It's about Venus

Post #18by MiR » 09.12.2010, 20:10

Supplementarily I like to add:

My colour adjustments are mainly based on Ricardo Nunes' work.
Who deals very seriously with this issue at "Unmanned Spaceflight" (please look at the link of the very first post of this thread)

So, I hope my Venus renderings are not too exaggerate...


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Re: It's about Venus

Post #19by MiR » 24.12.2010, 16:13

Merry Christmas for all!



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Re: It's about Venus

Post #20by CAP-Team » 27.12.2010, 16:50

Compared to MESSENGER's images this looks very realistic to me.
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