Here is a small patch for celestia 1.5.1 that adds two sets of galactic coordinates for stars to the verbose info text. I've used it for a lecture, and I post it here in the hope someone else might find it useful.
The first set of coordinates are the usual heliocentric galactic coordinates, {l,b}, galactic longitude and latitude plus the distance of the star to the center of the milky way in kpc.
The second set of coordinates is galactocentric cylindrical coordinate system, {rho, phi, z}. This can be thought of as cylinder with the z = 0 plane being the galactic plane, and the center being the galactic center. Rho is then the distance in the plane, and z is the height above the galactic plane. Phi is the opening angle when viewed from the center of the galaxy. For example, sol and deneb are about 7 degrees seperated when viewed from the center.
Patch against 1.5.1 source with
Code: Select all
patch -p1 < celestia-1.5.1-galcoord.patch
Kind regards,