A few Problems with your textures

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Silaz Carbryck
Posts: 3
Joined: 18.08.2008
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A few Problems with your textures

Post #1by Silaz Carbryck » 18.08.2008, 16:56

Hi there,

Ok then, when I load up Celestia now on my new laptop, the moon and mars are all different funky colours now, and it just looks all wrong to me!

I will send copies of mag01.avi together with the music that goes with it to anyone else who contributed to the work.

This is all I did, which I can remember even if I cant remember how to do all this stuff again becuase it has been wiped from my memory by some despicable alien tech drugs, or just selective memory whatever...

Downloaded a few textures; some quite large 'Mars works' with ice and water deposits, (that should not really have been there in the first place at those ridiculas un-web like resolutions! And I do remember some guy complaining at the time...) but mainly other jpegs of the moons and planets in our solar system that have been photographed and manipulated by man. I Did a few simple tricks in a cheap version of photoshop to roughly 'alienafy' these into a small selection of just planets and cut down the 'Blue Mars' into a resolution that Celestia could cope with. I then changed the atmospheres with an artistic effect that makes them look exagerated but is visually more pleasing (I am an artist after all and one needs some creative licence in these things). I then made a video using that feature after placing my crazy star system in a highly unfortunate place in the galaxy for its inhabitants becuase this film was TOTALLY on the edge man! And so far out!

I recently discovered the music that goes with the video, which is so FAR out, and totally on the edge man!
And the good news is its not one of my techno tracks, which are for all those younger FOX Network generation of kids that dont believe we have really landed on the moon, which of course we did, becuase I saw them play golf there, and I dont need Celestia to figure out the correct trajectories of golf balls either, but I still prefer my Phoenix to yours!:


Here you will note that an artist should never try to imerse himself into the complex worlds of maths and physics, and will never be able to fathom what it is that should go inside a space ship, and can only ever resign oneself to the job of perhaps creating just a shell, and making a few sudgestions regarding some simple artistic measures, namely the introduction of a third solar panel should one of them fail to open, which gives the craft the artistic 'hint' of two wings and a tailplane. And the provision of a window at the front of the craft, which although is not needed and perhaps may represent a slight danger to the crew, (although my guess is i hope it doesnt very much) will give the craft more of a 'space ship' feel to it, that kids can get into more. Obviously these artistic additions are just that, artistic and not based in fundamental science, and they, just like my Phoneix and Hotel are merely sudgestions from the mind of a lunatic.

Anyway I will send a DVD copy of the short film (which is two gigabytes of uncompressed footage)that I still 'directed' didnt I?! Together with the music that goes with it, to the person who can edit the two together and doesn't mind putting the following credits on the end:

Directed By Silaz Carbryck.
Photography by Man.
Textures by God.

Then you need to send a copy back to me, and we can put it up on Youtube or something, how's that sound?

- SC

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Re: A few Problems with your textures

Post #2by t00fri » 18.08.2008, 17:23

what a prose...

an artist should never try to imerse himself into the complex worlds of maths and physics,
... I suppose you are an artist ;-)

You might have better described more accurately what is wrong with your texture display (given the heading of your post!). Be assured, there are no problems with OUR textures, rather the problems are due to YOUR drivers...

I bet you got old openGL drivers (e.g. from Microsoft, v. 1.1) on your new laptop. Then textures of planets or other bodies turn RED or look weird otherwise! Please update from the site of the vendor of your graphics card.


John Van Vliet
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Re: A few Problems with your textures

Post #3by John Van Vliet » 18.08.2008, 21:52

just off hand by "Blue Mars" do you mean this one
http://celestiamotherlode.net/catalog/s ... don_id=176
it is a 4096x2048.png map and can be used even on OLD 2000/2001 hardware .I made it on an old "dell 8200" from bought 2000-2001 .
so what do you mean by
I Did a few simple tricks in a cheap version of photoshop to roughly 'alienafy' these into a small selection of just planets and cut down the 'Blue Mars' into a resolution that Celestia could cope with.

Topic author
Silaz Carbryck
Posts: 3
Joined: 18.08.2008
With us: 16 years 5 months

Re: A few Problems with your textures

Post #4by Silaz Carbryck » 18.08.2008, 23:20

I dont know why i had to cut down the blue mars image for my video in Celestia, Im sure celestia would only work at a lower resolution on the graphics card I was using at the time, (although I cannot remember what the graphics card was) This was a few years ago that I made the video you must understand.

Topic author
Silaz Carbryck
Posts: 3
Joined: 18.08.2008
With us: 16 years 5 months

Re: A few Problems with your textures

Post #5by Silaz Carbryck » 24.08.2008, 04:40

Anyway thanks for that!

I will download the new Open GL drivers for my laptop when I get around to it.

I just checked that blue Mars texture that I got, and its 10K, it also came complete with a 10k bump map and a 4k cloud filter/map whatever thats called.

At the time I just thought: "Wow, that's hot!", as obviously Mars would have to be much hotter for all that water to be free flowing like that. And I wondered how hard it was to stich together all those photographs taken by whatever Mars probe it was that took the pictures from orbit. :roll:

- SC

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