Code: Select all
"Gaspra" "Sol"
Class "asteroid"
Mesh "gaspra.3ds"
Texture "asteroid.jpg"
#Texture "gaspramosaic.jpg" #Phil Stooke
Color [ 0.52 0.47 0.42 ]
BlendTexture true
Radius 9.5
Epoch 2448559 #1991 Oct 29 - Galileo encounter
Period 3.2837 #average
SemiMajorAxis 2.2096348 #at epoch
Eccentricity 0.1738752 #at epoch
Inclination 4.0975771 #at epoch
AscendingNode 253.445592 #at epoch
ArgOfPericenter 129.045896 #at epoch
MeanAnomaly 280.769206 #at epoch
RotationPeriod 7.042073
EquatorAscendingNode 109.59
Obliquity 69.28
RotationOffset 238.865
Albedo 0.1
"Ida" "Sol"
Class "asteroid"
Mesh "ida.3ds"
#Mesh "ida2.3ds"
Texture "asteroid.jpg"
#Texture "idamosaic.jpg" #Phil Stooke
Radius 45
Epoch 2449228 #1993 Aug 28: Galileo encounter
Period 4.8417 #average
SemiMajorAxis 2.863731 #at epoch
Eccentricity 0.043109 #at epoch
Inclination 1.137110 #at epoch
AscendingNode 324.586055 #at epoch
ArgOfPericenter 113.017101 #at epoch
MeanAnomaly 131.594945 #at epoch
RotationPeriod -4.633632
EquatorAscendingNode 172.77
Obliquity 23.04
RotationOffset 0.54
Albedo 0.24
"Dactyl" "Sol/Ida"
#Data for Dactyl taken from:
#Petit et al.: The Long-Term Dynamics of Dactyl's Orbit
#(Icarus 1997: 130; 177-197)
InfoURL ""
Class "asteroid"
Texture "asteroid.jpg"
Mesh "roughsphere.cms"
Radius 0.7
Epoch 2449228.2028 #1993 Aug 28 16:52:05
Period -0.96534 #stable 5:1 resonant orbit (Petit et al.)
SemiMajorAxis 83.5 #stable 5:1 resonant orbit (Petit et al.)
Eccentricity 0.13 #stable 5:1 resonant orbit (Petit et al.)
LongOfPericenter 230 #stable pericenter at 90?E Ida longitude (Petit et al.)
AscendingNode 90 #VERY approximate - chosen to place Dactyl north
#of Ida's equator, as seen at time of Galileo encounter
Inclination 8 #estimated at 7-9 degrees (Petit et al.)
RotationPeriod -23.16816 #enforce synchronous rotation
RotationOffset 57 #place prime meridian facing Ida
Albedo 0.2
The Gaspra encounter took place on 29 Oct 1991, Ida on 28 Aug 1993.
The orbital data for Dactyl represent just one of many options compatible with the brief observation period - various resonant orbits are possible, and since they are non-chaotic (and so can be approximated with a simple ellipse) one of them seemed like a good choice for Celestia. I chose a 5:1 resonance with a pericentre over Ida's convex side (pericentres elsewhere are unstable); but some day I'll also model the other most likely resonance, at 9:2, with the pericentre alternating between the convex and the concave sides!
To see these at their best, you really need an Ida shape model that is correct - the Celestia version is mirror-reversed. I've made one called ida2.3ds available at, but it's a poor thing at present - I've been unable to export my original VRML model to Celestia with any smoothing, so Ida is horribly faceted. If anyone out there can load it into some modelling software and turn on automatic normals, please do so - and let me know so that we can replace the existing specimen!
Also zipped in with the shape model are a couple of public domain photomosaic maps by Phil Stooke - gaspramosaic.jpg and idamosaic.jpg - these look distinctly odd when laid on to the asteroids, since they are composed of a jigsaw of hires, lores and absent data. But if you then fly past with Galileo, suddenly the layout of the mapped areas makes sense.
Feedback gratefully received, as ever, and thanks as usual to Selden for providing the web space and his own time to put these files up.