Move from one location on earth to another

All about writing scripts for Celestia in Lua and the .cel system
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Move from one location on earth to another

Post #1by rjara » 17.10.2008, 14:36

Hi All, I'm new to Celestia...

I've been searching the forum for hours and have not found the info i looking for. :(

All i want to do is have a scrip rotate earth... let sat we start by viewing Australia then the script moves/rotated earth to view say West Africa as it does i'll record to avi.

I'm trying to make a video showing earth rotating from one place to another...etc.

I sure this is a simple script but as a newbie I cant figure it!

In Advance thanks. :D

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Re: Move from one location on earth to another

Post #2by BobHegwood » 17.10.2008, 19:18

Just go to the Motherlode repository for scripts and download and look at a few of them.
They are located HERE.

You have a choice of either CEL scripts or CELX scripts. If you are just learning this stuff,
I would suggest getting a CEL script to start with. CELX is so damned confusing (at least to me)
that *I* can learn nothing from it. :wink:
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Re: Move from one location on earth to another

Post #3by rjara » 17.10.2008, 21:41

Thanks... any script in particular you might care to point me too.

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Re: Move from one location on earth to another

Post #4by BobHegwood » 17.10.2008, 21:45

rjara wrote:Thanks... any script in particular you might care to point me too.

Try either the Venus or Mercury Tours... They are mine, and I recommend them ONLY
because they were written by me. A Brain-Dead Old Geezer. :wink:
In other words, if I can do it, then you should be able to. :)

If you just want a script to see how it is done, you can also try one of the smaller, script
only tours, like the one for the Earth or for Mars.
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Re: Move from one location on earth to another

Post #5by rjara » 17.10.2008, 22:00

Cool, I'll check them out thanks.

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Re: Move from one location on earth to another

Post #6by rjara » 18.10.2008, 03:19

Ok looking at your script bob... do i get the longitude and latitude to use in the command below for a specific location?

Code: Select all

gotolonglat {time 8.0 distance 5.0 longitude -25.0 latitude -10.0

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Re: Move from one location on earth to another

Post #7by BobHegwood » 18.10.2008, 09:19

rjara wrote:Ok looking at your script bob... do i get the longitude and latitude to use in the command below for a specific location?

Code: Select all

gotolonglat {time 8.0 distance 5.0 longitude -25.0 latitude -10.0

Assuming that this is from the Earth Tour script, then the location's Longitude and Latitude
came from the earth_locs.ssc file which is located in the Celestia\data folder. Simply open
with a text editor and search for the location you are interested in.

If the code came from the Mars Tour, then you would look in the corresponding mars_locs.ssc

Hope that helps a bit.

One other piece of advice for you here. You can also find both CEL and CELX scripting guides which
(although they are somewhat outdated) can still be of great use to newcomers. See HERE.
Brain-Dead Geezer Bob is now using...
Windows Vista Home Premium, 64-bit on a
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Re: Move from one location on earth to another

Post #8by rjara » 18.10.2008, 15:41

ok i think i got something i can play with and modify/build as i learn more...

i'm using this site to convert google earth equatorial cordinates to ecliptic


Code: Select all

select {object "Sol/Earth"}
center {time 5.0}
wait {duration 5.0}
#follow {}
#goto {time 8.0 distance 5.0}
wait {duration 8.0}
print {text "Australia" row -4 column 1 duration 10.0}
gotolonglat {time 8.0 distance 3 longitude 128 latitude -25}
wait {duration 8.0}
print {text "West Africa" row -4 column 1 duration 10.0}
gotolonglat {time 8.0 distance 3 longitude 12  latitude 4}
wait {duration 10.0}

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