Object Marker request (and others)

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Object Marker request (and others)

Post #1by chrisr » 02.04.2010, 19:58

Hi all,

I haven't been here for a while, but I've been using celestia extensively for my science fiction writing for years (it's mainly just a hobby). Through out this time some ideas have come to mind that would make it easier for people who use celestia in the fashion that I do.

1. The marker: I really like the current marker: the four arrows hypnotically pulsating around the selected object. However, it would be very helpful to have a central point that appears when you are sufficiently close to the selected object (kind of like the old marker). This, combined with locations turned on, would be extremely helpful in making pin-point landings on the planet.

These leads me to a question. If the object representing earth in celestia is a perfect sphere, how inaccurate then is the mapping of earth's features?

2.The horizontal grid: This feature is amazing!! It would also be nice to have this information added to the top left corner when the user has cranked up their object info the most verbose. Still, though, extremely useful as is.

3: angular separation request: I suppose I could just do the math myself, but it would be a neat feature to be able to select two objects in the sky (while anywhere in the celestia-verse) and find out their angular separation.

Chris R

If anyone's interested though, please do check out a piece of flash fiction that I've written.
Just do what makes you happy provided you do not infringe on another's happiness for there is no point in living if you do not have happiness.
[tex]Happiness = \[\int_a^b \int_c^d \int_e^f \int_g^h U(x,y,z,t)\,dx dy dz dt\] = 42[/tex]
If only we knew U!

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