It looks as though you are getting confused between Alternate Surfaces and Virtual Textures.
Although an Alternate Surface
may be a virtual texture made up of multiple levels of detail:, it does not look as though that is what you intended here, as you make no mention of "levels" folders, etc..
It looks as though your alternate surface is represented by a single jpg image "Babula.jpg" rather than a VT.
If so, there is no need to deal with .ctx files, and you can just have a simple AltSurface declaration as below. You also need to move the file Babula.jpg into the medres folder.
You only need a CTX if your texture is a VT, so you can get rid of the CTX file.
You don't need the folder "Babula" either.
Code: Select all
AltSurface "Babula" "ALF Cen A/Kvarta"
Texture "Babula.jpg"
So, in summary:
1. Keep Babula.ssc
2. Move Babula.jpg into the medres folder.
3. Delete the empty folder Babula
4. Delete Babula.ctx
You're good to go.