My example:
monitor 15" 1024x768, 2k atm_profiles pictures resized to 512px and inserted (aligned top) within a canvas of 714x512px .
In infoBox.lua file I've changed:
Code: Select all
local getImageSize = function(image)
local iWidth = image:getwidth();
local iHeight = image:getheight();
if iWidth > 714 or iHeight > 714 then
if iWidth >= iHeight then
iHeight = iHeight * 714 / iWidth;
iWidth = 714;
iWidth = iWidth * 512 / iHeight;
iHeight = 512;
return iWidth, iHeight;
This allow to me of having a potential image "strip" that span the screen height leaving free the half screen width; useful for selecting objects (an entire screen image does lock the click action). As second operation, I've resized the image caption as far as to have a tiny selector aligned with the time action box modifying the part below:
Code: Select all
for objname, v in pairs(infoImage) do
image[objname] = {};
imageWidth = 4;
imageHeight = 4;
yImageRatio = 4 / imageHeight;
imdx, imdy = 0, 0;
-- Move up image if obsModeBox is disabled.
if not(obsModeBox) then
imdy = 50;
Practically I've accomplished the operation of customizing the presence of LUA EDU TOOLS toolbox. Below the image there space either for another image aligned bottom within its canvas or for displaying the Add-on box. Hence, I shut here because even myself need to know how to do for attaching the add-on box apart the center on screen. I've been able just to along the box for fast add-on checking because its develop. I should like to know which parts of the code acts to attach boxes everywhere.