Fenerit wrote:CC, isn't required to reinstall Celestia to associate its cel/celx extension....
I know, but the "surest" way is to re-install. "To be sure, to be sure, to be sure" (as the Irish would say.)
jogad wrote:I can't reproduce exactly the bug described but I noticed that your celestia is in "celestia 1.6.0" directory
When I use such a directory with dots in it, I get this error
And this happens
only in Firefox and not in Internet Explorer.
Maybe you were right when you suspected a bug in Firefox.
Of course the problem is not exactly the same because, as you can see on the picture, the url is loaded.
But I suggest that you change "celestia 1.6.0" to "celestia 160" and see if the message is always the same.
No difference after a fresh install to "celestia 160".
Interestingly though, after installation, registry entries still had "celestia 1.6.0" in them.
Even more interesting: modification and application of your .REG file to replace "celestia 1.6.0" with "celestia 160" also had no effect on the registry. (Although it still claimed sucess...)
(I had to manually modify all registry entries to refer to the "celestia 160" folder, but celURL's still not working, even after this.)
I'm wondering if it is correct for the URL Protocol to be blank??
Code: Select all
@="URL:cel Protocol"
"URL Protocol"=""
I'm not sure what the original value of this key was, but I notice that the .REG file sets it to "".