[no bug] MARS & Rosetta ?

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[no bug] MARS & Rosetta ?

Post #1by symaski62 » 25.06.2008, 16:49

Ephemeris Type [change] : VECTORS
Target Body [change] : Mars [499]
Coordinate Origin [change] : Sun (body center) [500@10]
Time Span [change] : Start=2007-02-25 01:00, Stop=2007-02-25 02:00, Step=1 m
Table Settings [change] : output units=KM-S; quantities code=2
Display/Output [change] : default (formatted HTML)

rosetta [-226]
Rosetta.xyzv 25/05/2007 01:00 ? 25/02/2007 02:00 1 min

mars [499]
mars.xyzv 25/05/2007 01:00 ? 25/02/2007 02:00 1 min



Code: Select all

Radius 3396  # equatorial   2000
#Radius  3389.9 

SampledTrajectory { Source "mars.xyzv" }

CustomOrbit "vsop87-mars"


# Flybys:
# Earth : 2005-Mar-04 22:10 UTC (8340 km from center, ~1962 km altitude)
# Mars : 2007-Feb-25 (250 km altitude)
# Earth : 2007-Nov-13 20:57 UTC (11,678 km (center), alt=0.83 Earth-radii)
# 2867 Steins : 2008-Sep-05 (1700 km, 9 km/s)
# Earth : 2009-Nov-13 07:35 UTC (alt=2491 km, lat=-6.6 deg, long.=112.7 deg)
# 21 Lutetia : 2010-Jul-10 (3000 km, 15 km/s)

25/02/2007 01:44:17
Rosetta (YES xyzv) <= 260km => MARS (YES xyzv) Radius = 3389.9 km

25/02/2007 01:44:17
Rosetta (YES xyzv) <= 254km => MARS (YES xyzv) Radius = 3396 km

25/02/2007 01:44:02
Rosetta (YES xyzv) <= -56km => MARS (NO xyzv) Radius = 3389.9km "vsop87-mars"

25/02/2007 01:44:02
Rosetta (YES xyzv) <= -62km => MARS (NO xyzv) Radius = 3396 km "vsop87-mars"
windows 10 directX 12 version
celestia 1.7.0 64 bits
with a general handicap of 80% and it makes much d' efforts for the community and s' expimer, thank you d' to be understanding.

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Re: [no bug] MARS & Rosetta ?

Post #2by CAP-Team » 26.06.2008, 23:10

I found this too, when using spice kernels.
I was wondering whicht position isn't correct: Mars or Rosetta.
Same thing for the Earth flyby of Rosetta.
Windows 7 Ultimate x64, Intel Core i7 2600K 3.4 Ghz, 4 GB RAM, 120 GB SSD + 1 TB hdd, nVidia GTX460 1 GB, Celestia 1.6.0.xxxx
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Re: [no bug] MARS & Rosetta ?

Post #3by symaski62 » 27.06.2008, 09:35

CAP-Team wrote:I found this too, when using spice kernels.
I was wondering whicht position isn't correct: Mars or Rosetta.
Same thing for the Earth flyby of Rosetta.


help :| SSC

celestia 1.6.0.xxxx

windows 10 directX 12 version
celestia 1.7.0 64 bits
with a general handicap of 80% and it makes much d' efforts for the community and s' expimer, thank you d' to be understanding.

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Re: [no bug] MARS & Rosetta ?

Post #4by chris » 27.06.2008, 19:30

The VSOP87 theory isn't as accurate as the table-based calculations of planet positions like the JPL's DE 405 ephemeris and SPICE kernels. Also, Celestia isn't using the complete VSOP-87 series--terms below a certain threshold are dropped in order avoid extra calculation. But even these extra terms aren't adequate for space mission simulation: if you need more accuracy, use SPICE kernels or JPL ephemerides.


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Re: [no bug] MARS & Rosetta ?

Post #5by symaski62 » 28.06.2008, 10:19

windows 10 directX 12 version
celestia 1.7.0 64 bits
with a general handicap of 80% and it makes much d' efforts for the community and s' expimer, thank you d' to be understanding.

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Re: [no bug] MARS & Rosetta ?

Post #6by CAP-Team » 29.06.2008, 15:37

Hmm well ALL my solar system bodies use SPICE kernels for ephemeris, so this should be accurate, and still Rosetta flies through Mars and Earth ;)
Windows 7 Ultimate x64, Intel Core i7 2600K 3.4 Ghz, 4 GB RAM, 120 GB SSD + 1 TB hdd, nVidia GTX460 1 GB, Celestia 1.6.0.xxxx
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Re: [no bug] MARS & Rosetta ?

Post #7by chris » 30.06.2008, 15:24

CAP-Team wrote:Hmm well ALL my solar system bodies use SPICE kernels for ephemeris, so this should be accurate, and still Rosetta flies through Mars and Earth ;)

I guarantee you that this is not a Celestia bug. There's either something wrong in the Rosetta kernel, the solar system body kernels, or your configuration. What SPICE kernel are you using for planet positions?


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Re: [no bug] MARS & Rosetta ?

Post #8by CAP-Team » 01.07.2008, 22:03

I use the latest DE421 kernels
Windows 7 Ultimate x64, Intel Core i7 2600K 3.4 Ghz, 4 GB RAM, 120 GB SSD + 1 TB hdd, nVidia GTX460 1 GB, Celestia 1.6.0.xxxx
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Re: [no bug] MARS & Rosetta ?

Post #9by symaski62 » 02.07.2008, 00:33

CAP-Team wrote:I use the latest DE421 kernels

1900 ? 2050 DE421

windows 10 directX 12 version
celestia 1.7.0 64 bits
with a general handicap of 80% and it makes much d' efforts for the community and s' expimer, thank you d' to be understanding.

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Re: [no bug] MARS & Rosetta ?

Post #10by CAP-Team » 03.07.2008, 17:53

Windows 7 Ultimate x64, Intel Core i7 2600K 3.4 Ghz, 4 GB RAM, 120 GB SSD + 1 TB hdd, nVidia GTX460 1 GB, Celestia 1.6.0.xxxx
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Re: [no bug] MARS & Rosetta ?

Post #11by symaski62 » 04.07.2008, 03:12

25/02/2007 01:44:17
Rosetta (YES xyzv) <= 260km => MARS (SPICE DE405) Radius = 3389.9 km

25/02/2007 01:44:17
Rosetta (YES xyzv) <= 254km => MARS (SPICE DE405) Radius = 3396 km

25/02/2007 01:44:17
Rosetta (YES xyzv) <= 261km => MARS (SPICE DE421) Radius = 3389.9 km

25/02/2007 01:44:17
Rosetta (YES xyzv) <= 255km => MARS (SPICE DE421) Radius = 3396 km

Code: Select all

"Spice_Sun" "Sol"
      Kernel "de421.bsp"
      Target "SUN"
      Origin "SSB" 
     BoundingRadius 1e10

"Spice_mars" "sol"
   Color [0 1 0]
   Radius 3396
     Kernel "de421.bsp"
     Target "MARS"
     Origin "SUN" 
      BoundingRadius 1e10

windows 10 directX 12 version
celestia 1.7.0 64 bits
with a general handicap of 80% and it makes much d' efforts for the community and s' expimer, thank you d' to be understanding.

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