Require LUATOOLS 1.2 b 7. Two files only: celutil.lua and coordinatesBox.lua; just ADDED a bit of code, nothing else. No preesistent functions have been manipulated. Backup the extant first.
Hey Frank, previous link has been updated. Digits are now rounded to 4, because at least in the case of distance planets something appear; if you wish more or less, change where is "%.4f" in coordinatesBox. lua by increase of decrease the number.
fsgregs wrote:Hey Frank, previous link has been updated. Digits are now rounded to 4, because at least in the case of distance planets something appear; if you wish more or less, change where is "%.4f" in coordinatesBox. lua by increase of decrease the number.
Massimo, I just downloaded the prior download link and the addon is not yet updated. I'm still getting 11 significant digits, and the coordinatesBox,.lua file does not contain a string of "%.4f".
Cham wrote:What's the point of showing the distance, while it's already there in the HUD ? In the case of the pictures above, the distance is exactly the same on the HUD (upper left position), and below the coordinates. At least, make them in various units (sec-light, minute-light, days-light, ... to LY, and also in km in scientific notation). And add a small text saying it's the distance relative to Earth, and not to the observer (or else it would be confusing).