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Problem with the text(not in engl) appearing in the script

Posted: 03.05.2006, 09:45
by georgiouk
Hi to all celestians.
I am trying to create my own cel scripts
and I am having some difficulties
with the text .
When I put greek instead of english and
save the script as
ANSI the greek characters dont appear
When I save the script as utf8 and try to
run the script the following
message appears in my screen

Fatal Error
'{' expected at start of script

Any suggestions are welcome

Thanks a lot for your time.

Koula Georgiou

Posted: 03.05.2006, 10:41
by Fightspit
You have may forgotten the " { " at the start of the script but can you show me your script, please ?

Posted: 03.05.2006, 11:20
by georgiouk
This is my template script

#Written by:K.Georgiou
# on:03/05/2006
#The purpose of this script is to study the movements of the Earth (3)
#Set Celestia values (modify to meet your needs)...
#Render the following objects...
renderflags { set "cloudmaps|planets|stars"}

#Unmark all objects...
unmarkall {}

#set Field of View...
set {name "FOV" value 30.0 }

#Set Time Rate (1x, 100x, 1000x, etc.)...
timerate { rate 1.0}
# Script Body - Your code goes here...

#End of Script - Let the user know the script is done running...
print {text "The script has finished ?— ???

Posted: 03.05.2006, 12:31
by Vincent
Hi Georgiouk,

You can solve this issue by using Notepad 2 instead of the standard version of notepad.

You'll find more information here :


Posted: 03.05.2006, 12:42
by georgiouk
Many many thanks Vincent you have helped me a lot!
