When I run a script to goto Mars *immediately* after the opening screen, Mars is a blank pink ball.
Here s the script I use:
Code: Select all
preloadtex { object "Sol/Mars"}
wait { duration 5 }
select { object "Sol/Mars" }
follow {}
wait { duration 1.0 }
goto { time 5 distance 10 }
wait {duration 5}
I use Celestia's File menu to select and "open" the script file. The same thing happens whether I double-click on the filename or select the "Open" button.
At first I thought it was a problem in Celestia v1.3.0pre2
Then I tried it with v1.2.5 and it showed Mars as a blank pink ball, too.
Then I tried it with a completely unmodified v1.2.4 and the same thing happened.
I do *not* see this problem when I use the Navigation menus to travel. When using the menu, I can see Celestia pause briefly while it loads textures. When using the script, Celestia does not pause.
I've only been doing things with scripts for a short while.
I previously reported a problem with initial print statements sometimes not working. I've also had intermittant problems with initial statements in scripts not seeming to be executed.
256 MB, 500MHz P3, dual processor, AGP 2X (Asus P2B-DS), Windows XP Pro SP1
128MB, Nvidia GeForce4 Ti 4200, Detonator v40.72