Slight correction to my earlier post: to be slightly more specific, it is a Delaunay triangulation of ALL stars in the default Celestia distribution: .stc files are also parsed as well as stars.dat, however objects which orbit barycenters are excluded (though the top-level barycenters themselves are included).
Cham wrote:Please, can you give us the cmod file which shows this ?
I could, but it saves on bandwidth if I just give you the Perl scripts (you will also need to install
qhull) and the .dsc. Instructions in the README file.
Also, the version shown in the images was generated using the latest revision of stars.dat which I uploaded to the SVN earlier today: you will be able to generate it using the old version however.
chris wrote:Neato. How many line segments in that monster?
878262. And I haven't tried to be clever about representing them as linestrips, because I didn't need to.
ElChristou wrote:Ouch! how this suff works? Each star is linked to the closest one in all directions?
Much as I hate to refer to Wikipedia for explanations, the most accessible explanation I've found in my admittedly brief glance at the Google results for what a Delaunay triangulation is can be found